UTC Recent Orders

Docket No. Company Case Industry Case Type ↓ Order Date ↓ Orders
170417 Evergreen Valley Water System, Inc.
Water Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170418 Harrison Water Company /Kiona, LLC
Water Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $500
170419 Harrison-Ray Water Company, Inc.
Water Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $500
170421 Pedersen Family, LLC
Water Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170422 Pelican Point Water Company
Water Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170426 01 Communications West, LLC
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170427 ABS-CBN Telecom North America, Inc.
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $200
170428 Access Point, Inc.
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $175
170429 AccessLine Communications Corporation
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170430 Airnex Communications, Inc.
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170431 Airus, Inc.
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170432 ALEC, Inc.
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170433 American Phone Services, Corporation
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170434 Apptix, Inc.
Telecommunications Assessment (penalty) 06/22/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170729 Centrum
Charter and Excursion Bus Voluntary Cancellation 06/22/2017
Delegated Letter
Centrum dba Centrum Foundation Voluntary Cancelation.
170203 Chariot Transit Inc.
Charter and Excursion Bus Certificate 06/21/2017
Delegated Letter
Chariot Transit Inc. Letter Granting Authority and CH-67717.
170634 Parking & Transportation Management Services, LLC
Charter and Excursion Bus Assessment (penalty) 06/21/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170638 Richmond, Troy
Charter and Excursion Bus Assessment (penalty) 06/21/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170639 Rockymountain Stage Coach Inc.
Charter and Excursion Bus Assessment (penalty) 06/21/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000
170640 Seattle Ocean Travel LLC
Charter and Excursion Bus Assessment (penalty) 06/21/2017
Order - Other
Notice of Penalties Incurred and Due for Violations of Laws and Rules - Penalty Amount $1000