UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 220008

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number PG-220008
Company Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Filing Type Proximity Request
Industry (Code) Gas Pipeline (015)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Ritter, Dennis (UTC)
Filed Date 01/05/2022
Effective Date N/A
Summary Request for commission approval to operate the proposed pipeline at a pressure of 500 psig within 100 feet of existing buildings or those that are under construction, pursuant to WAC 480-93-020.

Event History

  • 02/10/2022 -- Approved (Allowed to become effective per Consent Agenda Commission issue an Order approving Cascade’s request to install and operate a pipeline with a MAOP of 500 psig subject to the following conditions: a) For underground installations, Cascade must electrically inspect (jeep) the pipe coating and repair any coating defects in accordance with Cascade’s operating standard prior to backfilling. b) For underground installations, Cascade must apply backfill material around the pipe to protect the pipe and coating. The material around the pipe must be free of any sharp rocks or other objects with a maximum particle size of one-half inch and must contain a large percentage of fines, such as, sand, native soil, or soil-based select materials. c) Cascade must non-destructively test 100 percent of all welds. Cascade must remedy defects in the welds in accordance with Cascade’s operating standards and procedures. Cascade must non-destructively test all repaired welds to ensure pipeline integrity and compliance with existing standards. d) Cascade must install cathodic protection within 90 days after the pipeline is installed. e) Cascade must provide notification to the Commission via email at least two business days prior to the beginning of project construction. f) Cascade must contact building occupants within 100 feet of the new pipeline prior to the Commission’s open meeting and inform them of the project construction and any additional information consistent with the public awareness requirements in Title 49 CFR Part 192.616. )
  • 02/17/2022 -- Closed
  • 02/10/2022 -- Open Meeting
  • 01/05/2022 -- Pending
  • 01/05/2022 -- Open