UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 121819

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-121819
Company Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
DBA Waste Management - Northwest
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Gomez, David (UTC)
Filed Date 11/15/2012
Effective Date 01/01/2013
Summary Proposed increases for residential recycling service. The monthly credit for residential customers would decrease from $4.26 to $1.47, a $2.79 per month increase, and the monthly credit for multi-family customers would decrease from $0.91 to $0.31 per yard, a $0.60 per yard increase. The company also seeks to be allowed to retain up to 38 percent of the revenue received from the sale of recyclable materials during the plan period. The company serves approximately 82,000 customers in Snohomish County.

Event History

  • 12/27/2012 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/27/2012 -- Allowed (In Docket TG-121819, Waste Management of Washington, Inc., dba Waste Management - Northwest's (Northwest), issue an order to: 1. Take no action on the tariff revisions implementing the recyclable commodity revenue adjustments, and allow them to become effective January 1, 2013, by operation of law. 2. Authorize the company to retain up to 38 percent of the revenue it receives from the sale of recyclable materials collected in Northwest's residential recycling program and require the company to meet the performance requirements set forth in its recycling and revenue sharing plan.)
  • 11/15/2012 -- Open