UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing PG - 150120


Document Type Date Description
Motion 02/13/2025 Motion for Leave to File Reply, Reply to Cascade’s Response, and clean and redine versions of the Amended Declaration of Dennis Ritter, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Response 02/06/2025 Response to Staff's Motion to Impose Suspended Penalties and Declaration of Ryan Privatsky, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Donna Barnett.
Notice - Appearance 01/31/2025 Notice of Appearance of Josephine Strauss, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Motion 01/30/2025 Motion to Impose Suspended Penalties and Declaration of Dennis Ritter, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Order - Open Meeting Final 12/19/2024 Order 08 Approving Extension of Deadline Established in Amended Settlement Agreement.
Open Meeting Memo 12/19/2024 Open Meeting Memo for the December 19, 2024 Open Meeting.
Compliance 12/03/2024 Leak Survey Notification on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Ryan Privratsky.
Letter 11/20/2024 Request to Extend the Completion date of Section V.B.1.a.i. of the Revised Compliance Program, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Company, from Pat Darras.
Compliance 09/27/2024 Six-month Status Report in compliance with the Amended Settlement Agreement, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras.
Notice 09/13/2024 Notice of Return to Previous Operating Pressure, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky.
Compliance 03/28/2024 Six-month Status Report, in compliance with the Amended Settlement Agreement, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras.
Order - Open Meeting Final 12/21/2023 Order 07 Approving Extension of Deadline Establishing an Amended Settlement Agreement.
Open Meeting Memo 12/21/2023 Open Meeting Memo for the December 21, 2023 Open Meeting.
Agreement - Settlement 10/13/2023 Amended Settlement Agreement Request for Extension to V.B.1.a.i. , on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal)
Letter 09/29/2023 Six-month Status Report in compliance with the Amended Settlement Agreement, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal)
Letter 09/15/2023 Leak Survey Notification, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Notice 08/14/2023 Pressure Test Notification RE Temporary Regulator Station, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Mollie Hunt. (via web portal)
Letter 03/30/2023 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal)
Letter 09/16/2022 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal)
Letter 06/08/2022 Leak Survey Notification, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 03/23/2022 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal)
Letter 12/13/2021 Leak Survey Notification, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 09/22/2021 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal)
Letter 09/15/2021 Completion of Revised Compliance Program Item V. B. 5, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal).
Letter 09/15/2021 Completion of Revised Compliance Program Item V. B. 8, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal).
Letter 09/13/2021 Completion of Revised Compliance Program Item V. B. 8 of the Amended Settlement Agreement, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras. (via web portal).
Letter 04/16/2021 Leak Survey Notification, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 03/30/2021 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 03/11/2021 Leak Survey Notification, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Order - Open Meeting Final 12/10/2020 Order 06, Approving Extension of Deadline Established in Amended Settlement Agreement.
Open Meeting Memo 12/10/2020 Open Meeting Memo for the December 10, 2020, Open Meeting.
Letter 11/18/2020 Letter requesting to extend the completion date of Section V.B.5, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Pat Darras.
Letter 09/22/2020 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 03/25/2020 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 09/13/2019 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 09/13/2019 Leak Survey Notification, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Report 03/27/2019 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Letter 01/10/2019 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation's Completion of Section V. B. 1. a. iii. of the Amended Settlement Agreement.
Report 09/28/2018 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via email)
Order - Final 06/13/2018 Order 05, Final Order Approving and Adopting Amended Settlement Agreement
Report 03/26/2018 Six-Month Status Report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Ryan Privratsky. (via web portal)
Stipulation 03/29/2018 Amended Settlement Agreement and supporting Narrative, on behalf of the Parties, from Julian Beattie
Document 03/29/2018 Updated MAOP Plan, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sam Hamilton. (via web portal)
Letter 03/01/2018 Letter from Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Sean Mayo RE: MAOP Determination and Validation Plan submitted December 29, 2017.
Letter 02/07/2018 Letter from Sean Mayo to Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE: Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Determination and Validation Plan of December 2017.
Letter 01/18/2018 Letter from Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Sean Mayo RE: Additional Segments Operating over 30% SMYS.
Document 12/29/2017 Updated Timeline/Plan for Additional Segments Identified from TRC Review, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Eric Martuscelli. (via web portal)
Document 12/14/2017 Stipulation number seven - Gap Anaylsis, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Eric Martuscelli. (via web portal)
Compliance 09/29/2017 First six-month status report, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Eric Martuscelli. (via web portal)
Compliance 05/17/2017 MAOP Validation Notification 05-17-17.
Letter 04/10/2017 Letter RE: Commission Final Order and Settlement Agreement Compliance to Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, on behalf of Staff, from Alan Rathbun.
Letter 04/03/2017 Letter RE: Acceptance of the Conditions in Order 03 as clarified in Order 04, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 04/04/17)
Letter 03/31/2017 Letter from Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: Compliance with Section V(B)(1)(c) of the Settlement Agreement.
Letter 03/31/2017 Letter re: acceptance of Order 04, on behalf of Staff, from Julian Beattie
Order - Other 03/30/2017 Order 04, Order Clarifying Order 03
Letter 03/27/2017 Letter RE: accepting conditions set forth in the Final Order, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 3/28/17)
Letter 03/24/2017 Letter from Ryan Privratsky on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Order - Final 03/20/2017 Order 03, Final Order Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement with Conditions
Letter 03/10/2017 Letter from Ryan Privratsky on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 02/24/2017 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Transcript 01/31/2017 Transcript; Volume 2; January 31, 2017; Pages 11-90. (Hard copy rec'd 2/17/17)
Letter 02/13/2017 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 01/27/2017 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Response 02/01/2017 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sheree Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 02/02/17)
Transcript 01/31/2017 Transcript Verification; Date: 1/31/17; Time: 9:30 to 11:20 a.m.; Expedited: No; Pages: 80. (Billed 2/22/17)
Document 01/13/2017 CNGC MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report, Docket PG150120 (INSP No. 2655).
Letter 12/30/2016 Letter, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Renie Sorensen. (via email)
Notice of Hearing 12/27/2016 Notice of Hearing on Settlement Proposal (Set for Tuesday, January 31, 2017, at 9:30 a.m.)
Letter 12/16/2016 Letter, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Renie Sorensen. (via email)
Stipulation 12/15/2016 Settlement Agreement and supporting Narrative, on behalf of the Parties, from Julian Beattie
Letter 12/02/2016 Letter, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Renie Sorensen. (via email)
Notice 12/01/2016 Notice Suspending Procedural Schedule
Letter 11/22/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Email 11/10/2016 Email, from Joe Subsits. (via email)
Letter 11/04/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 11/01/2016 Letter to Judge Friedlander regarding status report on progress towards settlement, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sheree S. Carson. (via web portal)
Letter 11/01/2016 Letter and Report from Jeremy Ogden on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: "8 & 12" Bremerton Transmission Line #2, Return to Original Pressure.
Letter 10/20/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 10/07/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 09/23/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 09/13/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Letter 09/02/2016 Letter from Alan Rathbun to Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE: Response to CNG 8/11/2016 letter.
Transcript 08/31/2016 Transcript: Volume 1; August 31, 2016; Pages 1-10. (Hard copy rec'd 9/12/16)
Order - Prehearing Conference 09/02/2016 Order 02, Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Set for March 22, 2017, at 9:30 a.m.)
Email 08/29/2016 Email from Vicki Ganow on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE MAOP Validation Testing Sites.
Letter 08/24/2016 Letter from Renie Sorensen on behalf Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP determination and validation biweekly progress report.
Transcript 08/24/2016 Transcript Verification; Date: 8/24/16; Time: 1:33 to 1:41 p.m.; Pages: 10; Expedited: No. (scanned & posted). (Billed 9-21-16 - indicates hearing on 8/31/16?)
Order - Other 08/29/2016 Notice Rescheduling Prehearing Conference (Now set for Wednesday, August 31, 2016, at 1:30 p.m.)
Letter 08/12/2016 CNG Response to MAOP Validation Plan.
Order - Other 08/08/2016 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for August 31, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.)
Document 07/29/2016 Answer of respondent, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sheree Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 08/01/16)
Document 07/29/2016 Notice of Appearance, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Sheree Carson. (via web portal)(hard copies rec'd 08/01/16)
Email 07/22/2016 Email from Eric Martuscelli on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: Pressure Reduction.
Document 07/21/2016 Notice of Appearance of Julian Beattie, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco
Letter 07/08/2016 Letter from Eric Martuscelli on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: Response to UTC letter dated 7/7/2016.
Letter 07/07/2016 Letter from Alan Rathbun to Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE: UTC Review of MAOP Validation Plan.
Report 07/12/2016 Staff Investigation Report
Order - Other 07/12/2016 Complaint
Letter 06/22/2016 Letter to Joe Subsits from Jeremy Ogden, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, RE: Schedule for in situ testing for pipe grade and wall thickness on July 18, 2016. (scanned & posted)
Letter 05/02/2016 Letter from Eric Martuscelli on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP Determination and Validation Plan.
Letter 02/18/2016 Letter from Alan Rathbun to Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE: MAOP Determination & Validation Plan
Letter 01/29/2016 Letter from Eric Martuscelli on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Alan Rathbun RE: MAOP Determination and Validation Plan.
Letter 01/12/2016 Letter from Alan Rathbun to Jeremy Ogden of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE: Violation of Stipulated Agreement.
Letter 01/12/2016 Letter from Alan Rathbun to Eric Martuscelli of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation RE: Non-Destructive methods (in-situ).
Compliance 06/04/2015 Compliance filing on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jeremy Ogden RE: Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP). (via email)
Order - Final 02/12/2015 Order 01 Order Accepting Agreement and Closing Docket.
Open Meeting Memo 02/12/2015 Open Meeting Memo for the February 12, 2015 Open Meeting.