UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 240646

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UG-240646
Advice 2024-33
Company Puget Sound Energy
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Natural Gas (150)
Status Pending
Lead Staff Anderson, Linda (UTC)
Filed Date 08/29/2024
Effective Date 10/01/2024
Summary Revises Tariff No. WN U-2 to convey PSE’s annual low income compliance filing1. The benefits under Schedule 129 are available to PSE customers meeting the criteria described within that Schedule and pay for any charges on their natural gas bills. Schedule 129 funds PSE’s Low Income Programs for customers who are eligible per RCW 19.405.020(19), which is the definition of low-income customers from the Clean Energy Transformation Act (“CETA”). Schedule 129 rates fund PSE’s grant-based bill assistance program Home Energy Lifeline Program (“HELP”), and provides administrative fees for community action partnership agencies (“CAPs”/“CAAs”) to administer the Federal Low Income Weatherization Program (“LIHEAP”) and PSE’s HELP programs, subject to approved Annual Caps. Program years for LIHEAP and PSE HELP run from October 1 through September 31 of each year. Schedule 129 also funded PSE’s COVID-19 Crisis Affected Customer Assistance Programs (“CACAPs”).

Event History

  • 09/26/2024 -- Open Meeting
  • 08/30/2024 -- Pending
  • 08/30/2024 -- Open