Displaying 30701 - 30750 of 34984
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
010360 McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. Petition Closed 05-30-2001 Telecommunications Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-540, RE: Terminating switched access services.
010350 Pacific Power & Light Company Tariff Revision Closed 03-28-2001 Electric Less than statutory notice request to implement an Irrigation Curtailment Program for the upcoming irrigation season.
010343 Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition of Longview Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service.
010338 WICKKISER INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES INC Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement, reflecting an increase in fares of $.25 per one way and $.50 per round trip.
010337 North Bainbridge Water Company, Inc. Contract Closed 03-28-2001 Water Contract for fire flow services between North Bainbridge Water Company, Inc., and Unity Church, and request for waiver of WAC 480-110-415.
010334 Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed 10-10-2001 Telecommunications Complaint and presentation of Settlement resolving investigation into rates and disclosure practices.
010333 Petition Closed 05-30-2001 Telecommunications Petition of XO Washington, Inc., TCG Oregon, TCG Seattle, Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., Global Crossing Local Services, Inc., AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., and Advanced TelCom Group, Inc., for waiver of RCW 80.36.150, and WAC 480-120-027(3), RE: Customer service contracts.
010329 Staff Investigation Closed 03-28-2001 Water Commission notice and review of year 2000, Water Annual Report form. The Water Annual Report form will now include Affiliated Interest reporting per WAC 480-146-360.
010327 PF.Net Network Services Corp. Petition Closed 03-28-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010326 Verizon Northwest Inc. Contract Closed 03-28-2001 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice for a twelve (12) month contract for DS-1 Service.
010321 WinStar Wireless, Inc. Petition Closed 03-14-2001 Telecommunications Petition for 90-day extension of time to activate Central Office Code (425-305)
010320 Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement, reflecting an increase in rates of $.25 per one-way and $.50 per round trip.
010319 Avista Corporation Certificate Closed 04-25-2001 Natural Gas Gas certificate to operate a gas plant for hire in the city of Odessa, Washington.
010317 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company Petition Closed 03-14-2001 Railroad Replaces existing signals with new automatic flashing light traffic control devices with gates and constant warning time devices on Old Gene Coulon Drive (Southport Boulevard), Renton, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 1F 4.05, DOT Crossing No. 091725B.
010316 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company Petition Closed 09-12-2014 Railroad Amended Petition to install automatic flashing light traffic control devices with gates and constant warning time devices on Lake Washington Blvd., Renton, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 4C 3.97, DOT Crossing No. 091724U.
010308 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 4 (R.S.T. Disposal), reflecting the addition of Saturday as an overtime day to Item 60.
010307 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 18 (Nick Raffo Garbage Co.), reflecting the addition of Saturday as an overtime day to Item 60.
010305 M & L Enterprises Tariff Revision Closed 03-28-2001 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to add M&L Enterprises, Inc., to the Washington Exchange Carrier Association (WECA) tariff. M&L Enterprises, Inc., will participate only in the WECA Interim Universal Service Fund pool.
010298 Metropolitan Telecommunications of Washington, Inc. Petition Closed 03-28-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010297 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed 03-14-2001 Electric Less than statutory notice request to offer pumping customers served under Schedules 31 and 32, the option to sell power back to the Company by reducing their historical electric consumption.
010295 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed 03-28-2001 Electric Extends the buy-back of customer power currently offered under Sheet 70R. The present tariff expires March 31, 2001. The proposed tariff has an effecive date of April 1, 2001, and an expiration date of October 31, 2001.
010283 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed 03-28-2001 Electric Requests authorization to extend the sunset date to October 31, 2001, for the optional Voluntary Load Curtailment Rider.
010278 Special Project Closed 08-17-2001 Telecommunications Inactive registration cancellation project.
010274 Qwest Corporation Tariff Revision Closed 03-14-2001 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to eliminate the monthly rate for initial blocking of access to information delivery services; increases the rate for subsequent installation of blocking of access to information delivery services to the rate in effect prior to December 20, 1999. This new rate will be applicable to orders for subsequent installation of blocking of access that are placed after March 15, 2001.
010273 CENTRALIA-SEATAC AIRPORT EXPRESS LLC Certificate Closed 08-21-2002 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Application to transfer all authority from Sharyn Pearson & Linda Zepp, d/b/a Centralia-SeaTac Airport Express to Centralia-SeaTac Airport Express, LLC.
010261 Multa Communications Corp. Petition Closed 03-14-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010250 Pacific Power & Light Company Tariff Revision Closed 03-28-2001 Electric Reflects several changes to the Company's Energy Exchange Program. Expands the availability of the program to customers as small as 1 MW, rather than the 4 MW threshold currently in place, and extends the termination date of the program to October 31, 2001.
010248 Shuttle Express, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 6, to Tariff No. 6, reflecting an increase in rates of $.50 per party for door-to-door service and $.25 per passenger for scheduled service.
010245 BREMERTON-KITSAP AIRPORTER, INC. Petition Closed 03-14-2001 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 11, to Tariff No. 5, reflecting an increase in fares of $.25 per one-way and $.50 per round trip.
010236 Staff Investigation Closed 03-29-2001 Telecommunications Clarifies effective date of the DSHS Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Excise Tax rate change.
010225 KDD America, Inc. Petition Closed 03-14-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010213 DAHL-SMYTH, INC. Certificate Closed n/a Solid Waste Application for extension of operating authority.
010211 Union Pacific Railroad Company Petition Closed 02-01-2002 Railroad Request to close grade crossing at South 180th Street, Tukwila, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 6RSH172.0 81.30, DOT Crossing No. 400115Y.
010210 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company Petition Closed 02-01-2002 Railroad Request to close grade crossing at South 180th Street, Tukwila, WA. WUTC Crossing No. 1E12.10, DOT Crossing No. 085613N
010205 WICKKISER INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES INC Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 8, to Tariff No. 9, reflecting an addition to rates of $.25 per one-way and $.50 per round trip.
010202 Points Recycling and Refuse, LLC Tariff Revision Closed 03-28-2001 Solid Waste Eliminates all Residential Recycling Service. Adds temporary container service and special on-call pickups, and adds residential on-call or infrequent garbage service. Updates and modernizes tariff.
010194 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company Petition Closed 03-29-2002 Railroad Closes crossing at 156th Street N.E., Marysville, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 2B 44.78, DOT Crossing No. 084667R.
010181 Custom Teleconnect, Inc. Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010166 Affordable Voice Communications, Inc. Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010165 NTC Network, LLC Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010164 Wilshire Connection, LLC Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010162 Level 3 Communications, LLC Petition Closed 02-14-2001 Telecommunications Petition for extension of time in which to activate its code in the 253-590 NPA-NXX.
010161 New Access Communications, LLC Staff Investigation Closed 05-22-2002 Telecommunications Staff investigation into the operating practices of New Access Communications, LLC.
010156 El Paso Networks, LLC Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010154 Sprint Communications Company L.P. Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Expedited request for waiver of WAC 480-120-540, which allows the Company to file a terminating access rate which mirrors Qwest's local switching rate, including both the terminating and interim universal support fund surcharge elements.
010139 XO Washington, Inc. Assessment (penalty) Closed 03-21-2001 Telecommunications Twelve (12) month contract for Business Lines.
010129 Tsunami Communications, Inc. Petition Closed 02-23-2001 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
010128 RABANCO CONNECTIONS INTERNATIONAL, INC. Petition Closed n/a Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 5 (Issaquah Division), reflecting an increase in the King County Hazardous Waste fee for non-residential customers.
010118 Radiant Telecom, Inc. Petition Closed 09-11-2002 Telecommunications Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments and advance payments or deposit customer prepayments and advance payments in escrow or trust account.
010117 Sunshine Acres Water System Transfer of Property Closed 02-14-2001 Water Application to transfer Atlas Development, Inc., d/b/a Sunshine Acres Water System to Washington Water Service Company.