Docket | Company Name(s) | Type | Status | Last Order | Industry | Description | |
120833 | City/Suddath Relocation Systems, LLC | Name Change | Closed | 06-08-2012 | Household Goods Carriers | Application for name change reflecting an additional trade name of d/b/a Suddath Relocation Systems. | |
120832 | Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc | Name Change | Closed | 06-08-2012 | Commercial Ferries | Notice for name change reflecting change in trade name from d/b/a Victoria/San Juan Cruises and d/b/a Victoria/San Juan Cruises & Bellingham Bay Tours, to d/b/a San Juan Cruises and d/b/a San Juan Cruises & Bellingham Bay Tours under Certificate BC-10. | |
120831 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | First Quarterly (Q1) Report on Northwest Natural Gas Corporations Energy Efficiency (EE) Program per Order 04 in Docket UG-080546. | |
120830 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | 2011 Annual Securities Transaction Report per WAC 480-90-262. | |
120828 | City of Auburn | Petition | Closed | 12-05-2012 | Railroad | Petition to construct a highway-rail grade crossing at A street Northwest, USDOT No. 945561A. | |
120827 | Avista Corporation | Contract | Closed | n/a | Electric | Individual customer contract for Net Energy Metering Interconnection Agreement. | |
120826 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Deferred gas cost accounting activity through April 2012 pursuant to WAC 480-90-233. | |
120825 | BILLY GENE BURGANS & BIRGETTA KERSTIN BURGANS | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-08-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. | |
120822 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | 2011 Affiliated Interest Report and Cost Allocation Manual pursuant to WAC 480-90-264. | |
120821 | CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Administrative filing to correct a typographical error on the tariff sheet filed in Docket UT-120800, above. This change does not affect the rates or charges to be paid by customers. | |
120820 | Drifty Trucking Co., Inc.; Material Transport, Inc. | Name Change | Closed | n/a | Motor Freight Carrier | Application for Name Change from Material Transport Inc. to Drifty Trucking Co., Inc. | |
120819 | Outlaw Enterprises, L.L.C. | Permit | Closed | n/a | Motor Freight Carrier | Application for Permit | |
120818 | Hawley, James R. | Permit | Closed | n/a | Motor Freight Carrier | Application for Permit | |
120817 | All-Trax Excavation, LLC; Smith, Dennis W. | Permit | Closed | n/a | Motor Freight Carrier | Application for transfer from Dennis W. Smith to All-Trax Excavation, LLC. | |
120816 | BREMERTON-KITSAP AIRPORTER, INC. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 09-27-2012 | Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) | Requests withdrawal of the proposed $0.25 per passenger increase in one-way fares for the transportation of passengers between points in Kitsap County and SeaTac Airport. The company provides scheduled passenger service to and from SeaTac International Airport for over 140,000 customers, annually. | |
120815 | Crown West Realty, L.L.C. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Water | Proposed general rate increase that would generate $18,057 (15 percent) additional annual revenue for water service. The proposed effective date is July 1, 2012. The company serves 235 customers near Spokane Valley in Spokane County. The company's last rate increase became effective on June 1, 1999. | |
120814 | Pacific Power & Light Company | Affiliated Interests | Closed | n/a | Electric | Affiliated interest agreement between Pacific Power & Light Company and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. | |
120813 | Pacific Power & Light Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | 05-29-2014 | Electric | Compliance with 2012 renewable portfolio standard pursuant to Order 01. | |
120812 | Puget Sound Energy | Petition for Accounting Order | Closed | 06-28-2012 | Natural Gas | Petition for Accounting Order authorizing accounting treatment of the natural gas conservation programs. If granted, this accounting treatment will allow natural gas conservation programs to be administered the same as the electricity conservation programs. | |
120811 | Brindle Technical Logging Inc. | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-22-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. | |
120810 | Extreme Trucking, Inc. | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-19-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. | |
120809 | Mason County Garbage Co., Inc. | Fuel Surcharge Tariff | Closed | 06-19-2012 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 13, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 30. | |
120808 | EMPIRE DISPOSAL INC | Fuel Surcharge Tariff | Closed | 06-19-2012 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 13, reflecting the addition of Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 12. | |
120807 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | 10-11-2012 | Electric | Order accepting settlement agreement that provides for the continuation of electricity conservation programs in the Jefferson County portion of Puget Sound Energy's electric service territory and allowing the withdrawal of proposed tariff revisions. | |
120806 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-2, Natural Gas Schedule 1, Sections 1 and 2, to reflect the pass through of taxes, assessments and other related charges, and refunds levied by municipalities or other State subdivisions with taxing authority, to outline the process concerning tariff filings regarding these pass throughs, and to clarify that there is a utility tax credit available to eligible customers within Indian Country. | |
120805 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Tariff G, Schedule 80 (3), General Rules, to reflect the pass through of taxes, assessments and other related charges, and refunds levied by municipalities and other State subdivisions with taxing authority, to outline the process and restrictions concerning tariff filings regarding these pass throughs, and to clarify that there is a utility tax credit available to eligible customers within Indian Country. | |
120804 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Corrects an error in administering the Schedule 132, Merger Rate Credit, to water heater rental customers on Schedules 71, 72 and 74. Provides credits to these customers in the amount of $5.72 for past use and 12 cents per unit per month for ongoing use. Credits to current customers who formerly rented water heaters are also provided. | |
120803 | Pacific Cruises Northwest, Inc | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Commercial Ferries | Initial Tariff No. 18 and Initial Time Schedule No. 5, reflecting a rate increase. | |
120802 | Puget Sound Energy | Staff Investigation | Closed | 07-24-2014 | Electric | Request for final compliance finding regarding 2012 renewable energy target consistent with Order 01. | |
120801 | United Telephone Company of the Northwest | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Promotional tariff that waives the nonrecurring installation charge for customers who order a business line and digital subscriber line service in Tariff WN U-4. | |
120800 | CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Promotional tariff that waives the nonrecurring installation charge for customers who order a business line and digital subscriber line service in Tariff WN U-3. | |
120799 | CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Introduces the Large Customer Discount Promotion in Tariff WN U-10. | |
120798 | CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Promotional tariff that waives the nonrecurring installation charge for customers who order a business line and digital subscriber line service in Tariff WN U-10. | |
120797 | CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Promotional tariff that waives the nonrecurring installation charge for customers who order a business line and digital subscriber line service in Tariff WN U-2. | |
120796 | CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Introduces the Large Customer Discount Promotion in Tariff WN U-2. | |
120795 | Olympic Pipe Line Company | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Petroleum Pipelines (Economic Regulation) | Proposed increase in rates for the transportation of petroleum products by pipeline. The rates are set in accordance with the Settlement Agreement approved by the commission on December 4, 2008, Order No. 05 in Docket No. TO-031973 and clarified in Docket No. TO-040992. | |
120794 | Qwest Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Annual Affiliated Interest Report pursuant to WAC 480-120-395. | |
120793 | United Telephone Company of the Northwest | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Annual Affiliated Interest Reports pursuant to WAC 480-120-395. | |
120792 | CenturyTel of Washington, Inc.; CenturyTel of Inter Island, Inc.; CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc. | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Annual Affiliated Interest Reports pursuant to WAC 480-120-395. | |
120791 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | 05-29-2014 | Electric | Compliance with 2012 renewable portfolio standard pursuant to Order 01. | |
120790 | Avista Corporation | Tariff Revision | Closed | 04-25-2013 | Natural Gas | Decreases rates in Schedule 191, Gas Public Purposes Rider Adjustment supporting demand-side management programs on a temporary basis subject to revision pending the outcome in Dockets UG-121026 and UG-121119. Temporary reduction in rates represents a decrease in revenues of $1.9 million and a 1.3 percent decrease in overall natural gas rates. | |
120789 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Monthly Purchase Gas Adjustment Report pursuant to WAC 480-90-233(5). | |
120788 | Avista Corporation | Tariff Revision | Closed | 09-27-2012 | Electric | Decreases rates in Schedule 91, Electric Public Purposes Rider. The proposed decrease in rates was suspended on July 27, 2012, with rates allowed on a temporary basis subject to revision. After review of rates, staff recommends lifting suspension and allowing rates in Schedule 91 to become permanent. Temporary rates represented a decrease in billed revenue of $8.2 million or 1.8 percent of overall billed rates for the company's Electric Public Purposes Rider. With rates becoming permanent, the average residential customer using 989 kWh per month will continue to see a decrease in their monthly bill of $1.47 or 1.9 percent. | |
120787 | Pacific Power & Light Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | Affiliated Interest Report for Calendar Year 2011 pursuant to WAC 480-100-264. | |
120786 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Annual Report of Securities Transactions for calendar year 2011 pursuant to WAC 480-90-262. | |
120785 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | Annual Report of Securities Transactions for calendar year 2011 pursuant to WAC 480-100-262. | |
120784 | SMITH, FREDERICK R.J., JR. | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-01-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. | |
120783 | Gust, Robert Eugene | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-01-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. | |
120782 | Ibabao, Steve | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-07-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. | |
120781 | Rojas, Jose A. | Insurance Action | Closed | 06-01-2012 | Motor Freight Carrier | Suspend for insurance. |
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