Utilities and Transportation Commission names new legislative liaison

Utilities and Transportation Commission names new legislative liaison

Olympia, Wash. - Today the Utilities and Transportation Commission announced the appointment of Jason Lewis to the position of legislative liaison.

As the legislative liaison, Lewis will work with the Legislature and governor’s office and develop and coordinate the UTC’s legislative activities.

Lewis was previously a policy advisor at the UTC, where he advised the commissioners on transportation policy and legislative issues since 2014.

During his time at the commission, he has played a critical role at both the state and federal level on emerging issues impacting railroad and pipeline safety. These include the 2015 oil-by-rail legislation, the 2017 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners multi-state railroad safety study, and most recently, legislation impacting the state’s Dig Law.

Prior to working at the commission, Lewis held public affairs and legislative analyst positions with the Washington Retail Association and the American Waterways Operators.

The UTC regulates the rates and services of investor-owned electric utilities, telecommunications, natural gas, and water companies, garbage-collection haulers, household-goods movers, charter-bus companies, commercial ferries, pipeline companies, and a low-level radioactive waste repository. The commission does not regulate broadband or internet services, including those provided by regulated telecommunications companies.

