Displaying 34101 - 34150 of 34984
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
941092 U S WEST Communications, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for a declaratory order on office code assignment practices.
941090 LECNet, Inc. Registration Closed n/a Telecommunications Application for registration as a telecommunications company. LECNet, Inc., headquartered in Jackson, Mississippi, offers long distance direct dial and alternate operator services.
941087 Blue Mountain Railroad Petition Closed n/a Railroad Petition to install signasl and gates on Last Chance Road, Walla Walla, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6J25.90 and DOT Crossing No. 810106B.
941086 Blue Mountain Railroad Petition Closed 11-09-1994 Railroad Petition to install signals and gates on Poplar Street, Walla Walla, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6F 45.90 and DOT Crossing No. 808487X.
941085 Blue Mountain Railroad Petition Closed n/a Railroad Petition to install signals and gates on Tietan Street, Walla Walla, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6F 45.00 and DOT Crossing No. 808941G.
941077 World Link Communications, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company.
941074 Timberline Village Water Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water LSN request to add commercial rates to Timberline Village Motel and Restaurant.
941073 Rainier View Water Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Request to disburse funds collected under the conservation surcharge at Kopachuck Ridge.
941071 SeaTel Communications Registration Closed n/a Telecommunications Application for registration as a telecommunications company. SeaTel Communications provides pay telephone service to the public.
941064 GTE Northwest Incorporated Petition Closed 10-27-1999 Telecommunications Petition for approval to adopt accounting standards under SFAS 112.
941054 The Washington Water Power Company Securities Closed n/a Electric Application for an order authorizing the issuance of securities, assumption of obligations, and adoption of tariffs.
941053 The Washington Water Power Company Transfer of Property Closed n/a Electric Application for an order authorizing the merger of the Washington Water Power Company, Sierra Pacific Power Company, and Sierra Pacific Resources into Resources West Energy Corporation.
941052 RCI Long Distance, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company.
941045 ART NORDANG TRUCKING INC Petition Closed n/a Motor Carrier - Intrastate LSN request to amend Tariff No. 4A, Item 566.
941041 GTE Northwest Incorporated Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications LSN request to decrease the Carrier Common Line Access Service High Cost Fund (HCF) rate.
941040 SGF, INC. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Motor Carrier - Intrastate Requests permission to file an individual tariff reflecting small package delivery.
941037 U S WEST Communications, Inc. Contract Closed n/a Telecommunications LSN request for thirty-six (36) month Special Contract, for U S WEST ISDN Primary Rate Service (PRS).
941030 Touchtone Network, Inc. Registration Closed n/a Telecommunications Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Touchtone Network, Inc., headquartered in Miami, Florida, offers resold long distance service.
941026 FIORITO ENTERPRISES INC & RABANCO COMPANIES Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste LSN request to revise Tariff No. 25, reflecting an annexation of a portion of Kent-Meridian's service area by the city of Kent and increasing city of Kent Utility tax.
941025 SEATTLE DISPOSAL CO. Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste LSN request to revise Tariff No. 23, reflecting an increase in the city of Kent Utility tax.
941001 Marathon Communications, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company.
941000 Shared Communications Services, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills, for the provision of a debit card service.
940999 R M HALFFMAN INC Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste LSN request to revise Tariff No. 5, reflecting a decrease in Item 230, disposal fees from $79.35 per ton to $65.80 per ton at the Regional Disposal Company disposal site.
940988 Pacific Power & Light Company Securities Closed n/a Electric Application to issue promissory notes to and borrow from commercial banks for (a) not more than $500,000,000 under revolving credit agreements, and (b) not more than $750,000,000 under other borrowing arrangements; and (2) issue and sell its commercial paper in principal amounts not to exceed $750,000,000 outstanding at any one time.
940985 SEATTLE DISPOSAL CO. Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste LSN request to revise Tariff 23, reflecting an Item 230 rate increase at the Rabanco Transfer Station. (Sea Tac)
940984 FIORITO ENTERPRISES INC & RABANCO COMPANIES Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste LSN request to revise Tariff No. 25, reflecting an Item 230 increase in tipping fees at the Rabanco Transfer Station.
940983 SEATTLE DISPOSAL CO. Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste LSN request to revise Tariff No. 8, reflecting an Item 230 increase in tipping fees at the Rabanco Transfer Station. (Eastside)
940972 TotalTel USA Communications, Inc. Registration Closed 10-28-1998 Telecommunications Supplemental application of TotalTel, Inc., f/k/a TotalTel USA Communications, Inc., to amend registration authority and competitive classification to include local exchange services.
940971 International Discount Telecommunications, Corp. Registration Closed 09-25-2002 Telecommunications Order rescinding requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments or deposit customer prepayments in escrow or trust account.
940968 Burlington Northern: Northern Pacific Railway Petition Closed n/a Railroad Petition to install two automatic flashing light traffic control devices, shoulder mount type, with gates and train activation devices on Willows Run Access Road, Redmond, WA. DOT Crossing No. 91-905Y.
940967 WASHINGTON WASTE HAULING & RECYCLING INC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste New Tariff No. 18, reflecting a general rate increase in Seattle commercial rates.
940966 WASHINGTON WASTE HAULING & RECYCLING INC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste New Tariff No. 5, reflecting an increase in Sunset commercial and residential rates. Also an increase in residential recycling rates.
940965 WASHINGTON WASTE HAULING & RECYCLING INC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste New Tariff No. 3, reflecting an increase in Skyway commercial and residential rates. Also an increase in residential recycling rates. Revenue impact of $44,000.
940960 R M HALFFMAN INC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste New Tariff Supplement No. 14, reflecting Item 230 changes in Seattle Public Utility Tax and Item 230 tipping fees.
940956 SAN JUAN EXPRESS, INC. Petition Closed 12-20-1994 Commercial Ferries Petition for Cease and Desist Order.
940952 U S WEST Communications, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Reduces the rate for the Universal Service Fund (USF).
940947 Pacific Power & Light Company Petition Closed 09-14-1994 Electric Petition for an accounting order determining the proper manner for recording of net proceeds from Company sales of air emission allowances.
940946 LiTel Telecommunications Corp. Petition Closed 08-10-1994 Telecommunications Petition to amend registration application to provide intrastate operator services.
940944 Sanitary Service Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Revises Tariff No. 3, reflecting an increase in the city of Bellingham Utility Tax from 2.25 percent to 4.00 percent.
940943 BAILEY, EMMETT D. & BROADHEAD, MICHAEL J. Petition Closed n/a Motor Carrier - Intrastate LSN Request to file Item 235 Tariff 18, adding provisions for over five axles or additional trailers.
940939 Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills.
940932 Rulemaking Closed 12-13-1995 Electric Examination of regulatory policies for energy companies in a competitive environment.
940926 GTE Northwest Incorporated Petition Closed 01-25-1996 Telecommunications Petition to adopt and utilize the Equal Life Group (ELG) depreciation procedure.
940923 Formal Complaint Closed n/a Telecommunications Compliance filing in Docket No. UT-940923, reducing rates.
940914 Burton Water Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water LSN request to add a Water System Facilities Charge from new customers.
940910 MTC Acquisition Co. Transfer of Property Closed n/a Telecommunications Application for transfer of property to be used to provide telecommunications services from Telephone and Data Systems, Inc., to MTC Acquisition Co.
940909 MTC Acquisition Co. Registration Closed n/a Telecommunications Application for registration as a telecommunications company. MTC Acquisition Co., headquartered in Salkum, Washington, is a local exchange telephone company.
940906 Yelm Telephone Company Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition requesting a 30-day extension of time for filing under WAC 480-80-047(2), Annual Access Charge Updates.
940905 Kalama Telephone Company Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition requesting an extension of time to August 1, 1994, for filing under WAC 480-80-047(2), Annual Access Charge Updates.
940904 Tenino Telephone Company Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition requesting an extension of time to August 1, 1994, for filing under WAC 480-80-047(2), Annual Access Charge Updates.