Docket Number | UG-240178 |
Advice | 24-03 |
Company | Northwest Natural Gas Company |
DBA | NW Natural |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Natural Gas (150) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | McConnell, Kody (UTC) |
Filed Date | 03/15/2024 |
Effective Date | 04/29/2024 |
Summary | Revises Tariff WN U-6 to update the type of meter testing equipment that the Company will be using as listed in Schedule M – Meter Testing Procedures (Schedule M). The revision provides housekeeping changes as well, clarifying its use of third-party testing laboratories in compliance with WAC 480-90-343(1)(c), and updating a reference to WAC 480-90-171 that was renumbered in 2001 to WAC 480-90-348. |