UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 100177


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 10/29/2015 Order 08 Order Granting Petition to Modify Settlement Agreement to Comply With Newly Adopted Rules.
Petition 04/16/2015 Petition to Modify Order and Settlement Agreement to Comply with Newly Adopted Rules on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Strom Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/17/2015)
Document 10/31/2012 Joint Proposal for consistent approach to NEEA claimed conservation savings for the 2014-2015 Biennial Conservation Plan on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Tom DeBoer. (via Web Portal)
Compliance 10/12/2012 Compliance filing on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer, RE: Report detailing the Company's electric conservation achievements. (via Web Portal)
Open Meeting Memo 09/13/2012 Open Meeting Memo for the September 13, 2012, Open Meeting.
Order - Final 09/13/2012 Order 07 Order Regarding Conservation Achievement for the 2010-2011 Biennium.
Open Meeting Memo 08/09/2012 Open Meeting Memo for August 9, 2012, Open Meeting.
Comment 08/03/2012 Comments on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., form Tom DeBoer. (via Web Portal)
Comment 08/02/2012 Joint comments on behalf of Renewable Northwest Project and the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via email)
Comment 08/02/2012 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon ffitch. (via email)
Comment 07/16/2012 Staff Comments of Washington Utilities of Transportation Commission from Fronda Woods.
Comment 07/16/2012 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Mary Kimball. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 07/18/2012)
Comment 07/16/2012 Comments on behalf of NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via email)
Notice 06/05/2012 Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Puget Sound Energy's Report Concerning its Annual Reporting Requirements Regarding its Progress in Meeting its Conservation Target During the Preceding Biennium Pursuant to RCW 19.285.070 and WAC 480-109-040 (Comments due by 5:00 p.m., Monday, July 16, 2012) and Notice of Open Meeting (To be considered at the Friday, July 27, 2012, Open Meeting)
Compliance 06/01/2012 2012 Biennial Electric Conservatrion Achievement Report on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Tom DeBoer. (via disk)
Compliance 04/16/2012 First quarter revisions of its 2012 Exhibit 4; Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 3, Program Descriptions, and Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 4; Measures, Incentives and Eligibility filed on October 28, 2011 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/18/2012)
Compliance 10/19/2011 Revised third quarter 2011 Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 3, Program Descriptions, and Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 4; Measures, Incentives and Eligibility filed on December 1, 2010 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 10/21/2011)
Compliance 09/14/2011 Replacement second quarter 2011 Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 4; Measures, Incentives and Eligibility, and Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 3, Program Descriptions filed on July 21, 2011 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal)
Compliance 08/15/2011 Semi-Annual Conservation Acquisition Report (January - June 2011) on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 8/16/2011)
Compliance 07/21/2011 Revised second quarter 2011 Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 4; Measures, Incentives and Eligibility, and Energy Efficiency Services Exhibit 3, Program Descriptions originally filed on December 1, 2010 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 07/22/2011)
Replacement Page 04/25/2011 Replacement Pages to the 2010 Annual Report of Energy Conservation Accomplishments on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Lynn F. Logen. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 4/28/2011)
Compliance 04/21/2011 First Quarter 2011 Update to EES Exhibit 4 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 4/25/2011)
Compliance 02/15/2011 2010 annual report of program results covering the EES programs for the period of January through December 2010 on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Tom DeBoer. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 02/16/2011)
Open Meeting Memo 12/30/2010 Open Meeting Memo for December 30, 2010, Open Meeting.
Comment 12/28/2010 Comments on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail)
Comment 12/23/2010 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Mary Kimball. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 12/28/2010)
Compliance 12/01/2010 Annual Conservation Plan for 2011 and Exhibits on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Tom DeBoer. (via Web Portal/e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 12/03/2010)
Order - Final 10/13/2010 (AMENDED) Order 05 (underlining denotes amendments)
Order - Other 10/08/2010 Order 06 - Order Granting Request for Clarification.
Letter 10/05/2010 Letter re: Errata, on behalf of Staff, from Fronda Woods.
Order - Final 09/28/2010 Order 05 - Final Order Consolidating Dockets for Limited Purpose; Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement; Approving PSE's Revised Report Identifying its Ten-year Conservation Potential and Biennial Target, Subject to Conditions; and Granting Joint Motion to Modify Twelfth Supplemental Order in Dockets UE-011570 and UG-011571.
Notice 09/21/2010 Notice of Joint Motion to Modify Twelfth Supplemental Order and Notice of Opportunity to Respond (Responses to Joint Motion due by Noon on Thursday, September 23, 2010)
Agreement 09/03/2010 Agreed Conditions for Approval of Puget Sound Energy, Inc.'s 2010-2011 Biennial Electric Conservation Targets Under RCW 19.285 on behalf of the Parties from Sheree Strom Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 09/08/2010)
Notice 09/03/2010 Notice of Appearance of Michael B. Early on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilitites from Jacqueline E. Smith. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 09/08/2010)
Document 09/03/2010 Joint Narrative Supporting Settlement Agreement Regarding Conditions for Approval Under WAC 480-109-010(4)(c), on behalf of Parties, from Fronda Woods.
Transcript 08/25/2010 Transcript Volume 3; August 16, 2010; Pages 51-63.
Transcript 08/11/2010 Transcript Volume 2; July 30, 2010; Pages 36-50.
Notice 08/02/2010 Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (Scheduled for Monday, August 16, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.)
Notice 07/23/2010 Notice of Status Conference (Scheduled for Friday, July 30, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.)
Comment 07/09/2010 Commission Staff's Comments on Puget Sound Energy's Re-Filed Report from Fronda Woods.
Comment 07/09/2010 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 07/13/2010)
Comment 07/08/2010 Comments on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 07/09/2010)
Notice 07/01/2010 Notice of Opportunity to Comment (Comments on compliance filing due by Friday, July 9, 2010, at 3:00 p.m.)
Compliance 06/18/2010 Compliance filing on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer, RE: Report identifying its ten-year achievable conservation potential for the period 2010-2019 and its biennial conservation target for the period 2010-2011. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6/21/2010)
Order - Final 06/04/2010 Order 04 - Order Granting In Part and Denying In Part PSE's Motion For Summary Judgment, Rejecting PSE's Report and Directing PSE to Refile, and Granting Staff's, Public Counsel's, and NWEC's Motions For Summary Determination.
Response 04/28/2010 Reply to Responses to Motions for Summary Determination on behalf of NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (scanned & posted)
Response 04/28/2010 Reply to Responses on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Sheree Strom Carson. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/29/2010)
Response 04/28/2010 Reply in Support of Public Counsel Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/29/2010)
Response 04/22/2010 Reply in Support of Motion for Summary Determination re Filing of Ten-Year Conservation Potential, Letter and COS, on behalf of Staff, from Fronda Woods.
Response 04/19/2010 Response to the Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Kelli R. Madden. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/20/2010)
Response 04/19/2010 Response to PSE's Motion for Summary Determination, Letter and COS, on behalf of Staff, from Fronda Woods.
Response 04/19/2010 Response to Motions for Summary Determination on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/20/2010)
Response 04/19/2010 Response to Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Sheree Strom Carson. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/20/2010)
Response 04/19/2010 Response to Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/20/2010)
Testimony 04/19/2010 Supplemental Declaration of Eric Englert on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Sheree Strom Carson. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/20/2010)
Testimony 04/19/2010 Second Declaration of Stefanie Johnson on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/20/2010)
Transcript 04/15/2010 Transcript Volume 1; April 1, 2010; Pages 1-35.
Order - Prehearing Conference 04/12/2010 Order 03 - Prehearing Conference Order
Confidentiality Agreement 04/12/2010 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Michael Parvinen, Ryan Dyer, David Nightingale and Deborah Reynolds, on behalf of Staff, from Fronda Woods.
Replacement Page 04/08/2010 Replacement cover letter on behalf of NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon, RE: replaces cover letter sent on Ms. Dixon's behalf per staff's request. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/08/2010)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/08/2010 Confidentiality Agreement of Danielle Dixon on behalf of NW Energy Coalition from Sara Patton. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/08/2010 - agreements only)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/07/2010 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Fronda Woods and Anne Solick, on behalf of Staff from Fronda Woods.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/07/2010 Confidentiality Agreements of Simon ffitch, Sarah Shifley, Mary Kimball, Stefanie Johnson, Lea Daeschel, Carol Williams, and Mary Harper on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/08/2010)
Motion 04/06/2010 Motion for Summary Determination, Letter and COS, on behalf of Staff from Fronda Woods.
Motion 04/06/2010 Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Motion 04/06/2010 Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Puget Sound Energy Inc., from Donna Barnett for Sheree Strom Carson. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Motion 04/06/2010 Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Testimony 04/06/2010 Declaration of Stefanie Johnson on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Testimony 04/06/2010 Declaration of Eric Englert on behalf of Puget Sound Energy Inc., from Donna Barnett for Sheree Strom Carson. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Order - Protective 04/02/2010 Order 02 - Protective Order
Response 03/29/2010 Legal Issues List of Complainant Washington Utilities And Transportation Commission Staff, Public Counsel, and Intervenor NW Energy Coalition from Fronda Woods.
Petition 03/29/2010 Petition to Intervene on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Martin H. Patail. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 03/30/2010)
Notice 03/29/2010 Notice of Appearance of S. Bradley Van Cleve and Irion Sanger on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Martin H. Patail. (via e-mail)
Document 03/29/2010 Legal Issues List on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, Inc., from Sheree Strom Carson, RE: Notice of Prehearing Conference and Notice of Deadline to File Legal Issues List. (via Web Portal) (hard copy rec'd 03/30/2010)
Petition 03/23/2010 Petition to Intervene on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 03/24/2010)
Notice 03/23/2010 Notice of Appearance on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 03/24/2010)
Notice of Hearing 03/16/2010 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Prehearing Conference Set for April 1, 2010, at 1:30 p.m.) Notice of Deadline to File Legal Issues List (Due Monday, March 29, 2010)
Order - Final 03/11/2010 Order 01 Setting 10-Year Achievable Conservation Potential and Biennial Conservation Target Report for Hearing.
Comment 03/05/2010 Comments on behalf of Washington Department of Ecology from Janice Adair. (via e-mail)
Comment 03/05/2010 Comments on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail)
Comment 03/05/2010 Comments on behalf of Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Comment 03/05/2010 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Mary Kimball. (via e-mail)
Notice 02/02/2010 Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Puget Sound Energy's Report Concerning Its Ten-Year Conservation Potential and Its Biennial Conservation Target Pursuant to RCW 19.285.040 and WAC 480-109-010 (Comments due by 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 5, 2010) and Notice of Open Meeting (To be considered at the Thursday, March 11, 2010, Open Meeting)
Initial Filing 01/29/2010 Initial Filing on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Tom DeBoer. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 2/02/2010)