UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 210345

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-210345
Company PacifiCorp
DBA Pacific Power & Light Company
Filing Type Petition
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Harmon, Byron (UTC)
Filed Date 05/17/2021
Effective Date N/A
Summary Petition for a one-time waiver of WAC 480-109-210(2)(a)(i).

Event History

  • 08/12/2021 -- Approved (Commissioner Rendahl moved to Issue an Order in Docket UE-210345 finding: 1. The 2021 renewable energy target for PacifiCorp is 615,731 megawatt-hours. 2. PacifiCorp has demonstrated that, by January 1, 2021, it acquired 615,731 megawatt-hours of eligible renewable resources sufficient to supply 15 percent of its load for 2021. 3. PacifiCorp has complied with the June 1, 2021, reporting requirements pursuant to WAC 480-109-210. 4. Bigfork; Blundell; Blundell II; Cedar Springs Wind I; Cedar Springs Wind II; Cedar Springs Wind III; Ekola Flats Wind; Foote Creek I; Glenrock III; Latigo Wind; McFadden Ridge; Mountain Wind 1; Mountain Wind 2; Pavant Solar II LLC; Pioneer Wind Park I LLC; Rock River I; Sage Solar I, LLC; Sage Solar II, LLC; Sage Solar III, LLC; Sweetwater Solar, LLC; TB Flats I; TB Flats II; Wolverine Creek are eligible renewable facilities for RPS compliance. PacifiCorp is granted permission to adjust its one-time incremental cost calculation as the company has requested. Commissioner Balasbas seconded the motion (3:0). )
  • 08/12/2021 -- Closed
  • 08/12/2021 -- Open Meeting
  • 05/18/2021 -- Formal
  • 05/18/2021 -- Open