UTC Case Docket Orders

Filing TE - 151982

Date File Link Document Type Description File Size
08/27/2018 TE-151982 POS.pdf Order - Other Order 03, Imposing Suspended Penalty 24,286 KB
08/27/2018 TE-151982- Order 03 Imposing Suspended Penalties - JJ Limousine.pdf Order - Other Order 03, Imposing Suspended Penalty 128,533 KB
07/11/2016 TE-151982 - Jeet Sidhu - Initial Order.docx Order - Initial Order 02, Initial Order Classifying Respondent as a Charter Party or Excursion Service Carrier; Ordering Respondent to Cease & Desist; Imposing and Suspending Penalties on Condition of Future Compliance 52,034 KB
07/11/2016 TE-151982 - Jeet Sidhu - Initial Order.pdf Order - Initial Order 02, Initial Order Classifying Respondent as a Charter Party or Excursion Service Carrier; Ordering Respondent to Cease & Desist; Imposing and Suspending Penalties on Condition of Future Compliance 146,584 KB
06/07/2016 TE-151982 Subpoena duces tecum.pdf Order - Other Subpoena and Subpoena duces tecum for Production of Documents 17,574 KB
06/07/2016 TE-151982 Subpoena duces tecum.doc Order - Other Subpoena and Subpoena duces tecum for Production of Documents 74,240 KB
06/07/2016 TE-151982 JJ Limousine Order and Complaint.pdf Order - Other Order 01, Order Instituting Special Proceeding; Complaint Seeking to Impose Penalties, and Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding (Set for July 6, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.) 61,507 KB
06/07/2016 TE-151982 JJ Limousine Order and Complaint.docx Order - Other Order 01, Order Instituting Special Proceeding; Complaint Seeking to Impose Penalties, and Notice of Brief Adjudicative Proceeding (Set for July 6, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.) 57,576 KB