Displaying 8801 - 8850 of 35020
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
160827 Northwest Tours Inc. Voluntary Cancellation Closed 06-23-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Voluntary Cancellation
160826 Martinez, Jose Ibarra Permit Closed 06-19-2019 Household Goods Carriers Application for Household Goods Moving Permit
160825 City of Auburn Application for Funding Closed 10-27-2016 Railroad Application for disbursement of funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund for a fencing project near West Main Street, Auburn, WA.
160824 AAA Party Bus LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 08-29-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if AAA Party Bus, LLC violated WAC 480-30-221 – Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
160823 Northwest Natural Gas Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas Monthly gas cost deferred balance accumulations/amortizations pursuant to WAC 480-90-233(5).
160822 Perkins, Marcus Formal Complaint Closed 12-07-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if company violated RCW 81.70.220, Certificate or registration required.
160821 Friday Harbor Jolly Trolley Inc. Certificate Closed 08-04-2016 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Application for Auto Transportation authority with forbearance from rate and service regulation under RCW 81.68.015. The company currently holds Charter and Excursion authority and operates on San Juan Island.
160820 SQF, LLC Registration Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
160819 Shuttle Express, Inc. Petition for Exemption Closed 06-29-2017 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Petition to extend by six months the expiration date of the company's Petition for conditional exemption that was granted in Order 01 in Docket TC-160819 issued September 30, 2016.
160818 XYN Communications, LLC; CenturyTel of Washington, Inc.; CenturyTel of Inter Island, Inc.; CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc.; QuantumShift Communications, Inc. Interconnection Agreement Closed n/a Telecommunications Request for Approval for XYN Communications, LLC to adopt the Interconnection Agreement Between CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink; CenturyTel of Inter Island, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink; CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. d/b/a/ CenturyLink (individually, and collectively “CenturyLink”) and QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions (“QuantumShift”) for the State of Washington. XYN Communications has adopted, in its entirety, the previously approved Agreement between CenturyLink and QuantumShift, Docket No. UT-151752, approved October 22, 2015.
160816 Ionex Communications North, Inc. Name Change Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Name Change from Ionex Communications North, Inc., d/b/a Birch Communications, reflecting the addition of a trade name, d/b/a Primus.
160815 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Proposed $0.29 increase (credit decrease from $2.07 to $1.78) per month for residential recycling customers and proposed $0.02 increase (credit decrease from $0.30 to $0.28) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The company serves approximately 21,600 residential and 310 multi-family recycling customers in Spokane County.
160814 Special Presentation Closed n/a Electric NOTE: This item will be heard on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission's Conference Room 139. Special Presentation from Northwest Power and Conservation Council staff regarding Integrated Resource Planning.
160813 RABANCO LTD Tariff Revision Closed 07-21-2016 Solid Waste Proposed $0.18 increase (credit decrease from $0.71 to $0.53) per month for residential recycling customers and proposed $0.60 decrease (credit increase from $0.10 to $0.70) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The company serves approximately 5,000 residential and multi-family recycling customers in King County.
160812 SANITARY DISPOSAL, INC. Tariff Revision Closed 06-23-2016 Solid Waste A less than statutory filing requesting a tariff revision of Item 230, a disposal fee increase for drop box services only. The disposal fee is increasing from $52.27 per ton to $53.90 per ton (3.1 percent) at the Sanitary Disposal Transfer Station in Hermiston, Oregon. Annual drop box disposal revenues and expenses would increase by approximately $2,300 (1.2 percent). The company serves approximately 22 drop box customers in Benton County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on January 1, 2013.
160811 Zeattle Party Bus & Limousine LLC Staff Investigation Closed n/a Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if company violated RCW 81.70.220, Certificate or registration required.
160810 RABANCO LTD Tariff Revision Closed 07-21-2016 Solid Waste Revises Tariff No. 4, reflecting the change in the commodity credit. For a single family, residential customers in the service areas as defined in Appendices A and B, credit will decrease from $0.83 to a credit of $0.61 per month and for multi family customers, credit will decrease from $0.32 to a credit of $0.26 per yard.
160809 Puget Sound Energy Request for Proposal Closed 09-09-2016 Electric Draft Request for Proposals for Technology and Implementation Services in Support of Puget Sound Energy's Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Program pursuant to WAC 480-107-015.
160808 Puget Sound Energy Request for Proposal Closed 09-09-2016 Electric Draft Request for Proposals for Technology and Implementation Services in support of Puget Sound Energy's Direct Load Control Program pursuant to WAC 480-107-015.
160807 FIORITO ENTERPRISES INC & RABANCO COMPANIES Tariff Revision Closed 07-21-2016 Solid Waste Proposed $0.18 increase (credit decrease from $0.82 to $0.64) per month for residential recycling customers and proposed $0.21 increase (credit decrease from $0.49 to $0.28) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The company serves approximately 20,000 residential and multi-family recycling customers in King County.
160806 RABANCO LTD Tariff Revision Closed 07-21-2016 Solid Waste Proposed $0.22 increase (credit decrease from $0.96 to $0.74) per month for residential recycling customers and proposed $0.02 decrease (credit increase from $0.55 to $0.57) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The company serves approximately 10,000 residential and multi-family recycling customers in King County.
160805 Pacific Power & Light Company Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Affiliated Interest Agreement between Pacific Power and Light Company and BNSF Railway Company concerning a Customer Requested Work Agreement for service line maintenance to move a signal crossing cabinet due to a county road-widening project in Klamath County, Oregon.
160804 Regulatory Fees Closed 08-04-2016 Pipeline - General Establishes Pipeline Safety fees for 2016-2017.
160803 Sidhu, Jeet S. Certificate Closed 10-26-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Application for Certificate
160802 Peninsula Trips LLC Certificate Closed 06-20-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Application for Certificate
160801 A & A MOTORCOACH INC Voluntary Cancellation Closed 06-10-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Voluntary Cancellation
160800 Bad Magick, LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 06-17-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if company violated WAC 480-30-221 – Vehicle and driver safety requirements.
160799 Rulemaking Pending 06-14-2017 Electric Staff investigation regarding policy issues related to the implementation of RCW 80.28.360, electric vehicle supply equipment.
160798 Speedishuttle Washington, LLC Contract Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Ticket Agenda Agreement for Mozio, Inc. and SpeediShuttle Washington, LLC, using flexible fares contained in Tariff No. 1. Request to revise Tariff No. 1 adding Tariff Ticketing Agent Agreements (required by WAC 480-30-391) with Mozio, Inc. using currently published flexible fares.
160797 Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad Petition Closed 06-22-2016 Railroad Petition for Installation of Sidewalks at a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing of Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad, LLC at Walla Walla County, 15 North 3rd Avenue, Walla Walla, WA. (DOT Crossing No. 097083K).
160796 St. John Telephone, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Establishment of a new Tariff WN U-3, replacing Tariff WN U-1, for Local Exchange and Exchange Access services. This filing not only incorporates the company’s new name (from St. John Co-operative Telephone and Telegraph Company to St. John Telephone, Inc.); but also clarifies current terms and conditions, and eliminates obsolete services and other services that are not supported on an all fiber network. No customers or rates are impacted by these changes.
160795 St. John Telephone, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Establishment of a new Tariff WN U-4, replacing Tariff WN U-2, for General and Enhanced 911 services. This filing not only incorporates the company’s new name (from St. John Co-operative Telephone and Telegraph Company to St. John Telephone, Inc.), but also eliminates outdated services. No customers or rates are impacted by these changes.
160794 WESTERN VAN LINES, INC. Assessment (penalty) Closed 08-15-2016 Household Goods Carriers Penalty assessment for a violation of WAC 480-15-480 , which requires household good companies to furnish an annual report to the commission no later than May 1 each year.
160793 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Revises Tariff No. 23, including language in Item 100, clarifying that for residential customer requests of container capacities larger than those listed in Item 100, the rates in Items 240, 255, 260 and 275 will apply. This is not a change in current practices and it will have no additional revenue impact to the company.
160792 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Revises Tariff No. 19, including language in Item 100, clarifying that for residential customer requests of container capacities larger than those listed in Item 100, the rates in Items 240, 255, 260 and 275 will apply. This is not a change in current practices and it will have no additional revenue impact to the company.
160791 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-2, Schedule 149, Pipeline Replacement Cost Recovery Mechanism, to include the actual costs of last year's approved gas pipeline replacements. This filing request increases revenues by $5.6 million (0.6 percent). The impact to a residential customer using 68 therms per month is an increase of $0.42 per month.
160790 Pacific Power & Light Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Increases rates for Tariff WN U-75, Schedule 191, System Benefits Charge Adjustment, resulting in an increase of approximately $2 million (0.6 percent). If approved, a residential customer using approximately 1,200 kWh per month will see a bill increase of approximately $0.63 per month.
160789 Staff Investigation Closed 07-28-2016 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into Pacific Utilities Contractors, Inc. RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per Dig Law Safety Committee referral.
160788 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-3, Schedule No. 597, Pipeline Replacement Cost Recovery Mechanism, to include actual costs of last year's approved gas pipeline replacements. This filing request increases revenues by $1.9 million (0.82 percent). The impact to a residential customer using an average of 54 therms per month is an increase of $0.43 per month.
160787 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Petition for Accounting Order Closed 11-10-2016 Natural Gas Petition for an Order Authorizing Deferred Accounting Treatment related to the Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Determination and Validation Plan.
160786 Tacoma Rail Petition for Exemption Closed n/a Railroad Petition for exemption of WAC 480-62-270 (2)(a) and (2)(c), specifically from certain signage requirements at private road-railroad grade crossings.
160785 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric NOTE: This item will be heard on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission's Hearing Room 206. Review of 2016 Energy and Emissions Intensity Metrics Report.
160784 Iliad Water Service, Inc. Application for Transfer Closed 06-23-2016 Water Iliad Water Company, LLC and Iliad Water Services, Inc. filed a joint application for merger of the two companies pursuant to the provisions of RCW 80.12. On the effective date of the merger, Iliad Water Company, LLC, shall be the surviving company and Iliad Water Services, Inc. shall cease as a business entity. Iliad Water Company, LLC shall adopt and makes as its own the complete tariff of Iliad Water Services, Inc. Iliad Water Services’ nine water systems are located in Pierce, Snohomish, Clallam, and Kitsap Counties serving approximately 370 customers.
160783 Pacific Power & Light Company Petition Closed 09-22-2016 Electric Annual filing to review and confirm power cost deferrals in the 2015 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism. In summary, power costs in 2015 were approximately $2.8 million higher than the baseline power costs collected in rates. This results in no deferral as the entire amount falls within the $3.0 million deadband.
160782 Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) NOTE: This item will be heard on Wednesday, June 15, 2016, from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m., in the Commission's Hearing room, Room 206. Petition for Exemption from insurance requirements contained in WAC 480-30-191(1)(a) and requesting placement of Auto Liability Insurance with Limits of $5,000,000 with a non-admitted, surplus lines insurance company.
160781 Pacific Power & Light Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric NOTE: This item will be heard on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission's Hearing Room 206. Review of 2016 Energy and Emissions Intensity Metrics Report.
160780 Miller, Kevin Lee and Carol Jean Permit Closed 11-08-2018 Household Goods Carriers Application for Household Goods Permit
160779 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Closed 08-04-2016 Electric 2016 Renewable Portfolio Standard Annual Report, pursuant to WAC 480-109-210.
160778 Transportation Demand Management, Inc. Name Change Closed 06-14-2016 Charter and Excursion Bus Application for Name Change
160777 Pacific Power & Light Company Staff Investigation Closed 08-12-2016 Electric NOTE: This item will be heard on Friday, August 12, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., in the Commission's Hearing Room 206. 2016 Annual Renewable Portfolio Standard Report, pursuant to WAC 480-109-210.