Docket Number | UG-240881 |
Advice | |
Company | Northwest Natural Gas Company |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Natural Gas (150) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Laue, Sean (UTC) |
Filed Date | 11/15/2024 |
Effective Date | 01/01/2025 |
Summary | Revises Tariff WN U-6, Schedule 231, Temporary Adjustments to Rates for Residential Bill Discount Program to reflect the 2025 forecasted cost and true-up for 2024 cost, increasing annual Washington revenue by $695,702 or about 0.57 percent. If there were no other adjustments to rates effective January 1, 2025, a residential customer with average monthly use of 57 therms would see an increase of $0.43 per month, or approximately 0.6 percent. |