UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 210795

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-210795
Company Puget Sound Energy
Filing Type Staff Investigation
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Nightingale, Joel (UTC)
Filed Date 10/15/2021
Effective Date N/A
Summary Petition requesting amendments to Orders 08 and 12 to reflect the extension of filing and reporting requirements the Company is requesting in Dockets UE-240433 and UG-240434.

Event History

  • 07/11/2024 -- Close (Disposition: Commissioner Rendahl moved to: 1. Enter an order approving PSE’s petition to extend the filing and reporting requirements for its Gas Integrated Resource Plan, Electric Integrated Resource Plan, Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP), and CEIP Public Participation Plan and requiring the Company to file an Integrated System Plan on a timeline determined in Docket U-240281, subject to the following condition: o PSE will accomplish the commitments it made in its June 27, 2024 “Supplemental Letter” including the engagement and timeline for the development and filing of its "Public Engagement Plan." 2. If the Commission approves PSE’s petition in Dockets UE-240433 and UE-240434, Staff recommends that it also: o Enter an order approving PSE’s petition to amend Orders 08 and 12 in Docket UE-210795. o Enter an order approving PSE’s petition to amend Section 68 of the Revenue Requirement Settlement of Order 24 in Docket UE-220066. Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 07/11/2024 -- Closed
  • 07/11/2024 -- Open Meeting
  • 06/27/2024 -- Re-open
  • 06/27/2024 -- Pending
  • 03/25/2024 -- Close (Commissioner Rendahl moved to enter an order approving Puget Sound Energy’s 2023 Biennial Clean Energy Implementation Plan Update subject to the following conditions: 1. Interim Targets: a. PSE will maintain the Interim Targets approved by the Commission in Order 08 of Docket UE-210795 for the remainder of this compliance period (i.e., 2022 – 43 percent of retail load served by renewable and nonemitting electric generation; 2023 – 53 percent; 2024 – 59 percent; 2025 – 63 percent). b. PSE will maintain the methodology of an annual series of interim targets for the current CEIP compliance period (i.e., one interim target for each of the four years of the compliance period). c. If PSE would need to purchase unreasonably costly energy to meet the 2025 Interim Targets, the Commission will consider this in determining whether the Company has complied with the Interim Targets for the first compliance period. 2. Deepest Need: PSE will set a minimum designation of energy benefits to customers in deepest need that is at least equal to that subset’s proportion of electric customers in the Company’s 2025 CEIP. PSE will continue to work with its advisory groups and other interested persons as appropriate to refine the definition of deepest need. If the Company finds that investments to meet this standard are not reasonable given costs or other considerations, the Commission will consider this as a factor when considering compliance at the end of the first compliance period. 3. Renewable Energy Specific Target: PSE will work with Staff to ensure that its expression of the Renewable Energy Specific Target in future CEIP filings aligns with the intent of Condition 5 for Order 08. This target should be cumulative (not incremental) and should reflect renewable energy (not all clean energy). Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 03/25/2024 -- Closed
  • 03/14/2024 -- Open Meeting (NOTE: This item will be heard on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.)
  • 04/19/2022 -- Formal
  • 10/15/2021 -- Pending
  • 10/15/2021 -- Open