UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TE - 151982


Document Type Date Description
Testimony - Errata 09/14/2018 Erratum to Order 03
Mail 09/06/2018 Returned First Class mail addressed to Jeet Sidhu aka Geeter Sidhu, 1428 140th Court SE Apt #268, Bellevue, WA 98007 which attempted to deliver ORDER 03, dated August 27, 2018. NOTE: Envelope indicates "return to sender - attempted-not known- unable to forward". (scanned and posted)
Mail 09/05/2018 Returned Certified mail addressed to Jeet Sidhu aka Geeter Sidhu, 1428 140th Court SE Apt #268, Bellevue, WA 98007 which attempted to deliver ORDER 03, dated August 27, 2018. NOTE: Envelope indicates "return to sender - insufficient notice - unable to forward - apt #?". (scanned and posted)
Order - Other 08/27/2018 Order 03, Imposing Suspended Penalty
Motion 05/18/2018 Motion to Impose Suspended Penalties and Declaration of Michael Turcott, on behalf of Staff, from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski
Letter 02/08/2017 Letter sent to Jeet Sidhu regarding Notice of Intent to Send to Collections.
Transcript 07/06/2016 Transcript; Volume 1; July 6, 2016; Pages 1-59. (Hard copy rec'd 7-18-16)
Exhibit 07/11/2016 Exhibit List
Order - Initial 07/11/2016 Order 02, Initial Order Classifying Respondent as a Charter Party or Excursion Service Carrier; Ordering Respondent to Cease & Desist; Imposing and Suspending Penalties on Condition of Future Compliance
Document 06/08/2016 Notice of Appearance of Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Report 06/07/2016 Staff Investigation Report
Order - Other 06/07/2016 Subpoena and Subpoena duces tecum for Production of Documents
Order - Other 06/07/2016 Order 01, Order Instituting Special Proceeding; Complaint Seeking to Impose Penalties, and Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding (Set for July 6, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.)