Docket | Company Name(s) | Type | Status | Last Order | Industry | Description | |
250152 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Petition for Accounting Order | Formal | n/a | Natural Gas | Petition for an accounting order requesting to defer costs and reveues associated with the environmental remediation related to a former manufactured gas site in Yakima, Washington. | |
250151 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Petition for Accounting Order | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Petition for an Accounting Order requesting to defer costs associated with tariffs imposed on Canadian energy imports. | |
250150 | Avista Corporation | Request for Proposal | Pending | n/a | Electric | 2025 All-Source Request for Proposals. | |
250149 | City of Prosser | Certificate | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | Annexation notice for City of Prosser. | |
250148 | Mark Doubravsky Trucking, Inc. | Insurance Action | Closed | 03-06-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Insurance Cancelation. | |
250147 | Puget Sound Energy | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Quarterly Reports for the Period Ending December 31, 2024, pursuant to WAC 480-90-275 and 480-100-275. | |
250146 | Puget Sound Energy | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Electric | Quarterly Reports for the Period Ending December 31, 2024, pursuant to WAC 480-90-275 and 480-100-275. | |
250145 | Sound Moving NW LLC | Assessment (penalty) | Pending | n/a | Household Goods Carriers | Staff Investigation to Determine if Company is in Violation of WAC 480-15-560 Equipment and Safety Requirements. | |
250144 | BNSF Railway Co.; Union Pacific Railroad Company | Petition for Exemption | Pending | n/a | Oil By Rail | Commission staff's petition for exemption from the provisions of WAC 480-62-270(2) relating to safety standards at private crossings. | |
250143 | PacifiCorp | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff No. WN U-76 to make changes to Schedule 106, in line with PacifiCorp’s petition to amend Order 02 in Docket UE-220848. |
250142 | Brar, Bhupinder Singh | Certificate | Pending | n/a | Charter and Excursion Bus | Reinstatement Application for CH065072. | |
250141 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | 2024 Fourth Quarter Operations Report, pursuant to WAC 480-90-275. | |
250140 | Labyrinth IT, LLC | Registration | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. | |
250139 | SQF, LLC | Registration | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. | |
250138 | Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. | Cessation of Service | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State. | |
250137 | Lion Movers LLC | Assessment (penalty) | Formal | n/a | Household Goods Carriers | Staff Investigation to Determine if Company is in Violation of WAC 480-15-560 Equipment and Safety Requirements. | |
250136 | Puget Sound Energy | Petition for Accounting Order | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment of Puget Sound Energy’s Costs for its Natural Gas Business associated with the United States Tariffs on Energy Imports from Canada. |
250135 | Puget Sound Energy | Petition for Accounting Order | Pending | n/a | Electric | Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment of Puget Sound Energy’s Costs for its Electric Business associated with the United States Tariffs on Energy Imports from Canada. | |
250133 | Avista Corporation | Petition for Accounting Order | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Petition For an Order Authorizing Deferral of Tariffs Imposed on Imports of Energy Resources from Canada not Otherwise Tracked in Existing Deferral Mechanisms. | |
250132 | Avista Corporation | Petition for Accounting Order | Pending | n/a | Electric | Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferral of Tariffs Imposed on Imports of Energy Resources from Canada, not Otherwise Tracked in Existing Deferral Mechanisms. | |
250131 | Global Crossing Local Services, Inc.; Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. | Cessation of Service | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State. | |
250127 | CHS, Inc. | Petition for Exemption | Pending | n/a | Railroad | Petition for Exemption from Commission rules related to railroad companies - clearances (WAC 480-60). | |
250126 | PacifiCorp | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Electric | 2025 Construction and Operations and Maintenance Budget Report, pursuant to WAC 480-140-040. | |
250125 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | In accordance with WAC 480-143-190, 2024 Annual filing of property transferred without authorization. | |
250124 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-2 to implement changes to rates under the conservation rider mechanism. | |
250123 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60 to implement changes to rates under the conservation rider mechanism. |
250122 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | 2025 Fiscal Year Budget pursuant to WAC 480-140-030 and WAC 480-140-040. | |
250121 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Annual Filing of Property Transferred Without Authorization for 2024 pursuant to WAC 480-143-190. | |
250120 | Let It Go Movers LLC | Insurance Action | Pending | 02-28-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Cancel permit for insufficient insurance. | |
250119 | People Movers LLC | Insurance Action | Pending | 02-28-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Cancel permit for insufficient insurance. | |
250118 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60 to implement changes to Schedule 62 rates resulting from PSE’s most recent General Rate Case (“GRC”) under the consolidated Dockets UE-240004 and UG- 240005. |
250117 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-2, Rule No. 28: Income Tax Rider - Contributions in Aid of Construction to reflect the Company's newly authorized rate of return and capital structure as approved in Order 09/07 of consolidated Dockets UE-240004, UG-240005, and UE-230810 on January 15, 2025. |
250116 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 87 Income Tax Rider Contributions in Aid of Construction to reflect the Company's newly authorized rate of return and capital structure as approved in Order 09/07 of consolidated Dockets UE-240004, UG-240005, and UE-230810 on January 15, 2025. | |
250115 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-2 to revise natural gas Rule No. 6 Extension of Distribution Facilities to elucidate that customer payments toward the modification of existing facilities or the maintenance of dedicated facility(s) are subject to the Washington State Public Utility Tax per RCW 82.16.020(1)(c). |
250114 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60 to propose changes to Schedule 85 that update standard line extension charges, transformation costs, and margin amounts; and incorporates one tariff language revision. |
250113 | PacifiCorp | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Electric | Property Disclosure Report pursuant to WAC 480-143-190. | |
250112 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | 2025 Gas Budget of Expenditures, pursuant to WAC 480-140. | |
250111 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Electric | 2025 Electric Budget of Expenditures, pursuant to WAC 480-140. | |
250109 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-2 Natural Gas Schedule 1 Tax Adjustment to reflect a municipal tax increase by the City of Lakewood of six percent per Lakewood Ordinance 816; and the City of Puyallup of six percent per Puyallup Ordinance 3306; and update the bad debt expense percentage used when calculating the effective tax rate, where applicable, to what was approved in PSE’s 2024 general rate case. | |
250108 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60 Electric Schedule 81 Tax Adjustment to reflect municipal tax increases imposed on Puget Sound Energy by the City of Lakewood of six percent per Lakewood Ordinance 816; and the City of Puyallup six percent per Puyallup Ordinance 3306; and update the bad debt expense percentage used when calculating the effective tax rate, where applicable, to what was approved in PSE’s 2024 general rate case. . | |
250107 | Stericycle of Washington Inc. | Petition for Exemption | Pending | n/a | Solid Waste | Petition for exemption from WAC 480-70-071, Reporting Requirements, regarding extension of time to file annual report. | |
250106 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Electric | Monthly Operating Reports for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2024 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275. | |
250105 | Rainy Side Movers LLC; Here2There, Inc. | Application for Transfer | Pending | n/a | Household Goods Carriers | Transfer application for full household goods permit. | |
250104 | East Side Improvement Co., Inc. | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Water | Proposed general rate increase that, as originally filed, would generate approximately $41,200 (69.4 percent) additional annual revenue. The Company provides domestic and irrigation water service to approximately 44 customers in Kittitas County. The Company’s last general rate case became effective September 1, 2022. | |
250103 | Whidbey Telephone Company | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Revises Tariff No. WN U-5 to modify and clarify the conditions under which a credit and/or waiver of service installation charges is available. | |
250102 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Pending | n/a | Water | Contract between the Company and one customer to complete the tap and extension of the water main on Mountain Hwy E and install 1 hydrant. This site is in Pierce County, which is serviced by Southwood Water System. | |
250101 | Sound Disposal Holdings | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for Tariff revisions for a $____ increase/decrease (credit increase/decrease from $___ to $___) per month for residential recycling customers and $____ increase/decrease from $___to $___) per yard/month for multi-family recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 1,750 residential and 550 multi-family recycling customers in the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County. | |
250100 | Ardent Wireless LLC | Registration | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. | |
250099 | Rubatino Refuse Removal LLC | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for tariff revisions that would generate approximately $31,600 (.10 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Cedar Grove Composting. On April 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $85.25 per ton to $88.33 per ton at the Cedar Grove Composting facility. The Cedar Grove transfer station will charge $83.77 for the disposal fee and add an additional $4.56 (5.44 percent) for a fuel surcharge bringing the total disposal fee to $88.33. The company serves approximately 28,000 yard-waste customers in Snohomish County. The company is also requesting to add the Independence Day holiday to its Item 60 in the tariff. The company's last general rate increase became effective on December 1, 2021. | |
250098 | Backcountry Travels LLC | Application for Transfer | Pending | n/a | Commercial Ferries | Transfer Full |
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