UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 230706

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TG-230706
Company Sound Disposal Holdings
DBA Sound Disposal Inc
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Solid Waste (227)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Van Meter, Tiffany (UTC)
Filed Date 08/31/2023
Effective Date 10/01/2023
Summary Less than statutory notice request for tariff revisions for the annual commodity adjustment. The Company requests a $.88 decrease (decreasing from a debit of $3.69 to a debit of $.88) per month for residential recycling customers, a $0.20 decrease for 96-gallon receptacle per pickup (decreasing from a debit of $0.85 to a debit of $0.65) and a $1.31 increase for 1.25 yd. receptacle per pickup (increasing from a debit of $1.49 to a debit of $2.80) for multi-family customers. The Company has also petitioned for a waiver from WAC 480-70-351 (2) to use a historical 6 months instead of 12 months. The Company serves approximately 1,750 residential and 140 multi-family recycling customers in Snohomish County.

Event History

  • 09/28/2023 -- Approved/LSN (Allowed to become effective per the Consent Agenda.)
  • 09/28/2023 -- Closed
  • 09/28/2023 -- Open Meeting
  • 09/01/2023 -- Pending
  • 09/01/2023 -- Open