Docket | Company Name(s) | Type | Status | Last Order | Industry | Description | |
201001 | iHaul, LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Closed | 12-24-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Voluntary permit cancellation | |
201000 | T-Mobile West LLC | Petition | Closed | 01-28-2021 | Telecommunications | Petition for ETC Designation as a Lifeline Only provider and Relinquishment of Prior High-Cost and Mobility Fund I Designations, along with the associated reporting obligations. The company will forego federal high-cost support beginning January 1, 2021. | |
200999 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Petition for Accounting Order | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Petition for Accounting Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment of Damage and Restoration Costs for White Salmon Outage. | |
200998 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 134, adding a voluntary community solar energy service. | |
200997 | Pacific Northwest Distributing, LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Closed | 12-18-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | Voluntary Cancellation. | |
200996 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Petition for Accounting Order | Closed | 05-11-2021 | Natural Gas | Petition for order for Authorizing Deferred Accounting for Certain Start-up Costs Associated with Horizon. |
200995 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Petition for Accounting Order | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Petition for order for approval of depreciation and amortization of rates for investment in certain software. | |
200994 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Tariff Revision | Closed | 10-21-2021 | Natural Gas | General Rate Case: Northwest Natural Gas Company, dba NW Natural (“NW Natural” or the “Company”), files herewith revisions to its Tariff WN U-6 to apply a general rate increase. In this filing, the Company is proposing a multi-year rate plan, which would begin with new rates effective November 1, 2021, and include rate increases occurring on November 1, 2021, and November 1, 2022. | |
200993 | Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. | Cessation of Service | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State. No existing customers and no outstanding prepaid calling card services. | |
200992 | Sino - M International LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Closed | 12-18-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | Voluntary Cancellation. | |
200991 | Mount Vernon Terminal Railway | Petition for Exemption | Closed | 01-07-2021 | Railroad | Petition for Exemption from side clearance rules in WAC 480-60-060 at the Mount Vernon Terminal Railway facility in Mount Vernon, WA. | |
200990 | South Sound College Hunks LLC | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 01-15-2021 | Household Goods Carriers | Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements. | |
200989 | Affordable Movers LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Pending | 12-16-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Voluntary Cancellation. | |
200988 | Easy Company Moving LLC; Carson, Kyle | Name Change | Closed | 01-11-2021 | Household Goods Carriers | Name Change for HHG Permit | |
200987 | PENINSULA SANITATION SERVICE, INC. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | General Rate Case in compliance with Order 03 issued in Docket TG-190476 that would generate approximately $350,000 additional annual revenue. The company provides solid waste collection service to 3,000 customers in Pacific County. The company’s last general rate increase became effective February 1, 2014. | |
200986 | Inland Empire Tours Corp. | Voluntary Cancellation | Pending | 12-15-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | Voluntary Cancellation. | |
200985 | Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc. | Certificate | Closed | 01-27-2021 | Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) | Application for Temporary Extension of Authority. | |
200984 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 85 - Line Extensions and Service Lines, to update standard line extension charges, transformation costs, and margin allowances. | |
200983 | Saenz, Abraham | Permit | Pending | 03-12-2021 | Household Goods Carriers | New HHG permit application. | |
200982 | CenturyLink Communications LLC | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Staff complaint into the company's billing practices. | |
200981 | Northwest Fiber, LLC | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | 2020 Annual Reporting Requirements for High-Cost Recipients Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 51.915 (d) (3) and 47 C.F.R. § 54.304(c)(1) | |
200980 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | 06-01-2021 | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60 to revise Power Cost Baseline Rate (“Baseline Rate”) through a change in electric Schedule 95, in order to reflect increases in the Company’s overall normalized power supply costs as supported in its PCORC filing. | |
200979 | Cascadia Water, LLC | Tariff Revision | Closed | 06-28-2021 | Water | Proposed tariff revisions that would generate approximately $325,000 (53.5 percent) in additional annual revenue, to be phased in over a 17-month period in four phases. The first phase would be 5 months, with the remaining phases being 6 months per phase. The company serves approximately 1,750 customers on two water systems located near Sequim in Clallam County and 12 water systems located on Whidbey Island in Island County. | |
200978 | Bellhops Moving, LLC | Permit | Pending | 02-08-2021 | Household Goods Carriers | New Household Goods Permit Application | |
200977 | Moving Clear Services LLC | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 12-18-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees; WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements; and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements. | |
200976 | Moving Clear Services LLC | Staff Investigation | Closed | 01-19-2021 | Household Goods Carriers | Staff investigation of company's safety rating. | |
200975 | Doceo, LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Closed | 12-04-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Doceo LLC Voluntary Permit Cancellation | |
200974 | Hallcon Corporation | Certificate | Closed | 12-07-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | New certificate application | |
200973 | Avista Corporation | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 95, My Clean Energy Program, providing customers with an option to voluntarily purchase one hundred percent clean energy. | |
200972 | Astound Broadband, LLC | Transfer of Property | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Transfers Control of Astound Broadband, LLC to Stonepeak Associates IV LLC. | |
200971 | PacifiCorp | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-75, Schedule 93, decoupling mechanism annual adjustment, adjusting rates to reflect the period ended June 30, 2020. The company proposes extending amortization of the $5.7 million deferral balance from one year to two years, resulting in a surcharge of $2.6 million (0.7 percent of base revenue). A typical residential customer using approximately 1,200 kWh per month would see a bill increase of $5.46 per month (4.8 percent). | |
200970 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 62, adjusting rates for the company's optional substation leasing service for high voltage customers. This filing implements changes from PSE’s most recent General Rate Case, under consolidated Dockets UE-190529 and UG-190530. The proposed rates represents an overall decrease in annual revenues of $38,707. | |
200969 | Discover Lake Chelan LLC | Tariff Revision | Closed | 01-07-2021 | Commercial Ferries | Proposed general rate increase which will generate $118,489 (8.5 percent) additional annual revenue; restructure all rates as one-way; and add additional boats and additional scheduled service. The company provides commercial ferry service to approximately 55,000 passengers annually on Lake Chelan in a normal year. The company's last general rate increase became effective on January 24, 2020. | |
200968 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 139 - Voluntary Long-Term Renewable Energy Purchase Rider, revising the Energy Charge Credit to capture the update to fixed production revenue the Commission authorized in Docket UE-200907 for PSE's Schedule 142 tariff sheets. The revision does not affect residential customers. | |
200967 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 137, for the annual true-up of rates that credit to customers net proceeds from the sale of of Renewable Energy Credits. The filing reflects an overall decrease of $0.7 million in annual customer credits. Under the revised rates, an average residential customer using 900 kWh per month would see a bill increase of $0.03 (0.03 percent). | |
200966 | Ambassador Blackstar Chauffeured Transportation of Spokane LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Closed | 12-01-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | Voluntary Cancellation. | |
200965 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 142 - Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Mechanism, to remove amortization rates on Sheet No. 142-H. If approved, a typical residential customer using 900 kWh per month would experience a bill decrease of $0.66, or 0.7 percent. | |
200964 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Plan | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | NOTE: This item will be heard on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 10 a.m. 2021 Gas Annual Conservation Report describing the Company's achievement of 360,313 therms of energy savings at a cost of $3.07 million. | |
200963 | Pro Piano Move Inc. | Insurance Action | Closed | 12-01-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Cancel for Insurance. | |
200962 | Moving Band LLC | Insurance Action | Closed | 12-01-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Cancel for Insurance. | |
200961 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Natural Gas | 2021 Gas Annual Conservation Plan to acquire 1.1 million therms of cost-effective savings for $8.5 million. | |
200960 | Hylan, Nicholas | Permit | Pending | 03-03-2021 | Household Goods Carriers | New HHG permit application | |
200959 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Line extension agreement to provide service for the development known as State Game Access Rd NW. The agreement is complete the extension of the existing watermain and installation of 1 service connection to the Peacock Hill Water System. Costs for the line extension and related costs shall be borne by the developer. The company provides water service to approximately 36,500 customers served on 225 water systems located in eight counties. | |
200958 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Line extension agreement to provide service for the development known as Skansie Park Hunt Wollochet Intersection Project. The agreement is for main Line Relocation to lower existing main line to provide adequate cover and avoid intersection improvement conflicts. Costs for the line extension and related costs shall be borne by the developer. The company provides water service to approximately 36,500 customers served on 225 water systems located in eight counties. | |
200957 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Line extension agreement to provide service for the development known as Key Center 5 development. The agreement is for design, water main tie-in, installation of a water distribution main and related sampling and engineer inspections to serve 10 service connections and fire hydrant installation. Costs for the line extension and related costs shall be borne by the developer. The company provides water service to approximately 36,500 customers served on 225 water systems located in eight counties. | |
200956 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Line extension agreement to provide service for the development known as Water Main Extension Creviston Drive (Office Complex). The agreement is complete the extension of the existing watermain and installation of 8 service connections and fire hydrant to the Minterbrook Water System. Costs for the line extension and related costs shall be borne by the developer. The company provides water service to approximately 36,500 customers served on 225 water systems located in eight counties. | |
200955 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Line extension agreement to provide service for the development known as 22nd Ave NW Mini Storage Project. The agreement is complete the extension of the existing watermain and installation of 2 service connections to the Point Evens Water System. Costs for the line extension and related costs shall be borne by the developer. The company provides water service to approximately 36,500 customers served on 225 water systems located in eight counties. | |
200954 | Cascadia Water, LLC | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Water | Joint application for the sale and transfer of the water system assets and operations of Del Bay water system to Cascadia Water, LLC (Cascadia). Cascadia will maintain rates and charges of Del Bay. The company is requesting to add the water system that was previously owned by a Homeowners Association and not regulated. Del Bay water system provides service to approximately 39 customers on one water system located near Freeland on Whidbey Island in Island County. | |
200953 | US Ecology Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Low-level Radioactive Waste | Proposed preliminary rates for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste filed pursuant to the Settlement Agreement in Docket TL-070848. The company’s last rate filing became effective May 1, 2020. | |
200952 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Petition for Exemption | Closed | 12-23-2020 | Natural Gas | Petition for Limited Exemption from WAC 480-85-050(1) for the natural gas cost of service study. |