Document Type | Date | Description |
Letter | 06/17/2020 | Customer Notice Lettters, on behalf of Stanley's Sanitary Service, from Crystal Stanley. (scanned and posted) |
Notice | 07/30/2020 | Customer Notices, on behalf of Stanley's Sanitary Service, L.L.C., from Crystal Stanley. (scanned and posted) |
Open Meeting Memo | 07/30/2020 | Open Meeting Memo for the July 30, 2020, Open Meeting.
Replacement Page | 07/21/2020 | Replacement pages on behalf of Stanley's Sanitary Service LLC, from Crystal Stanley. (via web portal) |
Letter | 06/24/2020 | Revised Cover Letter, on behalf of Stanley's Sanitary Service, from Crystal Stanley. (scanned and posted) |
Workpapers | 06/11/2020 | Workpapers on behalf of Stanley's Sanitary Service, from Crystal Stanley. (via web portal) |
Initial Filing | 06/11/2020 | Revises Tariff 4, on behalf of Stanley's Sanitary Service, from Crystal Stanley. (via web portal) (hard copy of cover letter received 06/24/2020) |