Displaying 51 - 100 of 35068
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
250147 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas Quarterly Reports for the Period Ending December 31, 2024, pursuant to WAC 480-90-275 and 480-100-275.
250146 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Pending n/a Electric Quarterly Reports for the Period Ending December 31, 2024, pursuant to WAC 480-90-275 and 480-100-275.
250145 Sound Moving NW LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 03-24-2025 Household Goods Carriers ​Staff Investigation to Determine if Company is in Violation of WAC 480-15-560 Equipment and Safety Requirements.
250144 BNSF Railway Co.; Union Pacific Railroad Company Petition for Exemption Pending n/a Oil By Rail Commission staff's petition for exemption from the provisions of WAC 480-62-270(2) relating to safety standards at private crossings.
250143 PacifiCorp Tariff Revision Pending n/a Electric Revises Tariff No. WN U-76 Schedule 106, PacifiCorp proposes to eliminate language requiring a deferral request be filed with every demand response program. These programs are provided each year in the Annual Demand Response Report in addition to being discussed with interested parties in the DSM Advisory Group. This filing does not impact rates.
250142 Brar, Bhupinder Singh Certificate Pending 03-25-2025 Charter and Excursion Bus Reinstatement Application for CH065072.
250141 Northwest Natural Gas Company Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas 2024 Fourth Quarter Operations Report, pursuant to WAC 480-90-275.
250140 Labyrinth IT, LLC Registration Pending 03-20-2025 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
250139 SQF, LLC Registration Pending 03-20-2025 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
250138 Global Crossing Local Services, Inc. Cessation of Service Pending n/a Telecommunications Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State.
250137 Lion Movers LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal n/a Household Goods Carriers Staff Investigation to Determine if Company is in Violation of WAC 480-15-560 Equipment and Safety Requirements.
250136 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Accounting Order Pending n/a Natural Gas Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment of Puget Sound
Energy’s Costs for its Natural Gas Business associated with the United States
Tariffs on Energy Imports from Canada.
250135 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Accounting Order Pending n/a Electric Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment of Puget Sound Energy’s Costs for its Electric Business associated with the United States Tariffs on Energy Imports from Canada.
250133 Avista Corporation Petition for Accounting Order Pending n/a Natural Gas Petition For an Order Authorizing Deferral of Tariffs Imposed on Imports of Energy Resources from Canada not Otherwise Tracked in Existing Deferral Mechanisms.
250132 Avista Corporation Petition for Accounting Order Pending n/a Electric Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferral of Tariffs Imposed on Imports of Energy Resources from Canada, not Otherwise Tracked in Existing Deferral Mechanisms.
250131 Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc. Cessation of Service Pending n/a Telecommunications Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State.
250127 CHS, Inc. Petition for Exemption Pending 03-13-2025 Railroad Petition for Exemption from Commission rules related to railroad companies - clearances (WAC 480-60).
250126 PacifiCorp Staff Investigation Pending n/a Electric 2025 Construction and Operations and Maintenance Budget Report, pursuant to WAC 480-140-040.
250125 Northwest Natural Gas Company Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas In accordance with WAC 480-143-190, 2024 Annual filing of property transferred without authorization.
250124 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Pending n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2 to implement changes to rates under the conservation rider mechanism.
250123 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Pending n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60 to implement changes to rates under the conservation rider
250122 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas 2025 Fiscal Year Budget pursuant to WAC 480-140-030 and WAC 480-140-040.
250121 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas Annual Filing of Property Transferred Without Authorization for 2024 pursuant to WAC 480-143-190.
250120 Let It Go Movers LLC Insurance Action Pending 02-28-2025 Household Goods Carriers Cancel permit for insufficient insurance.
250119 People Movers LLC Insurance Action Pending 02-28-2025 Household Goods Carriers Cancel permit for insufficient insurance.
250118 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 62 Substation and Related Equipment to reflect the Company's newly authorized rate of return and capital structure as approved in Order 09/07 of consolidated Dockets UE-240004, UG-240005, and UE-230810 on January 15, 2025.
250117 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2, Rule No. 28: Income Tax Rider - Contributions in Aid of Construction to reflect the Company's newly authorized rate of return and capital structure as approved in Order 09/07 of consolidated Dockets UE-240004, UG-240005, and UE-230810 on January 15, 2025.
250116 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 87 Income Tax Rider Contributions in Aid of Construction to reflect the Company's newly authorized rate of return and capital structure as approved in Order 09/07 of consolidated Dockets UE-240004, UG-240005, and UE-230810 on January 15, 2025.
250115 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2 Natural Gas Rule No. 6 Extension of Distribution Facilities to include language clarifying that the cost of a line extension is subject to the Washington State Public Utility Tax, UTC Filing Fee, and the applicable municipal tax.
250114 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60 Schedule 85, Line Extensions and Service Lines, updating standard line extension charges, transformation costs, and margin amounts; and incorporates one tariff language revision.
250113 PacifiCorp Staff Investigation Pending n/a Electric Property Disclosure Report pursuant to WAC 480-143-190.
250112 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Pending n/a Natural Gas 2025 Gas Budget of Expenditures, pursuant to WAC 480-140.
250111 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Pending n/a Electric 2025 Electric Budget of Expenditures, pursuant to WAC 480-140.
250109 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2 Natural Gas Schedule 1 Tax Adjustment to reflect a municipal tax increases by: the City of Lakewood of 6 percent per Lakewood Ordinance 816 increasing a residential bill with average use of 64 therms a month by $1.11; and the City of Puyallup of 6 percent per Puyallup Ordinance 3306 increasing a residential bill with average use of 64 therms a month by $1.99. This filing also updates the bad debt expense percentage used when calculating the effective tax rate, where applicable, to what was approved in the Company’s 2024 general rate case. The change in the authorized bad debt percentage decreases a residential customers monthly bill by about $0.01.
250108 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60 Electric Schedule 81 Tax Adjustment to reflect municipal tax increases by: the City of Lakewood of 6 percent per Lakewood Ordinance 816 increasing a residential bill with average use of 800 kWh a month by $1.33; and the City of Puyallup 6 percent per Puyallup Ordinance 3306 increasing a residential bill with average use of 800 kWh a month by $2.40. This filing also updates the bad debt expense percentage used when calculating the effective tax rate, where applicable, to what was approved in the Company’s 2024 general rate case. The change in the authorized bad debt percentage decreases a residential customers monthly bill by about $0.01.
250107 Stericycle of Washington Inc. Petition for Exemption Pending n/a Solid Waste Petition for exemption from WAC 480-70-071, Reporting Requirements, regarding extension of time to file annual report.
250106 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Pending n/a Electric Monthly Operating Reports for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2024 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275.
250105 Rainy Side Movers LLC; Here2There, Inc. Application for Transfer Pending 03-27-2025 Household Goods Carriers Transfer application for full household goods permit.
250104 East Side Improvement Co., Inc. Tariff Revision Pending n/a Water General rate increase request that, as originally filed, would have generated approximately $41,200 (69.4 percent) additional annual revenue for water services. Commission Staff and the Company have agreed to a lower additional annual revenue amount of approximately $25,925 (54 percent) resulting in lower revised rates. The Company provides regulated domestic and irrigation water service to 44 customers in Kittitas County. This is the Company’s first general rate and became regulated effective on July 1, 2022.
250103 Whidbey Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications The purpose of this filing is to modify and clarify the conditions under which a credit or a waiver of service installation charges are available. The changes increase the maximum amount of non-recurring installation charges that will be waived from $1,000 to $2,500. In addition, the terms and conditions related to the definition of Qualifying Services have been clarified.
250102 Washington Water Service Company Contract Closed n/a Water Contract between the Company and one customer to complete the tap and extension of the water main on Mountain Hwy E and install 1 hydrant. This site is in Pierce County, which is serviced by Southwood Water System.
250101 Sound Disposal Holdings Tariff Revision Closed 03-27-2025 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request for Sound Disposal Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Sound Disposal, Inc., Tariff revisions for a $1.11 increase (from a credit of $0.11 to debit of $1.00) per month for residential recycling customers and $0.25 increase from a credit of $0.02 to debit of $0.23) per yard/month for multi-family recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 1,750 residential and 550 multi-family recycling customers in the City of Edmonds and Snohomish County.
250100 Ardent Wireless LLC Registration Pending 03-11-2025 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
250099 Rubatino Refuse Removal LLC Tariff Revision Closed 03-27-2025 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request for tariff revisions that would generate approximately $31,600 (.10 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Cedar Grove Composting. On April 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $85.25 per ton to $88.33 per ton at the Cedar Grove Composting facility. The Cedar Grove transfer station will charge $83.77 for the disposal fee and add an additional $4.56 (5.44 percent) for a fuel surcharge bringing the total disposal fee to $88.33. The Company serves approximately 28,000 yard-waste customers in Snohomish County. The Company is also requesting to add the Independence Day holiday to its Item 60 in the tariff. The Company's last general rate increase became effective on December 1, 2021.
250098 Backcountry Travels LLC Application for Transfer Pending n/a Commercial Ferries Transfer Full
250097 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 03-27-2025 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice for Waste Management of Washington, Inc. d/b/a Waste Management of Greater Wenatchee, Tariff revision recovering the annual assessment by Douglas County of a fee imposed on solid waste collection in unincorporated Douglas County. Waste Management’s share of the fee is $220,650.98. Due to customer and tonnage growth, the 2024 fee did not increase rates to customers. The currently proposed rate will become effective April 1, 2025. The Company serves approximately 7,211 residential and 587 roll-off customers in Douglas County.
250096 Beeline Tours LTD. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Tariff revisions to Tariff No. 6, requesting a 5 percent increase for flexible fares as allowed in WAC 480-30-420. The Company provides scheduled reservation only auto transportation service between points in King County and the cruise ship terminal and SeaTac International airport.
250095 Ada-Lin Waste Systems, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 03-27-2025 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request for Tariff revisions that would generate approximately $12,000 (1.0 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Lincoln County. On April 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $124.32 per ton to $129.91 per ton at the Lincoln Transfer Station and from $111.69 per ton to $117.28 per ton at the Sunshine Transfer Station. The Company serves approximately 1,200 garbage customers in Lincoln County. The Company's last general rate increase became effective on July 1, 2023.
250094 Consolidated Communications Enterprise Services, Inc. Name Change Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Name Change from Consolidated Communications Enterprise Services, Inc. to Communications Enterprise Services, LLC. The Company provided the conversion documents filed with the Delaware Secretary of State and the Company registration with the Washington Secretary of State.
250093 Hattenburg Excavating, Inc. Assessment (penalty) Closed 02-28-2025 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of Hattenburg Excavating, LLC. for an alleged violation of RCW 19.122.