Date | File Link | Document Type | Description | File Size |
10/08/2001 | UT-003120 Third Supp Order.pdf | Order - Final | Third Supplemental Order Dismissing Complaint Without Prejudice. | 108,980 KB |
04/05/2001 | Final Revised 2nd Supp Order.doc | Order - Supplemental | Second Supplemental Order Granting Motion to Amend Answer, Denying Emergency Relief and Denying Motion for Summary Determination. | 89,600 KB |
04/05/2001 | UT-003120 2nd Supp.pdf | Order - Supplemental | Second Supplemental Order Granting Motion to Amend Answer, Denying Emergency Relief and Denying Motion for Summary Determination. | 38,910 KB |
01/02/2001 | UT-003120 First Supp Order.pdf | Order - Protective | First Supplemental Protective Order. | 386,131 KB |
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