UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TE - 240673


Document Type Date Description
Order - Initial 12/17/2024 Order 01 Initial Order Cancelling Certificate.
Letter - Staff Compliance Response 12/03/2024 Staff evaluation of safety management plan.
Transcript 10/21/2024 Transcript; Volume 1; October 21, 2024; Pages: 1-45. (via email)
Exhibit - List 10/16/2024 Staff's Updated Exhibit List, Exhibit SY-2, on behalf of Staff, from Liam Weiland.
Exhibit - List 10/14/2024 Exhibit List, proposed Exhibit, Witness List, on behalf of Staff, from Liam Weiland.
MAIN SERVICE LIST 10/08/2024 Main Service List
Penalty Assessment 10/08/2024 Penalty Assessment Against Baker Bus in the Amount of $5,000 for Violation of WAC 480-30-191 and 480-30-221
Notice 10/04/2024 Notice of Substitution of Presiding Officer.
Notice of Hearing 09/25/2024 Notice of Intent to Cancel, Extending Cancellation Date, and Brief Adjudicative Proceeding. (Set for October 21, 2024, at 1:30 p.m.)