941092 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for a declaratory order on office code assignment practices. |
941090 |
LECNet, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. LECNet, Inc., headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, offers long distance direct dial and alternate operator services. |
941087 |
Blue Mountain Railroad
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to install signasl and gates on Last Chance Road, Walla Walla, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6J25.90 and DOT Crossing No. 810106B. |
941086 |
Blue Mountain Railroad
Petition |
Closed |
11-09-1994 |
Railroad |
Petition to install signals and gates on Poplar Street, Walla Walla, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6F 45.90 and DOT Crossing No. 808487X. |
941085 |
Blue Mountain Railroad
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to install signals and gates on Tietan Street, Walla Walla, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6F 45.00 and DOT Crossing No. 808941G. |
941077 |
World Link Communications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
941074 |
Timberline Village Water Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Water |
LSN request to add commercial rates to Timberline Village Motel and Restaurant. |
941073 |
Rainier View Water Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Water |
Request to disburse funds collected under the conservation surcharge at Kopachuck Ridge. |
941071 |
SeaTel Communications
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. SeaTel Communications provides pay telephone service to the public. |
941064 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Petition |
Closed |
10-27-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval to adopt accounting standards under SFAS 112. |
941054 |
The Washington Water Power Company
Securities |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Application for an order authorizing the issuance of securities, assumption of obligations, and adoption of tariffs. |
941053 |
The Washington Water Power Company
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Application for an order authorizing the merger of the Washington Water Power Company, Sierra Pacific Power Company, and Sierra Pacific Resources into Resources West Energy Corporation. |
941052 |
RCI Long Distance, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
941045 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Motor Carrier - Intrastate |
LSN request to amend Tariff No. 4A, Item 566. |
941041 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request to decrease the Carrier Common Line Access Service High Cost Fund (HCF) rate. |
941040 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Motor Carrier - Intrastate |
Requests permission to file an individual tariff reflecting small package delivery. |
941037 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Contract |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request for thirty-six (36) month Special Contract, for U S WEST ISDN Primary Rate Service (PRS). |
941030 |
Touchtone Network, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Touchtone Network, Inc., headquartered in Miami, Florida, offers resold long distance service. |
941026 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 25, reflecting an annexation of a portion of Kent-Meridian's service area by the city of Kent and increasing city of Kent Utility tax. |
941025 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 23, reflecting an increase in the city of Kent Utility tax. |
941001 |
Marathon Communications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
941000 |
Shared Communications Services, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills, for the provision of a debit card service. |
940999 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 5, reflecting a decrease in Item 230, disposal fees from $79.35 per ton to $65.80 per ton at the Regional Disposal Company disposal site. |
940988 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Securities |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Application to issue promissory notes to and borrow from commercial banks for (a) not more than $500,000,000 under revolving credit agreements, and (b) not more than $750,000,000 under other borrowing arrangements; and (2) issue and sell its commercial paper in principal amounts not to exceed $750,000,000 outstanding at any one time. |
940985 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff 23, reflecting an Item 230 rate increase at the Rabanco Transfer Station. (Sea Tac) |
940984 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 25, reflecting an Item 230 increase in tipping fees at the Rabanco Transfer Station. |
940983 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 8, reflecting an Item 230 increase in tipping fees at the Rabanco Transfer Station. (Eastside) |
940972 |
TotalTel USA Communications, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
10-28-1998 |
Telecommunications |
Supplemental application of TotalTel, Inc., f/k/a TotalTel USA Communications, Inc., to amend registration authority and competitive classification to include local exchange services. |
940971 |
International Discount Telecommunications, Corp.
Registration |
Closed |
09-25-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Order rescinding requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments or deposit customer prepayments in escrow or trust account. |
940968 |
Burlington Northern: Northern Pacific Railway
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to install two automatic flashing light traffic control devices, shoulder mount type, with gates and train activation devices on Willows Run Access Road, Redmond, WA. DOT Crossing No. 91-905Y. |
940967 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
New Tariff No. 18, reflecting a general rate increase in Seattle commercial rates. |
940966 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
New Tariff No. 5, reflecting an increase in Sunset commercial and residential rates. Also an increase in residential recycling rates. |
940965 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
New Tariff No. 3, reflecting an increase in Skyway commercial and residential rates. Also an increase in residential recycling rates. Revenue impact of $44,000. |
940960 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
New Tariff Supplement No. 14, reflecting Item 230 changes in Seattle Public Utility Tax and Item 230 tipping fees. |
940956 |
Petition |
Closed |
12-20-1994 |
Commercial Ferries |
Petition for Cease and Desist Order. |
940952 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Reduces the rate for the Universal Service Fund (USF). |
940947 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Petition |
Closed |
09-14-1994 |
Electric |
Petition for an accounting order determining the proper manner for recording of net proceeds from Company sales of air emission allowances. |
940946 |
LiTel Telecommunications Corp.
Petition |
Closed |
08-10-1994 |
Telecommunications |
Petition to amend registration application to provide intrastate operator services. |
940944 |
Sanitary Service Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Revises Tariff No. 3, reflecting an increase in the city of Bellingham Utility Tax from 2.25 percent to 4.00 percent. |
940943 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Motor Carrier - Intrastate |
LSN Request to file Item 235 Tariff 18, adding provisions for over five axles or additional trailers. |
940939 |
Intellicall Operator Services, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills. |
940932 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
12-13-1995 |
Electric |
Examination of regulatory policies for energy companies in a competitive environment. |
940926 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Petition |
Closed |
01-25-1996 |
Telecommunications |
Petition to adopt and utilize the Equal Life Group (ELG) depreciation procedure. |
940923 |
Formal Complaint |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Compliance filing in Docket No. UT-940923, reducing rates. |
940914 |
Burton Water Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Water |
LSN request to add a Water System Facilities Charge from new customers. |
940910 |
MTC Acquisition Co.
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for transfer of property to be used to provide telecommunications services from Telephone and Data Systems, Inc., to MTC Acquisition Co. |
940909 |
MTC Acquisition Co.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. MTC Acquisition Co., headquartered in Salkum, Washington, is a local exchange telephone company. |
940906 |
Yelm Telephone Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition requesting a 30-day extension of time for filing under WAC 480-80-047(2), Annual Access Charge Updates. |
940905 |
Kalama Telephone Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition requesting an extension of time to August 1, 1994, for filing under WAC 480-80-047(2), Annual Access Charge Updates. |
940904 |
Tenino Telephone Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition requesting an extension of time to August 1, 1994, for filing under WAC 480-80-047(2), Annual Access Charge Updates. |