UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 112072

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TC-112072
Company Shuttle Express, Inc.
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) (230)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Young, Mike (UTC)
Filed Date 12/02/2011
Effective Date 01/03/2012
Summary Commission consideration to dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and allow revised fares to become effective March 9, 2012. The company proposed increased passenger fares that would generate $505,525 (3.9 percent) additional annual revenue. The company and staff agreed to revised fares that would generate $424,429 (3.3 percent) additional revenue. The revised fares for door-to-door passengers would increase by $1.00 per reservation instead of the original $0.75 per reservation. The current $15 fare for passengers to and from downtown Seattle hotels would increase to $19 for one person instead of the originally proposed $21 for one person. Because the revised fares for door-to-door service are higher than the fares that the company notified customers, the company asks for exemptions from rules to allow the revised fares to become effective March 9, 2012, on less than statutory notice. The company provides transportation to and from SeaTac Airport for more than 400,000 customers in Pierce, King, Snohomish and Island Counties annually.

Event History

  • 03/08/2012 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/29/2011 -- Open Meeting
  • 03/08/2012 -- Allowed (Commissioner Jones moved to: 1) Dismiss the Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions filed by Shuttle Express, Inc.; 2) Grant the company's request for an exemption from WAC 480-30-311, Tariffs and time schedules, to allow the revised substitute pages filed on March 5, 2012, to become effective on March 9, 2012, on less than statutory notice; 3) Grant the company's request for an exemption from WAC 480-30-316, Tariffs and time schedules, Customer Notice; and 4) Approve the revised substitute pages filed on March 5, 2012, to become effective March 9, 2012, on a permanent basis, on less than statutory notice. Commissioner Oshie seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 12/29/2011 -- Suspended (Commissioner Jones moved to issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the tariff revisions filed on December 2, 2011. Commissioner Oshie seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0).)
  • 12/02/2011 -- Open