991887 |
Tall Timber Water Systems, LLC
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991886 |
Quail Run Water Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991885 |
Meadows Water System, L.L.C.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Less than statutory notice request to add language on limitations of liability to the Company's tariff, including Y2K language. |
991881 |
NetLojix Telecom, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991878 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Mr. and Mrs. W. Neil Thompson for a boundary change, and request to be included within U S WEST Communication's service territory (Northport and Kettle Falls exchanges), pursuant to RCW 80.36.230. |
991863 |
Harbor Springs Water Co., Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
02-29-2000 |
Water |
Withdrawal of general rate increase of $38,900.00. The proposed monthly flat rate would increase from $29.00 to $60.40 or approximately 108 percent. |
991858 |
Petition |
Closed |
10-25-2000 |
Solid Waste |
Makes temporary deferred recycle credits permanent. |
991857 |
Petition |
Closed |
10-25-2000 |
Solid Waste |
Makes temporary deferred recycle credits permanent. |
991856 |
Petition |
Closed |
10-25-2000 |
Solid Waste |
Makes temporary deferred recycle credits permanent. |
991842 |
Compass Telecommunications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
04-26-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991834 |
National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Petition |
Closed |
11-30-1999 |
Railroad |
In the Matter of the Petition of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation for a temporary increase in train speed limits in Edmonds, Mukilteo, Mt. Vernon, Ferndale, and Blaine. |
991832 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
07-15-2003 |
Electric |
General rate increase of 8.10 percent or $14.6 million (Year 1), and increase of 5.73 percent or $11.2 million (Year 2). Total proposed increase over two years is $25.8 million. |
991826 |
Global Time, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, price list, and request for waiver of bond/trust requirement. |
991801 |
Mirrormont Services, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-29-1999 |
Water |
Adds a new Water System Plan surcharge of $.50 a month. The surcharge is scheduled to expire on January 1, 2005. |
991798 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Yakima Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138 (5), relating to payphone service, and for an order directing restriction of payphone service. |
991796 |
Puget Sound Energy
Petition |
Closed |
02-23-2000 |
Electric |
Petition for an order regarding the accounting treatment for costs of its electric Environmental Remediation Program. |
991779 |
Puget Sound Energy
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
08-15-2000 |
Electric |
Presentation of stipulation requesting an order approving a corporate reorganization to create a holding company, Puget Energy, Inc. |
991778 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-30-1999 |
Natural Gas |
Less than statutory notice request to incorporate the reduction adjustment necessary for Schedule 16, to reflect the revision to the Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA). |
991746 |
Pend Oreille Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-15-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Introduces promotion to waive the Service Order and Line Connection charges on second line orders. |
991745 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Securities |
Closed |
12-08-1999 |
Electric |
Application for an order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040, with respect to its proposal to (1) issue and sell or exchange not more than $1,600,000,000 of debt, (2) enter into credit support arrangements, (3) enter into currency exchanges, and (4) contribute or sell additional debt to special purpose entities. |
991741 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Contract |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Less than statutory notice request for thirty six (36) month special contract for OC3 Intrastate Service. |
991738 |
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Penalty assessment against Pacific Coin, RE: three (3) violations of WAC 480-120-138, and one (1) violation of WAC 480-120-141 - pay phones. (Pay phone number 360-658-4669) |
991737 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
12-15-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Staff request for adoption of rule regarding revisions to WAC 480-120-071, 'Extension of Service.' |
991736 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Contract |
Closed |
11-15-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Less than statutory notice request for five (5) year contract for OC-12 Service. |
991684 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-15-1999 |
Natural Gas |
Less than statutory notice request, reflecting a new tax rate of 6.0 percent for the cities of Lakewood and Newcastle. Increases the tax rate from 1.5 percent to 6.0 percent for the city of Kenmore. Estimated annual revenue increase is $85,640. within Newcastle, $126,438, within Lakewood, and $93,813, within Kenmore. |
991683 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-15-1999 |
Electric |
Less than statutory notice request, reflecting a new tax rate of 6.0 percent for the cities of Lakewood, Normandy Park, and Newcastle. Increases the tax rate from 1.5 percent to 6.0 percent for the city of Kenmore. Estimated annual revenue increase is $154,385, within Newcastle, $145,713, within Normandy Park, $418,045, within Lakewood, and $307,000, within Kenmore. |
991680 |
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Penalty assessment against Northwest Paytele Communications, Inc., RE: Violations of WAC 480-120-138(4)(a), (c), (e), (h), (i), (j); 480-120-138(7); 480-120-141(2)(a)(i),(4)(a). (Pay phone telephone number 360-289-8810) |
991679 |
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Penalty assessment against Northwest Paytele Communications, Inc., RE: Violations of WAC 480-120-138(4)(c),(e), (i), (j), and 480-120-138(7)- pay phones. (Pay phone number 360-733-8257) |
991674 |
ProTel Advantage, Inc.
Price List |
Closed |
11-08-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Initial price list. |
991667 |
Black Rock Cable, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-30-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991641 |
CTI Long Distance, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-15-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991634 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
08-23-2000 |
Water |
Staff request for adoption of rule regarding the question of jurisdiction of the Commission over owners of multiple unit complexes and mobile-home parks who impose charges for water on tenants. |
991633 |
The Northwest Railway Museum
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to rebuild Bendigo Street Crossing, Snoqualmie, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 29A 35.90 A, DOT Crossing No. 092040 A. |
991627 |
Washington Exchange Carrier Association
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
12-10-2003 |
Telecommunications |
Expanded Number Pooling Requirements for the Eastern Washington 509 NPA. |
991625 |
Telemanagement Services, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
01-26-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991612 |
BG Enterprises, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
09-11-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer advance payments or deposit customer advance payments in escrow or trust account. |
991607 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-09-2000 |
Natural Gas |
General rate increase of approximately $4.9 million, on an annual basis, or 6.5 percent. |
991606 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-28-2000 |
Electric |
General rate increase of approximately $26.3 million, on an annual basis, or 10.4 percent. |
991603 |
Thomas Water Service, Inc.
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
11-30-1999 |
Water |
Application to transfer the stock of Thomas Water Service, Inc., from The Estate of Thomas McDermott and Marjon McDermott, to Byron W. and Alice L. Lockwood Foundation. |
991602 |
PT-1 Long Distance, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-15-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
991587 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 6, reflecting the addition of a separate classification of disposal fee for CDL and Industrial waste. |
991584 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 24, reflecting the utility tax rate in the city of Normandy Park. Approximate increase to SeaTac Disposal's annual revenue and expense of $33,800 (6.4 percent). |
991582 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
06-28-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Joint application to transfer certain assets in Clarkston, Washington, of U S WEST Communications, Inc., to Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho. |
991581 |
Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho
Registration |
Closed |
06-28-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company, and request for waiver of WAC 480-121-010, competitive classification requirements. |
991580 |
Advanced TelCom Group, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-16-1999 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-540, Terminating Access Charges. |
991575 |
Computers 5*, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
08-14-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments or deposit customer prepayments in escrow or trust account. |
991573 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Inquiry and request for comment regarding whether it is necessary to impose a similar but competitively-neutral obligation on carriers to ensure that all customers of the state have access to toll services at affordable rates. |
991569 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 18, reflecting an increase in the commodity credits for residential and multi-family recycle customers. |
991568 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 4, reflecting an increase in the commodity credits for residential and multi-family recycle customers. |
991563 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Notice of intent to consider revisions to WAC 480-120-139, regarding 'Cramming' issues. |