UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 230313

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-230313
Company Puget Sound Energy
Filing Type Petition
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Oliver, Crystal (UTC)
Filed Date 04/28/2023
Effective Date N/A
Summary Petition for Approval of the 2022 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism Report, including an annual deferral balance of $76.4 million, for the twelve months ended December 31, 2022. It also includes proposed Tariff Revision to WN U-60 Schedule 95, Power Cost Adjustment Clause, and Schedule 139, Voluntary Long Term Renewable Energy Purchase Rider to collect deferral balance from the Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism. The Company is requesting a revenue increase of $27.4 million or .96 percent, effective December 1, 2023. A typical residential customer using 800 kWh would see a $1.07 increase on their bill each month.

Event History

  • 11/22/2023 -- Approved (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an order: • Authorizing Puget Sound Energy (PSE or Company) to record a 2022 ratepayer deferral of $76.4 million for calendar year 2022, as reported in PSE’s Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) Mechanism report for 2022. • Finding the two Powerex Peak Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) to be prudent. • Deferring the prudency determination for the Chelan Power Supply Agreement (PSA) until PSE’s next General Rate Case filing. • Approving PSE’s proposed method to recover the 2022 PCA customer deferral balance via revisions to Tariff WN U-60 Schedule 95, Power Cost Adjustment Clause, and Schedule 139, Voluntary Long Term Renewable Energy Purchase Rider. Including the following condition: • Future PCA Mechanism report filing petition and cover letter must include the following language “Per Attachment A to the Settlement Stipulation approved under Final Order 11 in Docket UE-130617 the “Commission must review and approve the filing by September 30 of that year.” Until a new order modifies the review timeframe, the updated review deadline shall be included in the filing petition and cover letter. Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 11/22/2023 -- Closed
  • 11/22/2023 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/09/2023 -- Continued (This item was continued to the November 22, 2023 open meeting.)
  • 11/09/2023 -- Open Meeting
  • 05/01/2023 -- Formal
  • 05/01/2023 -- Open