Displaying 19601 - 19650 of 35020
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
111610 Lee, David L. Insurance Action Closed 09-07-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111609 Paul's II, LLC Insurance Action Closed 09-07-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111608 Mareno, John A Insurance Action Closed 09-07-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111607 Cadonau, Henry L. Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111606 DeLange Enterprises, Inc. Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111605 Adventure Trucking LLC Application for Hazardous Materials Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for hazardous materials permit
111604 Fred Newman Logging Inc.; NEWMAN, FRED Name Change Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for name change to Fred Newman Logging Inc., from Fred Newman for CC-44140
111603 BREMERTON-KITSAP AIRPORTER, INC. Fuel Surcharge Tariff Closed 09-07-2011 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 10, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 102.
111602 ConocoPhillips Staff Investigation Closed n/a Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Team Inspection of ConocoPhillips Operator Qualification Plan.
111601 Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc. Fuel Surcharge Tariff Closed 09-07-2011 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 4, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 94.
111600 C.A.R. Transport, LLC Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for Common Carrier permit.
111599 Lewis River Telephone Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Adds Line Hunting.
111598 YAKIMA WASTE SYSTEMS, INC. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste General rate increase that would generate approximately $633,000 (7.9 percent) in additional annual revenue for the collection of residential and commercial garbage, residential recycling, yard waste and drop box services. Staff and the company agreed to a lower revenue requirement of approximately $575,000 (7.2 percent) additional annual revenue and lower revised rates for residential recycling and yard waste collection. The company provides regulated solid waste service to approximately 22,000 residential and commercial customers in Yakima County. The company's last general increase became effective June 1, 2010.
111597 Qwest Corporation Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Telecommunications Affiliated interest filing and First Amendment between Qwest Corporation, d/b/a CenturyLink QC and Savvis, for a Wholesale Data Service Agreement.
111596 Pacific Power & Light Company Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Amendment to Affiliated Interest filing for an Intercompany Mutual Assistance Agreement between Pacific Power & Light Company and other rate-regulated subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathway Energy Company. This amendment adds NV Energy, Inc. to the group of participating subsidiaries.
111595 Basic Living Company Insurance Action Closed 09-08-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111594 Huseby, Kenneth M Insurance Action Closed 09-08-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111593 SOTELO, YOLANDA Insurance Action Closed 09-20-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111592 Church, David S Application for Hazardous Materials Permit Closed 08-23-2012 Motor Freight Carrier Application for Hazardous Materials Permit extension.
111591 Martinez, Antonio Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111590 Montiel, Mario Tellez Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111589 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas PGA monthly report of activity in account 191 pursuant to WAC 480-90-233(5).
111588 Avista Corporation Plan Closed n/a Natural Gas NOTE: Special presentation by Avista Corporation on Monday, November 26, 2012, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. to present their 2012 Natural Gas Integrated Resource Plan, Room 206, Commission Hearing Room.
111587 Northwest Natural Gas Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Tariff revisions to update the company's Purchased Gas Adjustment and Deferred Gas Cost Amortization rates.
111586 Hoppy's Towing & Recovery Insurance Action Closed 09-02-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111585 Pace Van Service Insurance Action Closed 09-12-2011 Non-profit Bus Suspend for insurancce.
111584 Clark County Petition Closed 05-17-2012 Railroad Petition to modify highway-rail grade crossing active warning devices and disbursement of funds from the grade crossing protective fund for Clark County.
111583 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Schedule No. 194, Residential & Farm Energy Exchange Benefit, which implements changes to rates under a Residential Purchase and Sales Agreement between Puget Sound Energy and Bonneville Power Administration. The filing represents an increase in the amount of benefits available to Puget Sound Energy's customers from the amount currently being billed to customers, resulting in a 0.5% or $0.50 decrease in the total bill for a typical residential customer using 1,000 kWh per month.
111582 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Adjusts the rate for the Schedule No. 129 - Low Income Program to maintain the current level of bill payment assistance for natural gas customers.
111581 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Adjusts the rate for the Schedule No. 129 - Low Income Program to maintain the current level of bill payment assistance for electric customers.
111580 Sohlstrom, Todd E Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111579 McCloud, William Melvin Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111578 Suarez, Noel R. Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111577 Fury Site Works, Inc. Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111576 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas Deferred gas cost accounting activity through July 2011 pursuant to WAC 480-90-233.
111575 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas 2010 Natural Gas Meter Measurement Performance Report pursuant to WAC 480-90-353.
111574 Andersen, Travis James Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111573 Solmar Water System, Inc. Transfer of Property Closed 09-28-2011 Water Application for transfer for Solmar Water System, Inc., reflecting a transfer of stock and tariff adoption.
111572 E & J Trucking Insurance Action Closed 08-31-2011 Motor Freight Carrier Suspend for insurance.
111571 Petition Closed 10-13-2011 Telecommunications Petition by the State of Washington Military Department, Emergency Management Division, for the state E911 excise tax during the year 2012.
111570 Budget Prepay, Inc. Petition Closed 02-14-2014 Telecommunications Notice of Relinquishment of its Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) effective June 5, 2017 pursuant to federal law and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 480-123. Budget PrePay has notified the approximate 1,400 Lifeline customers in its ETC designated areas in Washington as required by WAC 480-120-083.
111569 Aly, Zakariya Ollvy Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111568 S & D Logistics Inc; PFALLER, DOUGLAS M Name Change Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for name change to S & D Logistics Inc from Douglas M Pfaller for CC-62109
111567 Ayala, Ignacio Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for permit
111566 BREMERTON-KITSAP AIRPORTER, INC. Fuel Surcharge Tariff Closed 09-02-2011 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 10, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 101.
111565 DIECA Communications, Inc. Registration Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for registration and competitive classification.
111564 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Schedule No. 159, reflecting changes to the Natural Gas Decoupling Rate Adjustment.
111563 Atech Logistics, Inc. Application for Hazardous Materials Permit Closed n/a Motor Freight Carrier Application for Hazardous Materials Permit
111562 WICKKISER INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES INC Fuel Surcharge Tariff Closed 08-31-2011 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 9, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 95.
111561 Olympic Pipe Line Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Petroleum Pipelines (Economic Regulation) Olympic Pipeline filed tariff supplement No. 4 to its Tariff No. 17. the filing updates carrier name, address and website along with various other housekeeping changes.