Displaying 1251 - 1300 of 34886
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
230745 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-3, Annual Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) to: 1) pass through changes in the estimated cost of natural gas for the upcoming year (Schedule 595), and 2) revise the amortization rate(s) to refund or collect the balance of deferred natural gas commodity and demand costs (Schedule 590). The Company is requesting an overall revenue decrease of $0.7 million, or 0.21 percent, effective November 1, 2023. The impact on a residential customer's monthly bill with an average consumption of 54 therms is a decrease of $0.15, or 0.2 percent.
230744 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2 to incorporate new schedules to the Natural Gas Tariff Index, which were recently added to the natural gas tariff book. Additionally, this filing introduces a new Legend of Symbols in accordance with WAC 480-80-102.
230743 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60 to incorporate new schedules to the Index to Rate Schedules, which were recently added to the electric tariff book, and corrects a scrivener's error in the title of Schedule 249A. Additionally, this filing introduces a new Legend of Symbols in accordance with WAC 480-80-102.
230742 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedules 307, 317, and 327, to clarify the availability of service to additional customers; clarify language regarding the use of customer information, estimation practices, and billing practices should a customer choose to terminate service; and adds new tariff schedule language consistent with settlement terms and Commission orders. Under Schedule 324, extend the date that service will be available from October 1, 2023 to January 1, 2024.
230741 Mobilitie, LLC Name Change Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Name Change from Mobilitie, LLC to Boldyn Networks US LLC. The Company provided an "Amendment of Foreign Registration Statement" from Washington State's Secretary of State as confirmation of the name change.
230740 Northwest Natural Gas Company Petition for Accounting Order Closed 12-22-2023 Natural Gas Petition for an Accounting Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment of the Residential Bill Discount Program.
230739 Northwest Natural Gas Company Tariff Revision Closed 12-22-2023 Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-6, adding Schedule L - Bill Discount Rate. Also adds Schedule 231 for the recovery of costs for the program. An average residential customer using 58 therms per month will see a bill increase of 1.00 percent, or $0.83 per month.
230738 Uniti Dark Fiber LLC Registration Pending 10-03-2023 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
230737 Trilogy MedWaste West, LLC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Tariff revision adding per pound rates for medical waste pickup to comply with federal and state government contract requirements. The company conducted a two-month weight study of its current volume-based services to calculate equivalent weight-based rates for each container capacity.
230736 Burton Water Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff Revision to add language as required by Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (ESHB 1329) regarding High heat advisory and disconnections.
230735 Washington Water Service Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff Revision to add language as required by Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (ESHB 1329) regarding High heat advisory and disconnections
230734 Summit View Water Works Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff Revision to add language as required by Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (ESHB 1329) regarding High heat advisory and disconnections.
230733 Lochaven Water LLC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff revision to add language as required by Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1329 (ESHB 1329) regarding High heat advisory and disconnections.
230732 Topher Ventures Inc. Permit Pending 10-17-2023 Household Goods Carriers New household goods permit application.
230730 Moco Moving Company Permit Pending 11-13-2023 Household Goods Carriers New Household Goods Permit Application.
230729 PNW Tours and Pours, LLC Certificate Pending 10-30-2023 Charter and Excursion Bus New Charter Excursion Certificate Application
230728 Longview Switching Company Petition Closed 10-02-2023 Railroad Petition to modify warning devises at a railroad-highway crossing at International Way (USDOT 914213L), on behalf of Longview Switching Company.
230727 Safe-To-Go-Movers, LLC Permit Closed 09-08-2023 Household Goods Carriers Reinstatement application
230726 Teleport Communications America, LLC Telephone Number Resources Closed 10-12-2023 Telecommunications Teleport Communications America, LLC requests a waiver of the months to exhaust and rate Center utilization requirements for obtaining number resources. In addition, the Company requests that the Commission direct PA/NANPA to accommodate their dedicated customers request of 10,000 consecutive telephone numbers from a Washington State area code.
230725 Torre Refuse & Recycling LLC Tariff Revision Closed 09-14-2023 Solid Waste Tariff revision of Tariff No. 7 for the addition of item 230 asbestos disposal at Graham Road Landfill.
230724 Rulemaking Formal n/a Household Goods Carriers Rulemaking to focus on whether the Household Goods Moving industry is competitive and may benefit from some alternative form of economic regulation, including but not limited to removing the maximum rate band in Tariff 15-C.
230723 Torre Refuse & Recycling LLC Tariff Revision Closed 09-14-2023 Solid Waste Tariff revision of Tariff No. 4 for the addition of item 230 asbestos disposal at Graham Road Landfill.
230722 PacifiCorp Request for Proposal Pending n/a Electric Information Filing of the Company's Request for Proposal for Residential Electric Vehicle Managed Charging Pilot Program.
230717 DARIGOLD, INC. Petition for Exemption Closed 10-12-2023 Railroad Petition for Exemption from railroad side clearance rules in 480-60-050 at the Darigold Facility in Sunnyside, WA.
230716 PENINSULA SANITATION SERVICE, INC. Tariff Revision Closed 09-14-2023 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request for an administrative correction to implement previously approved tariff rates. Revised tariff rates were approved by the Commission in Docket TG-230518 on August 24, 2023, but revised tariff pages were not accepted into the record. This filing is to submit tariff pages as approved into the record. No rates are increasing due to this filing. The Company provides solid waste collection services in Pacific County.
230715 Harris, Thomas Earl Insurance Action 09-06-2023
230714 Safe-To-Go-Movers, LLC Insurance Action 09-05-2023
230713 State of Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division Petition Closed 10-26-2023 Telecommunications Petition for 911State Excise Tax for calendar year 2024 by the Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division, State 911 Coordinator's Office.
230712 Backbreakers NW, LLC Insurance Action 09-05-2023
230711 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29, to reflect a total surcharge of ($10,000), or -0.004 percent, effective November 1, 2023. An insurance renewal summary is also provided consistent with provisions of conditions in Order 10/01 of Dockets UE-220053, et. al. The average natural gas residential customer using 64 therms per month will see a bill decrease that is not material enough to warrant a rate change.
230710 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, to reflect a total surcharge of $87,000, or 0.02 percent, effective November 1, 2023. An insurance renewal summary is also provided consistent with provisions of conditions in Order 10/01 of Dockets UE-220053, et. al. The average electric residential customer using 932 kWhs per month will see a bill increase of $0.02, or approximately 0.02 percent.
230709 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29, Annual Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) to: 1) pass through the changes in the estimated cost of natural gas for the upcoming year (Schedule 150), and 2) revise the amortization rates(s) to refund or collect the balance of deferred natural gas commodity and demand costs (Schedule 155). The Company is requesting an overall revenue decrease of $8.1 million, or 3.0 percent, effective November 1, 2023. The impact on a residential customer's monthly bill with an average consumption of 67 therms is a reduction of $6.76, or 6.98 percent.
230708 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 88 - Wildfire Expense Balancing Account, to reflect a $1.4 million increase in deferred wildfire expenses over the baseline authorized by the Commission in Dockets UE-200900 and UE-220053. A typical residential customer using 932 kWhs per month would see an increase of $0.19 per month, or 0.2 percent.
230707 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28 to reflect a rate adjustment to decrease the rebate related to Residential Exchange Program benefits the Company receives from the Bonneville Power Administration. A typical residential customer using 932kWh per month will see an increase of $0.37 per month, or 0.4 percent.
230706 Sound Disposal Holdings Tariff Revision Closed 09-28-2023 Solid Waste Less than statutory notice request for tariff revisions for the annual commodity adjustment. The Company requests a $.88 decrease (decreasing from a debit of $3.69 to a debit of $.88) per month for residential recycling customers, a $0.20 decrease for 96-gallon receptacle per pickup (decreasing from a debit of $0.85 to a debit of $0.65) and a $1.31 increase for 1.25 yd. receptacle per pickup (increasing from a debit of $1.49 to a debit of $2.80) for multi-family customers. The Company has also petitioned for a waiver from WAC 480-70-351 (2) to use a historical 6 months instead of 12 months. The Company serves approximately 1,750 residential and 140 multi-family recycling customers in Snohomish County.
230705 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-29 to increase funding collected under the Company's natural gas tariff Schedule 192, Low-Income Rate Assistance Program. The Company is requesting a revenue increase of $4.6 million, or an increase of 1.7 percent. The average residential natural gas customer using 67 therms would see a bill increase of $2.11 per month.
230704 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28 to increase funding collected under the Company's electric tariff Schedule 92, Low-Income Rate Assistance Program. The Company is requesting a revenue increase of $7.6 million, or an increase of 1.3 percent. The average residential electric customer using 932 kWhs would see a $1.44 bill increase per month.
230703 Integrity Concrete Construction, LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 09-18-2023 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of alleged violation of RCW 19.122 Integrity Concrete Construction.
230702 PacifiCorp Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Affiliated Interest Transaction with Kern River Gas Transmission Company to enter into a Precedent and Facilities Agreement.
230701 Consolidated Communications of Washington Company, LLC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Revises Tariff WN U-1 to increase the $2.00 transaction fee to $4.95, when a customer submits a payment via the telephone.
230700 Assessment (penalty) Closed 09-12-2023 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Staff investigation of alleged violation of RCW 19.122 OK Electric, Inc.
230699 ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC; ExteNet Systems, LLC Transfer of Property Closed n/a Telecommunications Notification of Transfer of Certain Assets between ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC and ExteNet Systems, LLC.
230698 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Accounting Order Closed 09-28-2023 Natural Gas Petition for an Order Authorizing Puget Sound Energy’s Accounting and Ratemaking Treatment related to PSE’s True up Provision in Schedule 129D – BDR (Bill Discount Rate).
230697 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Accounting Order Closed 09-28-2023 Electric Petition for an Order Authorizing Puget Sound Energy’s Accounting and Ratemaking Treatment related to PSE’s True up Provision in Schedule 129D – BDR (Bill Discount Rate).
230696 Americam Movers LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 03-22-2024 Household Goods Carriers Staff Investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC-15-530, Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance, and WAC-15-550, Cargo Insurance.
230695 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2, Schedule 129 - Low Income Program to propose an increase in total natural gas revenue requirement to $494,276, or 0.16 percent. The typical residential customer using 64 therms per month would see an average monthly bill increase of $0.15, or 0.16 percent.
230694 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Pending n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 129 - Low Income Program to propose a decrease in total electric revenue requirement to $22,294,410, or 1.14 percent. The typical residential customer using 800 kWh per month would see an average monthly bill decrease of $1.00, or 1 percent, per month.
230693 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2 to establish a new tariff schedule, Schedule 129D, Bill Discount Rate Rider. This new schedule increases the natural gas revenue requirement by $14,004,477, or 1.06 percent. The typical residential customer using 64 therms per month would see an average monthly bill increase of $1.02, or 1.07 percent.
230692 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-60 to establish a new tariff schedule, Schedule 129D, Bill Discount Rate Rider. This new schedule increases the electric revenue requirement by $11,937,091, or 0.46 percent. The typical residential customer using 800 kWh per month would see an average monthly bill increase of $0.49, or 0.49 percent.
230691 Interstate Mckinzie Movers LLC Insurance Action 08-30-2023