Summary: Tariff revisions that would generate approximately $396,000 (1.3 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Pierce County Recycling, Composting and Disposal, LLC d/b/a LRI. On March 1, 2023, disposal fees will increase from $166.45 per ton to $171.23 per ton at the Pierce County Recycling, Composting and Disposal, LLC. Additionally, tariff revisions for a $2.24 increase (credit decrease from $0.99 to debit of $1.25) per month for residential recycling customers and $1.04 increase (credit decrease from $0.49 to a debit of $0.55) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 66,650 residential garbage, 65,000 residential recycling, 2,400 multi-family garbage, 8,000 multi-family recycling, 6,500 commercial garbage, and 300 drop-box garbage customers in Pierce County.