UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 151796

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UT-151796
Advice 3351
Company Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc.
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Telecommunications (170)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Roth, Jing (UTC)
Filed Date 09/03/2015
Effective Date 10/09/2015
Summary Submits Advice No. 3351, a tariff filing in the General and Local Exchange Tariff, WN U-17, Sections 1 and 4, correcting an oversight in tariff revision filings made in Advice No. 3338 (August 8, 2013) and Advice No. 3339 (August 12,2013) and subsequent filings (August 28, 2013) that were replacement filings to correct errors in the earlier filings.

Event History

  • 10/08/2015 -- Allowed (Allowed to become effective per the No Action Agenda.)
  • 10/08/2015 -- Open Meeting
  • 09/03/2015 -- Open