UTC Recent Orders

Docket No. Company Case Industry Case Type ↓ Order Date ↓ Orders
200672 Puget Sound Energy
Electric Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Granting Less Than Statutory Notice; Allowing Tariff Revisions to Become Effective.
200398 Puget Sound Energy
Electric Petition 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Approving Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism Annual Report.
200594 Heft Inc.
Household Goods Carriers Permit 07/30/2020
Delegated Letter
Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG069282 Granting.
200541 Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
Solid Waste Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities and Allowing Recyclable Commodity Credit Adjustment; Granting Exemption From Rule.
200558 Fiorito Enterprises Inc. & Rabanco Companies
Solid Waste Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue and Allowing Recyclable Commodity Credit Adjustment.
Solid Waste Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue and Allowing Recyclable Commodity Credit Adjustment.
Solid Waste Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Authorizing Revenue Sharing for Recyclable Commodities Revenue and Allowing Recyclable Commodity Credit Adjustment.
200673 Puget Sound Energy
Natural Gas Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Granting Less Than Statutory Notice; Allowing Tariff Revisions to Become Effective.
200114 CenturyLink Communications LLC
Telecommunications Petition 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Approving Amendments to Interconnection Agreements.
200642 Sanitary Service Company, Inc.
Solid Waste Tariff Revision 07/30/2020
Final Order
Order 01, Granting Less Than Statutory Notice Request.
181052 Sunny Side Moving LLC
Household Goods Carriers Permit 07/29/2020
Delegated Letter
Sunny Side Moving LLC - Letter Granting Permanent Household Goods Authority and Permit HG068560.
180525 Utilities General - Economic Rulemaking 07/29/2020
Order - Final
General Order R-600, Order Amending and Adopting Rules Permanently.
200112 Puget Sound Energy
Natural Gas Tariff Revision 07/29/2020
Final Order
Order 04 Final Order Approving Settlement.
200204 Call Before You Dig Assessment (penalty) 07/28/2020
Assessment Order
Penalty Assessment Against Triple S Excavating in the Amount of $1,000 for Violation of RCW 19.122.030(2)
200203 Call Before You Dig Assessment (penalty) 07/28/2020
Assessment Order
Penalty Assessment Against Cascade Electrical, LLC, in the Amount of $1,000 for Violation of RCW 19.122.030(2).
200173 Call Before You Dig Assessment (penalty) 07/28/2020
Assessment Order
Penalty Assessment Against Modern Homes, LLC in the Amount of $6,000 for Violations of RCW 19.122.030.
200172 Call Before You Dig Assessment (penalty) 07/28/2020
Assessment Order
Penalty Assessment Against Mike Bach Drilling Co. in the Amount of $1,000 for Violation of RCW 19.122.030(2).
200580 MagikCorp
Household Goods Carriers Permit 07/23/2020
Delegated Letter
Letter Granting Temporary Authority, Subject to Conditions, Pending Decision on Permanent Authority and Permit THG-069269 Granting.
200675 Starlite Buses LLC
Charter and Excursion Bus Insurance Action 07/22/2020
Delegated Letter
Starlite Buses LLC - Cancel for Insurance.
200467 McClaine, Steven R.
Household Goods Carriers Permit 07/22/2020
Delegated Letter
Letter Granting Permanent Household Goods Authority.