UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 160766


Filter by document type: All | Email | Initial Filing | Letter | Open Meeting Memo
Document Type Date Description
Open Meeting Memo 07/07/2016 Open Meeting Memo for July 7, 2016 Open Meeting.
Email 06/28/2016 Comment, from James E Barber. (via email)
Letter 06/27/2016 Discontinuance Letter, on behalf of CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., from Lisa Anderl. (via web portal)
Email 06/23/2016 Comment, from Katy Myers. (via email)
Email 06/22/2016 Comment, on behalf of Columbia County Public Safety Communications, from Lisa Caldwell. (via email)
Email 06/21/2016 Comment, from Dave Halloran. (via email)
Email 06/21/2016 Comment, from James Barber. (via email)
Email 06/21/2016 Comment, on behalf of Pend Oreille County E911, from Steve West. (via email)
Email 06/17/2016 Comment, on behalf of Jefferson County 911, from Karl Hatton. (via email)
Initial Filing 05/31/2016 Request to cease operator services known as Operator Verification/Interrupt, and Busy Line Verification and Busy Line Interrupt from on behalf of CenturyTel of Washington, Inc., from Lisa A. Anderl. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 6-1-16)