UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 110917

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UW-110917
Company Suncadia Water Company, L.L.C.
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Water (160)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Ward, Jim (UTC)
Filed Date 03/29/2011
Effective Date 06/01/2011
Summary Commission consideration to dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and approve revised rates that would generate $45,919 (6.5 percent) additional annual revenue, instead of the proposed $159,341 (22.1 percent) additional annual revenue. When compared to the company's proposal, the revised rates lower the ready-to-serve and base charges, and also reduce usage rates associated with two of the three usage blocks. For the twelve-month test period, resulting monthly charges incurred by customers using the revised rates are less than monthly charges that customers would have paid using the proposed rates that were filed by the company with the commission and noticed to customers. The company's proposal includes $7,168 (less than one percent) of deferred accounting treatment for water usage from its last rate case, effective December 1, 2008. The company serves 1,154 customers near Cle Elum, in Kittitas County.

Event History

  • 08/25/2011 -- Open Meeting
  • 05/26/2011 -- Open Meeting
  • 08/25/2011 -- Allowed (Commissioner Jones move to: 1) Dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Suncadia Water Company, LLC, dated May 26, 2011; 2) Approve rates filed by Suncadia Water Company, LLC, on March 25, 2011, as revised to staff recommended levels on August 11, 2011, to become effective Sptember 1, 2011; and 3) Approve a Water Usage True-up rate as filed by Suncadia Water Company, LLC, on March 25, 2011, to become effective September 1, 2011, and to expire after collection of $7,168 or after the expiration date of August 31, 2012. Chairman Goltz seconded the motion. The motion carried. (2:0))
  • 05/26/2011 -- Suspended (Commissioner Oshie moved to issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Suncadia Water Company, LLC, on March 25, 2011. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0).)
  • 03/29/2011 -- Open