UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 160374


Filter by document type: All | Compliance | Document | Initial Filing | Letter | Notice
Document Type Date Description
Compliance 09/09/2024 30-Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of HD Carrier LLC, from Carey Roesel.
Compliance 02/24/2023 30 Day Notification of Intention to Obtain Numbering Resources in the State of WA, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from Moriah Jones. (via web portal)
Compliance 08/08/2019 Thirty Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Exiant Communications LLC, from Douglas Osborne. (via web portal)
Compliance 04/05/2018 Thirty Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Airespring, Inc., from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)