991991 |
MCI Telecommunications Corporation
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
08-04-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Joint application of the merger of MCI WorldCom, Inc., and Sprint Corporation's Washington operating subsidiaries. |
991988 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Natural Gas |
Less than statutory notice request to update the weighted average cost of gas due to pipeline and gas suppliers' charges, and update gas refund/charge rates for purchase gas cost timing differences, revenues received from capacity releases, and other miscellaneous revenues. Estimated annual revenue increase is 16.22 percent or $12,132,000. |
991987 |
Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad
Petition |
Closed |
03-10-2000 |
Railroad |
Petition to upgrade grade crossing surface at McGregor's, Palouse, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 36D 59.50, DOT Crossing No. 66183E 36B. |
991986 |
Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad
Petition |
Closed |
03-10-2000 |
Railroad |
Petition to upgrade grade crossing surface at Bridge St., Palouse, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 36A.15, DOT Crossing No. 857869B 14A. |
991982 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Contract |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Less than statutory notice request for twelve (12) month contract for DS-1 Service. |
991972 |
BCGI Communications Corp.
Petition |
Closed |
09-25-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Order rescinding requirement to submit annual reporting on prepayments collected from customers. |
991962 |
American Fiber Network, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
05-10-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991956 |
BroadBand Office Communications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
08-09-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Supplemental application to amend registration and competitive classification to include the collection of deposits and advance payments. |
991953 |
CapRock Telecommunications Corp.
Petition |
Closed |
05-10-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991948 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 8.5 (Pierce County Refuse), reflecting the addition of rates for monthly automated 65- and 95-gallon toter service and the transfer of automated rates from Item 130 to Item 100. |
991947 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 10, reflecting the addition of a monthly rate for a residential 95-gallon toter and a weekly 20-gallon mini-can. |
991943 |
American Water Resources, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add Y2K language to the Company's tariff. |
991942 |
Paramount International Telecommunications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
01-12-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991934 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 18 (Waste Management of Seattle), reflecting a general rate increase to offset city of Seattle increased taxes and disposal fees ($137,168 - 1.03 percent). |
991933 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Seattle Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138 (5), relating to payphone service, and for an order directing restriction of payphone service. |
991932 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Electric |
Less than statutory notice request to reflect the rate which the Company will pay for power generated and supplied to it under the provision of Schedule 91, Cogeneration and Small Power Production, for the period of January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2000. |
991931 |
Petition |
Closed |
08-15-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Barbara Brady, to request a boundary change of GTE Northwest Incorporated, to include telephone service to several residences along SR 97, Chelan, Washington. |
991930 |
Petition |
Closed |
08-15-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Mount St. Helens Tours, Inc., to request the need for telephone service to unserved areas along SR 504, and to name a common carrier of service. |
991929 |
NetworkIP, LLC.
Petition |
Closed |
08-14-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments or deposit customer prepayments in escrow or trust account. |
991928 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
08-09-2000 |
Utilities General - Economic |
Staff recommendation for adoption of a Proposed Rulemaking, revisions to WAC 480-80-335, Utilities General - Tariffs - Special Contracts for Electric, Water, and Natural Gas Utilities. |
991924 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 15 (Rural Skagit Sanitation), reflecting a decrease in the disposal fee at the Skagit County Recycling and Transfer Station, and rescinds a temporary rebate (-$383,500 - 11.9 percent reduction on affected traffic). |
991923 |
Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Petition |
Closed |
06-28-2000 |
Natural Gas |
Petition for an Accounting Order, reflecting new depreciation rates. |
991922 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
05-20-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Staff request to adopt rules relating to registration, competitive classification, and price lists of telecommunications companies. |
991921 |
Kayak Point Water Co., Inc.
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
07-31-2000 |
Water |
Application to transfer the water system of Kayak Point Water Co., Inc., to Kayak Estates Water, LLC. |
991918 |
Puget Sound Energy
Petition |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Electric |
Petition for an order regarding the accounting treatment for the assignment of a Gas Purchase Agreement from Cabot Oil & Gas Marketing Corporation. |
991917 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Formal Complaint |
Closed |
05-04-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Complaint filed by William 'Gene' Vehlewald against U S WEST Communications, Inc., regarding payphone rule violations. |
991915 |
Pattison Water Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991914 |
One Tel, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991913 |
Rosario Utilities, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
01-13-2000 |
Water |
Adds a new Water System Facilities Charge, and Capital Improvement Surcharge of $22 per month or a one time total charge of $1,427, in order to recover the cost of a new water treatment plant. The surcharge is scheduled to expire January 15, 2007, or upon recovery of $1,000,000. |
991912 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 2 (Waste Management of Spokane), reflecting the increase in disposal fees from $45 to $65 per ton at the Stevens County Transfer Station ($30,269 - 10.7 percent on affected customers). |
991911 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 3, reflecting the increase in disposal fees to $42 per ton at the Stevens County Landfill and $65 per ton at the Stevens County Transfer Station. |
991904 |
South Bainbridge Water System, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991903 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 5 (Issaquah Division), reflecting a change in the expiration date for current commodity price adjustment. |
991902 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 14 (Maltby Division), reflecting a change in the expiration date for the current commodity price adjustment. |
991896 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-22-1999 |
Electric |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Schedule 150, to reflect customer-generators will no longer be required to maintain commercial general liability insurance, but instead will be required to maintain applicable liability insurance. Also revises attachment to Schedule 150, the Net Metering Agreement. |
991890 |
Metrocall, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
04-26-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991888 |
H & R Waterworks, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991887 |
Tall Timber Water Systems, LLC
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991886 |
Quail Run Water Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991885 |
Meadows Water System, L.L.C.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991881 |
NetLojix Telecom, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991878 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Mr. and Mrs. W. Neil Thompson for a boundary change, and request to be included within U S WEST Communication's service territory (Northport and Kettle Falls exchanges), pursuant to RCW 80.36.230. |
991863 |
Harbor Springs Water Co., Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
02-29-2000 |
Water |
Withdrawal of general rate increase of $38,900.00. The proposed monthly flat rate would increase from $29.00 to $60.40 or approximately 108 percent. |
991858 |
Petition |
Closed |
10-25-2000 |
Solid Waste |
Makes temporary deferred recycle credits permanent. |
991857 |
Petition |
Closed |
10-25-2000 |
Solid Waste |
Makes temporary deferred recycle credits permanent. |
991856 |
Petition |
Closed |
10-25-2000 |
Solid Waste |
Makes temporary deferred recycle credits permanent. |
991842 |
Compass Telecommunications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
04-26-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991834 |
National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Petition |
Closed |
11-30-1999 |
Railroad |
In the Matter of the Petition of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation for a temporary increase in train speed limits in Edmonds, Mukilteo, Mt. Vernon, Ferndale, and Blaine. |
991832 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
07-15-2003 |
Electric |
General rate increase of 8.10 percent or $14.6 million (Year 1), and increase of 5.73 percent or $11.2 million (Year 2). Total proposed increase over two years is $25.8 million. |
991826 |
Global Time, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, price list, and request for waiver of bond/trust requirement. |