UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 160777

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-160777
Company Pacific Power & Light Company
Filing Type Staff Investigation
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Rector, Andrew (UTC)
Filed Date 06/01/2016
Effective Date N/A
Summary NOTE: This item will be heard on Friday, August 12, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., in the Commission's Hearing Room 206. 2016 Annual Renewable Portfolio Standard Report, pursuant to WAC 480-109-210.

Event History

  • 08/12/2016 -- Close (Per email request of Andrew Rector.)
  • 04/05/2018 -- Re-open (Re-opened per email request from Kathi Scanlan.)
  • 08/12/2016 -- Close (Commissioner Rendahl moved to Issue an Order in Docket UE-160777 finding: 1. The 2016 renewable energy target for Pacific Power & Light Company is 370,166 megawatt-hours. 2. Pacific Power & Light Company has demonstrated that, by January 1, 2016, Pacific Power & Light Company acquired at least 370,166 megawatt-hours of eligible renewable resources, equivalent renewable energy credits, or a combination of the two, sufficient to supply at least 9 percent of its load for 2016. 3. Pacific Power & Light Company has complied with the June 1, 2016, reporting requirements pursuant to WAC 480-109-210. 4. Fifteen days before Pacific Power & Light Company makes its 2016 renewable portfolio standard report available to the public and its customers, according to the requirements in rule and statute, the company must file that same report with the commission in this docket. 5. In the final compliance report for 2016 required by WAC 480-109-210(6), Pacific Power & Light Company must provide details about which certificates were used for its various renewable energy programs. Chairman Danner seconded the motion. The motion carried (2:0))
  • 08/04/2016 -- Open Meeting (NOTE: This item will be heard on Friday, August 12, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., in the Commission's Hearing Room 206.)
  • 06/02/2016 -- Open