UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 150120

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number PG-150120
Company Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Filing Type Staff Investigation
Industry (Code) Gas Pipeline (015)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Ritter, Dennis (UTC)
Filed Date 01/22/2015
Effective Date N/A
Summary Request from the Company to extend the deadline for completing the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure validation for the pipeline segments identified in Section V.B.1.a.i of the Amended Settlement Agreement approved by the Commission in Docket PG-150120 by amending that section.

Event History

  • 12/19/2024 -- Close (Allowed to become effective per the Consent agenda.)
  • 12/19/2024 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/21/2023 -- Close (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda.)
  • 12/21/2023 -- Closed
  • 12/21/2023 -- Open Meeting
  • 12/07/2023 -- Re-open
  • 12/07/2023 -- Pending
  • 12/10/2020 -- Close (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda.)
  • 12/10/2020 -- Closed
  • 12/10/2020 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/18/2020 -- Re-open
  • 11/18/2020 -- Pending
  • 06/13/2018 -- Close
  • 02/12/2015 -- Continued (Commissioner Rendahl moved to Issue an order to enter into a Stipulated Agreement (Agreement) between Cascade Natural Gas Corporation (Cascade or company) and Staff of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Commission Staff) (collectively, the Parties) for the purpose of resolving issues resulting from natural gas inspections conducted on the company’s high pressure pipelines located in the following areas: Longview District, Bellingham District and Kennewick District. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 02/12/2015 -- Open Meeting
  • 01/22/2015 -- Open (Docketed per email request of Marina Woodard.)