UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 240004


Document Type Date Description
Comment 12/19/2024 Comments, on behalf of Electrify America, LLC, from Elisia Hoffman. (via email)
Response 12/18/2024 Response to PSE's Motion to Strike, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Response 12/17/2024 Response to Puget Sound Energy's Motion to Strike Portions of JEA's Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Joint Environmental Advocates, from Jan Hasselman.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Brett Shearer, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Motion 12/11/2024 Motion to Strike Portions of Joint Environmental Advocates and Staff Briefs, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree Carson.
Brief 12/04/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Transcript 11/04/2024 Transcript; Volume 2; November 4, 2024; Pages 21-285. (via email)
Brief 12/04/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of The Energy Project from Yochanan Zakai.
Brief 12/04/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc. from Damon E. Xenopoulos.
Brief 12/04/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Nannette Moller.
Transcript 11/05/2024 Transcript; Volume 3; November 05, 2024; Pages 286-370. (via email)
Brief 12/04/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Brief 12/04/2024 Post Hearing Brief, on behalf of Joint Environmental Advocates., from Jan Hasselman.
Brief 12/04/2024 Post Hearing Brief, on Behalf of Fred Meyer Stores Inc., from Kurt Boehm.
Brief 12/04/2024 Redacted Post-Hearing brief, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Brief 12/04/2024 Post Hearing Brief on Behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina A. Caviglia.
Brief 12/04/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation from Nannette Moller.
Brief 12/04/2024 Post-Hearing Brief, on behalf of The Federal Executive Agencies (FEA), from Rita Liotta.
Response - Bench Request 11/22/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 2, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Response 11/22/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 3 on behalf of Public Counsel, from Jessica Johnson-Kubin.
Response 11/22/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 4 on behalf of Joint Environmental Advocates, from Jan Hasselman.
Response - Bench Request 11/21/2024 Response to Bench Request No. 1, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan
Notice - Bench Request 11/15/2024 Notice of Bench Request No. 4 (Due by 5 p.m., Friday, November 22, 2024).
Notice - Bench Request 11/15/2024 Notice of Bench Request No. 3 (Due by 5 p.m., Friday, November 22, 2022)
Notice - Bench Request 11/15/2024 Notice of Bench Request No. 2 (Due by 5 p.m., Friday, November 22, 2024)
Notice - Bench Request 11/15/2024 Notice of Bench Request (Due by 5 p.m., Friday, November 22, 2024)
Transcript 10/09/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; October 9, 2024; Pages: 1-20.
Transcript 10/04/2024 Transcript; Volume 2; October 4, 2024; Pages 1-14 . (via email)
Comment 11/12/2024 Public Comment Exhibits, Public Comment Matrix 1, 2 and 3, and Workpapers of Duplicative Comments, on behalf of Public Counsel from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Exhibit - List 11/05/2024 Redacted cross-examination exhibits on behalf of, Puget Sound Energy, from Anika M. Severe.
Exhibit - Proposed 11/05/2024 Revised Cross-Examination Exhibit JLM-3Xr, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan
Exhibit - Final 11/01/2024 Redacted Updated Cross Examination Exhibit on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette M Moller.
Motion 11/01/2024 Motion to Accept Late Filing, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation, from Nannette Moller.
Comment 10/31/2024 Comments, on behalf of the cities of Bothell, Issaquah, Kenmore, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Sammamish, Shoreline, and Woodinville, from Tambi Clark.
Notice 10/31/2024 Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Co-Presiding Officers.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Final Exhibit List, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree Carson.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Cross-Exhibit of David Landers and Exhibit List, on behalf of Joint Environmental Advocates, from Jan Hasselman
Exhibit - List 10/29/2024 Proposed Exhibit List, on behalf of Fred Meyer Store Inc. and Quality Food Centers, from Kurt Boehm.
Exhibit - Proposed 10/29/2024 Proposed Cross-Examination Exhibits and Exhibit List, from The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Redacted Exhibit List and Cross-Examination Exhibits, on behalf of The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers from Nannette Moller.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Exhibit List, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies (FEA) from Rita Liotta.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Exhibits list and the proposed cross-examination exhibits, on behalf of Public Counsel from Brice Hartman.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 No Intention to Cross-Examine Any Witnesses or Submit Additional Cross-Exhibits, on behalf of Walmart, Inc., from Justina Caviglia..
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Cross-Examination Exhibit and Exhibit List, on behalf of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc., from Damon E. Xenopoulos.
Compliance 10/28/2024 Revised Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Phillip Popoff on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Anika M. Severe.
Exhibit - List 10/28/2024 Redacted Cross-Exhibit List and Cross-Exhibits, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Testimony 10/25/2024 Response to Joint Environmental Advocate’s Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Document 10/25/2024 Amended Joint Issue Matrix, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from David S. Steele.
Document 10/24/2024 Joint Issue Matrix, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Anika M. Severe.
Motion 10/18/2024 Motion for Leave to File Revised Cross-Answering Testimony of William Gehrke, on behalf of Earthjustice, from Jan Hasselman.
Recording 10/10/2024 Virtual Public Comment Hearing Recording.
Comment 10/04/2024 Comment from Nicola Robinson. (via mail)
Motion 09/26/2024 Redacted Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony and Revised Version of Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Jamie Martin, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Replacement Page 09/26/2024 Replacement Page, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Birud Jhaveri.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/24/2024 Confidentiality Agreement of Keara Mundy and Debra Selecky, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies (FEA), from Rita Liotta.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Robert L. Earle and Exhibits List, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Jaime McGovern, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Kevin Higgins, on behalf of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc. and Preliminary Exhibit List, from Damon Xenopoulos.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Redacted Rebuttal Testimony, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Rebuttal Testimony of Matt Steuerwalt, John Mannetti, David Landers, Phillip Popoff, Gilbert Archuleta, Philip Haines, Brennan Mueller, Zacarias Yanez, Aaron August, Carol Wallace, Troy Hutson, Jamie Martin, Ann Bulkley, Todd Shipman, Cara Peterman, Theresa Huizi, Matthew Marcelia, Thomas Hunt, Susan Free, Ned Allis, Birud Jhaveri, Christopher Mickelson, John Taylor and Allison Jacobs, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Bradley Cebulko, William Gehrke, Mariel Thuraisingham and Charlee Thompson, on behalf of Earthjustice, from Jan Hasselman.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/18/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Justin Bieber and Rebecca Forbes, on behalf of Fred Meyer Stores Inc. and Quality Food Centers, from Kurt Boehm.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/18/2024 Confidential and Highly Confidential Agreements signed by Kurt Boehm, on behalf of Fred Meyer Stores Inc. and Quality Food Centers, from Kurt Boehm.
Document 09/18/2024 Not filing Cross-Answering Testimony, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation, from Anna Congdon.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Cross-Answering Testimony of Roger Colton, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Redacted Cross-Answering Testimony of Bradley G. Mullins and Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibit of Lance D. Kaufman on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Anna Congdon.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Cross Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Ali Al-Jabir on behalf of Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Testimony 09/18/2024 Redacted Cross-Answering Testimony and Exhibits of Chris R. McGuire, Paul Koenig and John D. Wilson, and Exhibit List on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Motion 09/16/2024 Redacted Motion to Revise Exhibits, proposed Revised Exhibits, and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Cassie Jones
Notice 09/12/2024 Customer Notice, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Birud Jhaveri.
Notice of Hearing 09/04/2024 Notice of Public Comment Hearing.
Motion 08/27/2024 Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony of Chris McGuire, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken
Confidentiality Agreement 08/27/2024 Confidentiality agreement for Brett Shearer, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Workpapers 08/13/2024 Redacted Workpapers for the Testimony and Exhibits of Michael P. Gorman, on behalf of Public Counsel from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Workpapers 08/13/2024 Workpapers for the Testimony and Exhibits of David Garrett, on behalf of Public Counsel from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Motion 08/14/2024 Motion to File Revised Testimony, proposed Revised Testimony, Exhibits, and Exhibit List, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken
Workpapers 08/13/2024 Workpapers for the Testimony and Exhibits of J. Randall Woolridge, on behalf of Public Counsel from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Workpapers 08/13/2024 Redacted Workpapers for the Testimony and Exhibits of Robert Earle, on behalf of Public Counsel from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Workpapers 08/13/2024 Workpapers for the testimony and exhibits of David Dismukes, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Letter 08/12/2024 Request for Main Service List Update, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina A. Caviglia.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Redacted Response Testimony and Exhibits of Bradley Mullins and Lance Kaufman, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette Moller.
Exhibit - Proposed 08/07/2024 Redacted Exhibit LDK-3C on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette M Moller.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Chad D. Wilcox, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation from Nannette Moller.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Redacted Response Testimony of David J. Garrett, Robert L. Earle, David Dismukes, J.R. Woolridge, Mike P. Gorman and Greg R. Meyer, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Jessica Johanson-Kubin.
Testimony 08/07/2024 Response Testimonys of,Lauren McCloy, William Gehrke, Mariel Thuraisingham, Charlee Thompson, and Bradley Cebulko, on behalf of Earthjustice. from Diana Brechtel.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Testimony and Exhibit list of Shaylee Stokes and Roger Colton, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Kevin C. Higgins on Behalf of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc., from Damon Xenopoulos.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Response Testimony and Exhibits of Justin Bieber, on behalf of the Fred Meyer Stores Inc.; Quality Food Center and Division of The Kroger Co., from Kurt Boehm, Esq.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Response Testimony of Ali Al-Jabir, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies (FEA), from Rita Liotta.
Comment 08/06/2024 Comments, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina A. Caviglia.
Testimony 08/06/2024 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/26/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jamie McGovern, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Notice 07/17/2024 Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Co-Presiding Officer
Confidentiality Agreement 07/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreements of Magdalena Akenhausen, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/15/2024 Confidentiality Agreements for Justin Bieber and Rebecca Forbes on behalf of the Fred Meyer Stores Inc. and Quality Food Centers, Divisions of The Kroger Co., from Kurt J. Boehm.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/02/2024 Confidentiality Agreement of Donna Fricke, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies (FEA), from Rita Liotta.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/20/2024 Confidentiality Agreements for Chad Wilcox and Ryan Michaud on behalf of Microsoft Corporation, from Nannette M. Moller.
Compliance 06/18/2024 Redacted Corrected Seventh Exhibit to the Prefiled Direct Testimony of PSE witness Brennan Mueller, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna L. Barnett.
Compliance 06/20/2024 Redacted Corrected Seventh Exhibit to the Prefiled Direct Testimony of PSE witness Brennan Mueller, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Donna L. Barnett.
Petition 06/14/2024 Petition to Increase Customer Representation Sub-Fund, on behalf of The Alliance of Western Energy Consumers from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/14/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Christy Bockheim, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/13/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Daniel Cordell, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Order - Other 06/11/2024 Order 08/06/04 Denying Motion for Consolidation.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/07/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Set Goldman, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Notice - Appearance 06/07/2024 Notice of Appearance of Seth Goldman, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai.
Order - Other 06/06/2024 Order 07/05 Granting Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule.
Motion 06/06/2024 Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Nannette M. Moller.
Document 05/31/2024 Request to update Main Service List with Tyler C. Pepple as representation, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation, from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/29/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Robert Sykes, Grace Monastrial and Notice of Appearance, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Tad O'Neill.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/29/2024 Confidentiality Agreements and Highly Confidential agreements from Jan Hasselman, Jim Dennison, Bradley Cebulko, Charlee Thompson, Ed Burgess, Nico Wedekind and Will Gehrke, on behalf of Front and Centered, Northwest Energy Coalition, and Sierra Club, from Diana Brechtel.
Response 05/15/2024 Opposition to Motion to Consolidate Proceeding, on behalf of Joint Environmental Advocates from Noelia Gravotta.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Suren Kumar, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Response 05/15/2024 Response to Motion to Consolidate, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree Carson.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/16/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Steven Hunt and Danny Kermode, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan
Response 05/15/2024 Response to Motion to Consolidate Proceedings, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai.
Order - Other 05/15/2024 Order 06/04 Approving Proposed Budgets and Fund Grants.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/09/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Jackson Lone, on behalf of Staff, from Josephine Strauss.
Exhibit - List 05/09/2024 Preliminary Exhibit List on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree S. Carson.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/09/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Molly Morgan, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan
Motion 05/08/2024 Motion to Consolidate, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/08/2024 Confidentiality Agreement Exhibit A, and C signed by Jessica Johanson-Kubin, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Letter 05/08/2024 Request to make changes to the main service list, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation,from Nannette Moller.
Letter 05/07/2024 Request to make changes to the main service list, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Nannette Moller.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/06/2024 Confidentiality Agreement of Roger Colton, on behalf of The Energy Project from Yochanan Zakai.
Transcript 04/02/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; April 02, 2024; Pages: 1-37. (via email)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/07/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Laura Henry, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/03/2024 Confidentiality Agreement of Nannette Moller, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers’, from Nannette Moller.
Document 05/03/2024 Revised Proposed Budget on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Document 05/02/2024 Proposed Budget, on behalf of Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Document 05/02/2024 Proposed Budget, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Document 05/02/2024 Proposed Budget's, on behalf of Front And Centered and Northwest Energy Coalition, from Jan Hasselman.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/01/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Damon Xenopoulos, Laura Baker, Joseph Briscar, Kevin Higgins, and Courtney Higgins on behalf of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc., from Damon E. Xenopoulos.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/01/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Maria Decker, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Order - Other 04/26/2024 Order 05/03 Granting Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony
Confidentiality Agreement 04/22/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Jana Grenn and Sean Laue, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan.
Order - Prehearing Conference 04/18/2024 Order 04/02 Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Hearing (Evidentiary Hearing set for November 4-5 at 9:00 a.m.)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/18/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Ali Al-Jabir and Maurice Brubaker, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Motion 04/11/2024 Motion for Leave to File Revised Testimony, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from David S. Steele.
Testimony 04/11/2024 Redacted Revised Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Ned Allis and Colin Crowley, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from David Steele.
Order - Consolidation 03/29/2024 Order 03/01 Consolidating Dockets.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/29/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by David Parcell, Glenn Watkins and John Wilson, on behalf of Staff, from Nash Callaghan
Confidentiality Agreement 03/27/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Eric Austin, on behalf of Walmart, Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Notice - Appearance 03/27/2024 Notice of Appearance of Jan Hasselman and Jim Dennison. Along with a Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Front and Centered, Northwest Energy Coalition and Sierra Club, from Jan Hasselman.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/25/2024 Highly Confidential Agreements and Protective Order signed by Greg Meyer, James Leyko, Jeremy Hagemeyer, Laura Haarmann, Michael Gorman, Matthew Smith, Sally Wilhelms and Tammy Klossner, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/22/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Justina Caviglia, on behalf of Walmart Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/22/2024 Highly Confidential Agreements signed by David Garrett, Stephanie Chase, Roman Doyonnas, Dr. Robert Earle, Brice Hartman, Tad Robinson O'Neill, J. Randall Woolridge, Dr. Ying Xiong, David Dismukes, Michael Deupree, Elizabeth Thornton, Nicolas Alvarez, Roberto Hasbun, Taylor Deshotels, Tyler French, Emily Mouch, Callie Scheuermann, Emily Starszak, Jackson Gaspard, Carlos Sandavol, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/21/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Brice Hartman, Tad Robinson O'Neill, Roman Doyonnas, Stephanie Chase, David Garrett, Dr. Robert Earle, Dr. Ying Xiong, Corey Dahl, David Dismukes, Michael Deupree, Elizabeth Thornton, Nicolas Alvarez, Roberto Hasbun, Taylor Deshotels, Tyler French, Emily Mouch, Callie Sheuermann, Emily Starszak, Carlos Sandarol, Jackson Gaspard and J. Randall Woolridge, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Brice Hartman.
Notice - Appearance 03/21/2024 Notice of Appearance of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc. from Damon E. Xenopoulos.
Petition 03/20/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc., from Joseph R. Briscar.
Petition 03/20/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Fred Meyer Stores, Inc. and Quality Food Centers, from Kurt Boehm.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/15/2024 Confidentiality Agreements signed by Shaylee Stokes and Yochanan Zakai and Petition to Intervene for Yochanan Zakai, on behalf of The Energy Project, from Yochanan Zakai.
Document 03/13/2024 Request to update Main Service List, on behalf of Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/13/2024 Signed Confidentiality Agreement of Kay Davoodi, Larry Allen and Rita Liotta, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/12/2024 Confidentiality Agreements of Nash Callaghan, Cassandra Jones, Liam Weiland, Colin O'Brien, Lisa Gafken, Betty Erdahl, Byron Harmon, Chris McGuire, Corey Cook, Crystal Oliver, David Panco, Debra Johnson, Emily Gilroy, Heather Moline, Jacque Hawkins-Jones, Jennifer Snyder, Joanna Huang, Joel Nightingale, Joshua Dennis, Kathi Scanlan, Keith Quinata, Kody McConnell, Kristen Hillstead, Neiri Carrasco, Paul Koenig, Quinn Weber, Wesley Franks, on behalf of Staff, by Nash Callaghan.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/11/2024 Signed Confidentiality Agreement of Tyler C. Pepple, on behalf of the Microsoft Corporation, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Petition 03/11/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of Microsoft Corporation, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/11/2024 Signed Confidentiality Agreement of Corinne O. Olson, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Notice 03/11/2024 Notice of Withdrawal of Tyler C. Pepple on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Notice - Appearance 03/11/2024 Notice of Appearance of Corinne O. Olson on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/08/2024 Signed Confidentiality Agreements, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers, from Jesse Gorsuch.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/11/2024 Confidentiality Agreement signed by Lance Kaufman, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Notice of Hearing 03/08/2024 Notice of Prehearing Conference. (Set for April 2, 2024, at 9:30 a.m.)
Notice - Appearance 03/06/2024 Notice of Appearance of Rita Liotta, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Petition 03/06/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of the Federal Executive Agencies, from Rita Liotta.
Notice - Appearance 03/06/2024 Notice of Appearance of Sheree Strom Carson, Pamela J. Anderson, Donna L. Barnett, David S. Steele, and Byron C. Starkey on Behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Order - Protective 03/05/2024 Order 02 Protective Order with Provisions Governing Highly Confidential Information
Petition 03/05/2024 Petition for Leave to Intervene, on behalf of Walmart, Inc., from Justina Caviglia.
Order - Suspension with Consolidation 03/05/2024 Order 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions; Order of Consolidation.
Notice - Appearance 03/04/2024 Notice of Appearance of Yochanan Zakai, on behalf of The Energy Project (TEP), from Yochanan Zakai.
Testimony 03/04/2024 Redacted Revised Errata to the Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from David Steele.
Testimony 03/01/2024 Redacted Revised Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from David Steele.
Notice - Appearance 02/26/2024 Notice of Appearance of Lisa Gafken, on behalf of Staff, from Lisa Gafken.
Petition 02/26/2024 Petition for Case Certification and Notice of Intent to Request Fund Grant, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Petition 02/26/2024 Petition to Intervene, on behalf of the Alliance of Western Energy Consumers (AWEC), from Jesse Gorsuch.
Motion 02/15/2024 Motion for Protective Order with Highly Confidential Provisions, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Testimony 02/15/2024 Redacted HC Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Testimony 02/15/2024 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Initial Filing 02/15/2024 Revises Tariff No. WN U-60, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Sheree Carson.
Notice - Appearance 02/15/2024 Notice of Appearance of Tad O'Neill on behalf of Public counsel from Brice Hartman.
Notice - Appearance 02/14/2024 Notice of Appearance of Nash Callaghan, Liam Weiland, Cassie Jones, and Colin O'Brien, on behalf of Staff, by Nash Callaghan
Letter 01/05/2024 Notice of Intent to File its General Rate Case in the First Quarter of 2024, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, from Birud Jhaveri. (via web portal)