UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 210829

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-210829
Company PacifiCorp
DBA Pacific Power & Light Company
Filing Type Plan
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Formal
Lead Staff Barrager, Paul (UTC)
Filed Date 11/01/2021
Effective Date N/A
Summary NOTE: This item will be heard on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. PacifiCorp's 2023 Biennial Clean Energy Implementation Plan Update, pursuant to WAC 480-100-640 (11).

Event History

  • 03/25/2024 -- Continued (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an order initiating an adjudication of PacifiCorp’s Biennial Clean Energy Implementation Plan update. Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0))
  • 03/14/2024 -- Open Meeting (NOTE: This item will be heard on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.)
  • 04/27/2023 -- Formal
  • 12/09/2021 -- Continued (Commissioner Rendahl moved in Docket UE-210829, to issue an order denying PacifiCorp, d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company’s petition for exemption from rule and directing the Company to include in its final CEIP both an “alternative lowest reasonable cost and reasonably available portfolio” and a “preferred portfolio” that incorporate the social cost of greenhouse gas emissions as required by WAC 480-100-605 and RCW 19.280.030 (3)(a). The company must use these portfolios in its calculation of projected incremental cost as required under 480-100-640(7). Chairman Danner seconded the motion. Commissioner Balasbas dissented. The motion carried (2:1))
  • 12/09/2021 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/01/2021 -- Pending
  • 11/01/2021 -- Open