UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 160374


Filter by document type: All | Compliance | Document | Initial Filing | Letter | Notice
Document Type Date Description
Letter 08/15/2024 30-Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Katherine Kackenmeister.
Letter 12/22/2022 30 Day Notification of Intention to Obtain Numbering Resources in the State of WA, on behalf of Leap Telecom, LLC, from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 05/12/2022 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from David Torch. (via web portal)
Letter 05/09/2022 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from David Torch. (via email)
Letter 11/22/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Ton80 Communications, from Henry Pfeifer. (via email)
Letter 11/12/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Commio, LLC, from Meghan Reynolds. (via email)
Letter 11/09/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Twilio International, Inc., from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 10/19/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone LLC, from David Torch. (via web portal)
Letter 09/29/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone LLC, from David Torch. (via web portal)
Letter 09/07/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Magna5 LLC, from Courtney Spears. (via web portal)
Letter 08/09/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from David Torch. (via web portal)
Letter 07/20/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Terra Nova Telecom, Inc., from Mike Ray. (via email)
Letter 07/09/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Skye Telecom LLC d/b/a Skyetel, from Kari Sexton. (via web portal)
Letter 05/20/2021 Revised 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of WaveNation, LLC, from Julie Oost. (via email)
Letter 05/20/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of RCLEC, Inc., from Jules Coffman. (via email)
Letter 05/17/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of WaveNation, LLC, from Julie Oost. (via email)
Letter 05/06/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Brightlink, from Phoua Xiong. (via web portal)
Letter 04/13/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Ton 80 Communications, LLC , from Henry Pfeiffer. (via web portal)
Letter 03/30/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp, from Randy Rutherford. (via web portal)
Letter 03/16/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of FracTEL, LLC, from Michael Crown. (via web portal)
Letter 02/05/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Brightlink, from Phoua Xiong. (via web portal)
Letter 01/20/2021 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of IP Horizon LLC, from Douglas Osborne. (via web portal)
Letter 12/21/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Skye Telecom LLC, from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 12/03/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of HD Carrier, LLC, from Carey Roesel. (via web portal)
Letter 11/10/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Terra Nova Telecom, from Mike Ray. (via web portal)
Letter 11/03/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of RadiantIQ LLC, from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 10/01/2020 Revised 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast Cable Corporation, from Rowya Pegues. (via email)
Letter 09/25/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Brightlink, from Phoua Xiong. (via email)
Letter 09/23/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from Rowya Pegues. (scanned and posted)
Letter 09/09/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Brightlink, from Phoua Xiong. (via email)
Letter 08/24/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast Cable Corporation, from Rowya Pegues. (via email)
Letter 07/23/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Ton 80 Communications, LLC, from Henry Pfeiffer. (via web portal)
Letter 07/20/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Twilio International, Inc., from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 07/07/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of Brightlink, from Phoua Xiong. (via web portal)
Letter 06/25/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of Twilio International, Inc., from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 06/08/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of FracTEL, LLC, from Michael Crown. (via web portal)
Letter 05/20/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of RCLEC, Inc., from Joanna Rauch. (via web portal)
Letter 03/30/2020 Revised 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of HD Carrier LLC, from Carey Roesel. (via web portal)
Letter 02/27/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of Vonage Holding Corp, from Randy Rutherford. (via web portal)
Letter 01/28/2020 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of HFA Services, LLC d/b/a Call48, from Claudia Garin. (via mail)
Letter 12/16/2019 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of Brightlink, from Scott Allen. (via mail)
Letter 11/22/2019 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of HD Carrier LLC, from Carey Roesel. (via web portal)
Letter 11/15/2019 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VolP Providers, on behalf of EdgeTel, LLC, from Nelson Fernandez. (via web portal)
Letter 04/09/2018 Letter Requesting Telephone Number Resources, on behalf of Advanced Telecom Solutions, LLC, from Roman Shpount. (via email)
Letter 12/18/2017 Magna5 LLC Letter RE: Telephone numbering request, on behalf of Magna5 LLC, from Matt Dean. (via web portal)
Letter 10/12/2017 Vonage Holdings Corp. Letter RE: Telephone numbering request, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp., from Randy Rutherford. (via email)
Letter 10/09/2017 Vonage Holdings Corp. Letter RE: Telephone Numbering Request, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp., from Randy Rutherford. (scanned & posted)
Letter 10/02/2017 Airespring, Inc. Letter RE: Telephone Numbering Request, on behalf of Airespring.Inc., from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Letter 09/26/2017 BluIP, Inc. Letter RE: Telephone Numbering Request, on behalf of BlulP, Inc.., from Steve Lance. (via web portal)
Letter 03/27/2017 Vonage Holdings Corp. Letter RE: Telephone Numbering Request, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp., from Brendan Kasper. (via email)
Letter 03/28/2017 Flowroute Inc. Letter RE: Telephone Numbering Request, on behalf of Flowroute Inc., from Bayan Towfig. (via email)
Letter 12/05/2016 Telnyx Letter requesting number resources, on behalf of Telnyx, from David Casem. (via web portal)
Letter 08/03/2016 Commio, LLC Letter from NECA confirming request for company code on behalf of Commio, LLC, from Panchali Das. (via email)