UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 160374


Filter by document type: All | Compliance | Document | Initial Filing | Letter | Notice
Document Type Date Description
Notice 04/24/2024 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Katherine Kackenmeister.
Notice 04/16/2024 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Betty Parks.
Notice 02/13/2024 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Betty Parks.
Notice 02/06/2024 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corporation, from Reid Powell.
Notice 09/28/2023 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Five9, Inc., from Sharon Warren. (via web portal)
Notice 08/11/2023 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp, from Reid Powell. (via web portal)
Notice 04/21/2023 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of EON Telecom, Inc., from Paul Maduno. (via web portal)
Notice 03/20/2023 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of CenturyLink Communications LLC d/b/a Lumen Technologies Group, from Peter Grose. (via web portal)
Notice 03/16/2023 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of EON Telecom, Inc., from Paul Maduno. (via web portal)
Notice 02/23/2023 30 Day Notification of Intention to Obtain Numbering Resources in the State of WA, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from Moriah Jones. (via web portal)
Notice 01/11/2023 30-day notification for interconnected VoIP providers, on behalf of Opentact Inc., from Anne Kwong. (via web portal)
Notice 12/08/2022 30 Day Notification of Intention to Obtain Numbering Resources in the State of WA, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Laura Garfinkel. (via web portal)
Notice 09/21/2022 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of EON Telecom, Inc., from Reza Amiri. (via web portal)
Notice 08/26/2022 30 Day Notification of Intention to Obtain Numbering Resources in the State of WA, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Laura Garfinkel. (via web portal)
Notice 08/16/2022 30 Day Notification of Intention to Obtain Numbering Resources in the State of WA, on behalf of NUSO, LLC, from Laura Garfinkel. (via email)
Notice 07/18/2022 30 Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Comcast IP Phone, LLC, from Bryan Medina. (via web portal)
Notice 02/26/2020 Notification of Intent to Start Providing Fixed Voice-over-Internet Protocol services, on behalf of White Label Communications, L.L.C., from Kali Reeves. (via web portal)
Notice 11/01/2019 Notice of Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp.,, from Randy Rutherford.
Notice 10/09/2019 Redacted Notice of Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of Telnyx, from Sarah Halko. (via web portal)
Notice 09/05/2019 Notice of Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of FracTEL, LLC, from Michael Crown. (scanned and posted)
Notice 08/14/2019 Redacted, Thirty Day State Notification for Interconnected VoIP Providers, on behalf of Telnyx, from Sarah Halko. (via web portal)
Notice 07/30/2019 Revised Notice of Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of HD Carrier LLC, from Carey Roesel. (via web portal)
Notice 07/25/2019 Notice of Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of HD Carrier LLC, from Carey Roesel. (via web portal)
Notice 05/31/2019 Notice in Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of Exiant Communications LLC, from Douglas Osborne. (via email)
Notice 05/30/2019 Notice in Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of Vonage Holdings Corp., from Randy Rutherford. (via web portal)
Notice 04/26/2019 Notice of Intent to Request Resources, on behalf of VOIPStreet Inc., from Cameron Nutter. (via email)
Notice 03/08/2019 Notice of intent to request resources, on behalf of Terra Nova Telecom Inc., from Mike Ray. (via email)
Notice 01/28/2019 Notice of intent to request resources, on behalf of FracTEL, LLC, from Michael Crown. (via email)
Notice 01/29/2019 Notice of intent to request resources, on behalf of Terra Nova Telecom Inc., from Mike Ray. (via email)
Notice 01/11/2019 Notice of intent to request resources, on behalf of FracTEL, LLC, from Michael Crown. (via web portal)
Notice 10/01/2018 Notice of intent to request resources, from Vonage Holding Corp, from Randy Rutherford. (via email)
Notice 07/31/2018 Notice to the state regulatory authority in compliance with FCC action regarding VoIP companies, on behalf of HD Carrier LLC, from Carey Roesel. (via web portal)
Notice 07/17/2018 Redacted Notice of request for numbers from the Numbering Administrators, on behalf of Telnyx, from Sarah Halko. (via web portal)
Notice 08/03/2016 Commio, LLC Notice Interconnected VOIP Numbering Authorization Granted, on behalf of the Wireline Competition Bureau, from Sam Shiffman. (via email)