960143 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request to change the name of ISDN-Single Line Services to Digital (ISDN) Single Line Services and restructure the service by adding various options to the basic structure. Also increases the monthly rate for the Data 1000 and Data 2000 options. Estimated revenue decrease is $25,901.28. |
960133 |
Puget Sound Power & Light Company
Securities |
Closed |
02-14-1996 |
Electric |
Application for an order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040, with respect to the issuance of short-term borrowings not to aggregate more than $250,000,000 at any one time. |
960129 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 23, reflecting an increased City Utility tax in the city of Kent (Sea-Tac Disposal). |
960128 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 25, reflecting an increased City Utility tax in the city of Kent (Kent-Meridian Disposal Company). |
960126 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-26-1996 |
Telecommunications |
Grandfathers the Company's Centrex Plus Service offering. |
960125 |
Regulatory Fees |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Establishes 1996 regulatory fee for solid waste companies. |
960117 |
Ocean Park Water Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
05-08-1996 |
Water |
Withdrawal of general rate increase of $100,000. |
960116 |
Americom Technologies, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
960113 |
Global Telecom, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Global Telecom, Inc., headquartered in Lacey, Washington, is a long distance reseller providing debit card services. |
960111 |
LCI International Telecom Corp.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition to amend competitive classification to include alternate operator services as a competitive service and for waiver of certain regulatory requirements. |
960107 |
Pend Oreille Telephone Company
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for an order approving transfer of certain GTE Northwest Incorporated telecommunications property to Pend Oreille Telephone Company. |
960106 |
Burlington Northern: Northern Pacific Railway
Petition |
Closed |
05-01-1996 |
Railroad |
Petition for an upgraded system with automatic gates to accommodate road widening at Barksdale Avenue, DuPont, Washington, WUTC Crossing No. 1L7.40, DOT Crossing No. 85836E. |
960101 |
Pend Oreille Telephone Company
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Pend Oreille Telephone Company, Inc., headquartered in Glenns Ferry, Idaho, proposes to offer telecommunication services as the incumbent local exchange company in the Ione, Cusick, and Metaline Falls exchanges. |
960094 |
Union Pacific Railroad Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Rearranges existing flashing lights with gates and installs a new concrete surface on N. Edison Street, Kennewick, Washington, WUTC Crossing No. 6H 17.00, DOT Crossing No. 808968R. |
960086 |
Pentzer Development Corporation
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
02-23-1996 |
Water |
Request of Pentzer Development Corporation for approval of the transfer of the water system associated with the Spokane Industrial Park to Crown West Realty, L.L.C. |
960085 |
GTE Northwest Incorporated
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application to transfer property of GTE Northwest Incorporated to Pend Oreille Telephone Company, Inc., and Rural Telephone Company, Inc. |
960084 |
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. ATHENA INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, is a long distance reseller providing debit card services. |
960081 |
Burlington Northern: Great Northern Railway
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Relocates the existing and installs AFL signals and installs longer gate arms on Central Avenue N.E., Quincy, Washington, WUTC Crossing No. 2A 1615.80, DOT Crossing 65-800S. |
960074 |
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. PHONES 'R' US, headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, provides local payphone service. |
960069 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 17, Waste Management - Rainier, reflecting the transfer of operating authority from Waste Management - Rainier to Waste Management of Seattle. |
960068 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 5, Waste Management of Seattle, reflecting the transfer of operating authority from Waste Management - Rainier to Waste Management of Seattle. |
960061 |
TelSave Corporation
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. TelSave Corporation, d/b/a Independent Network Services, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, is a long distance reseller providing alternate operator services. |
960055 |
SmarTalk TeleServices, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver of certain financial reporting requirements imposed as preconditions to registration. |
960053 |
Host Network, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Host Network, Inc., headquartered in Beverly Hills, California, is a long distance reseller. |
960046 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 5, reflecting a new service, drop boxes (Waste Management of Seattle). |
960044 |
Burlington Northern: Northern Pacific Railway
Petition |
Closed |
10-14-1996 |
Railroad |
Closure of an existing grade crossing at NE 177th Street and constructs a new grade crossing at 138th Avenue NE, Woodinville, Washington, MP 25.16. |
960043 |
WinStar Wireless of Washington, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition to amend registration authority to provide and resell intrastate, interexchange, and intraexchange switched telecommunications services. |
960037 |
Citizens Telecommunications Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request to add Business 800 Service, Calling Card Service, and Business Direct-Billed Service. |
960034 |
U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request to move the remaining material pertaining to 976 Information Delivery Service from Section 9, Central Office Services to Section 109, Obsolete Central Office Services. |
960019 |
Global TeleMedia International, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Global TeleMedia International, Inc., headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, is a long distance reseller. |
960016 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 10, reflecting the addition of 7 and 8 can residential categories requested by customers but not currently on the tariff. |
960005 |
Calls for Less, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request for initial tariff filing. |
951483 |
Rosario Utilities, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
11-27-1996 |
Water |
General rate increase. |
951479 |
Touch 1 Long Distance, Inc.
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application to transfer selected assets from Touch 1 Communications, Inc., to Touch 1 Long Distance, Inc. |
951478 |
Touch 1 Long Distance, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
951477 |
Touch 1 Long Distance, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Touch 1 Long Distance, Inc., headquartered in Atmore, Alabama, is a long distance reseller. |
951475 |
Country Water, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
01-31-1996 |
Water |
New Tariff WN U-2 replacing WN U-1, adds new charges for road crossings, service visits, water availability letters, account service, and NSF charge for returned checks. Also adds a time and materials charge to Schedule 3, Service Connection Charges, and increases the fee for reconnection charge. |
951474 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 19, reflecting a new service for a 6-yard container. |
951468 |
Integrated TeleServices, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
951467 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request for new Tariff No. 8, reflecting a general rate increase. |
951465 |
Washington Central Railroad Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to install automatic flashing light traffic control devices, with gates, on Webber Canyon Road, Benton County, WUTC Crossing No. IC 24.00, DOT Crossing No. 104562K. |
951464 |
Washington Central Railroad Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to install automatic flashing light traffic control devices, with gates, on Rothrock Road, Benton County, WUTC Crossing No. IU 36.80, DOT Crossing No. 098640X. |
951463 |
Washington Central Railroad Company
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Railroad |
Petition to install automatic flashing light traffic control devices, with gates, on Gap Road, Benton County, WUTC Crossing No. IU 40.80, DOT Crossing No. 098634U. |
951460 |
Integrated TeleServices, Inc.
Registration |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Application for registration as a telecommunications company. Integrated TeleServices, Inc., headquartered in Fresno, California, is a long distance reseller. |
951454 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company. |
951453 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
06-13-1996 |
Gas Pipeline |
Proposes to amend the effective date of WAC 480-93-010, to incorporate the recent amendment of 49 CFR, Part 192. The amendment is number 73 and is titled 49 CFR, Part 192.16, Customer-Owned Service Lines. The effective date of this new regulation is September 13, 1995. |
951451 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
LSN request to revise Tariff No. 10, reflecting corrections recommended by staff to Company's tariff. |
951450 |
Qwest Communications Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-27-1995 |
Telecommunications |
LSN request to reflect the company's new name and to introduce several new offerings. |
951449 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
LSN request for initial tariff filing. |
951448 |
NeTel, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-106, Form of Bills. |