Displaying 5001 - 5050 of 35025
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
191062 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Declaratory Order Closed 05-18-2020 Electric Petition for Declaratory Order Approving the Avoided Cost Rate Methodology for Power Purchases from Schedule 92 Large Qualified Facilities pursuant to WAC 480-106-050(5).
191061 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Electric Line Extension Cost Study.
191060 PacifiCorp Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Actual Results for the Quarter Ended September 30, 2019 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275.
191059 Thurston County Application for Funding Closed 05-05-2020 Railroad Application for disbursement of funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund from Thurston County Public Works to upgrade warning signs at the Old Highway 99 railroad overcrossing, USDOT #085778L.
191058 Assure Ride Non Emergency Medical Transportation Company, LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 02-27-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-30-191, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Insurance, and WAC 480-30-221, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
191057 Jeno Scott Staff Investigation Closed n/a Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover's Court)
191056 Assessment (penalty) Closed 02-12-2020 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover's Court)
191055 Above and Beyond Moving & Delivery Staff Investigation Closed n/a Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover's Court)
191054 Staff Investigation Closed n/a Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover's Court)
191053 Bens Moving & Delivery Services, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrer. (Mover's Court).
191052 Staff Investigation Closed n/a Railroad December 17, 2019 at 1109 hours, a pedestrian on railroad right-of-way was struck by a BNSF Railway freight train. The incident occurred in Seattle, King County. The railroad milepost is 2.5X. This incident resulted in a fatality.
191051 PacifiCorp Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Electric Affiliated interest agreement between PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (BNY Mellon) reflecting to enter into up to seven new Trust Agreements and/or Custodian Agreements with BNY Mellon as trustee.
191050 Special Project Closed n/a Solid Waste Notice of Inquiry and Workshop to Discuss the Applicability of WAC 480-70-201 and CFR 49 § 391.45 and Commission Regulated Solid Waste Collection Company Drivers and Vehicles
191049 Eastern Washington Gateway RR; Kennewick Terminal Railroad; Washington & Idaho Railway Inc.; Washington Royal Line; WATCO Switching Services; Western Washington Railroad; Toppenish, Simcoe, and Western Railroad Staff Investigation Closed n/a Railroad Penalty assessment for violation of WAC 480-62-300 , which requires rail companies to furnish an annual report to the commission no later than May 1 each year.
191048 Stanley's Sanitary Service, L.L.C. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Corrections to tariff filed in TG-191021 which became effective January 1, 2020. The correction clarifies the rate changes to Item 230. On January 1, 2020, drop box disposal fees, set by Cowlitz County Public Works Department, at the Cowlitz County Landfill will increase from $51.02 per ton to $55.81 per ton. Annual drop box disposal revenues and expenses would increase by approximately $930.00 (0.1percent). The company provides drop box service in Cowlitz County.
191047 The Rock Transportation Services Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Changes to Time Schedule 10 extending the existing service from Oak Harbor to SeaTac International Airport through May 1, 2020. The company provides auto transportation service between Whidbey Island and SeaTac International Airport, and Paine Field near Everett. The company was purchased by the current owners in March, 2019.
191046 A-1 PIANO SALES & RENTALS, INC.; ALASKA COAST TRANSPORT, INC.; American Moving Co Inc; A-Ray's Moving Service LLC; Backbreakers NW, LLC; Callbox Storage LLC; Five Stars Delivery LLC; Friends & Family Moving & Storage, Inc.; JFS Transport, Inc.; John Volken Academy; Johnson's Moving LLC; Mendoza, Alberto Moreno; Nelson, Jason M.; Pacific King Relocation & Logistics Systems LLC; Property Pros Exterior Solutions LLC; Redefyne Moving LLC; We Like to Move It, Move It!! LLC; PNW Moving and Delivery LLC; Stanley G. Alexander, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed 03-02-2020 Household Goods Carriers Complaint to Show Cause why Household Goods Carrier Permit Should be Cancelled for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Regulatory Fees and Notice of Hearing.
191045 Cascadia Fibernet, Inc.; Consolidated Communications Enterprise Services, Inc.; Global Grid Telecom, Inc.; Group Six Communications, LLC; GC Pivotal, LLC; Hamilton Long Distance Company; Ionex Communications North, LLC; Newmax, LLC; Opex Communications, Inc.; Salish Networks, Inc; Syringa Networks, LLC; Total Holdings, Inc.; Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Intent to Revoke Competitively Classified Telecommunications Company Registration for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Regulatory Fees and Opportunity to Request a Hearing.
191044 Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter, Inc.; DLux Limos LLC; Durham School Services L.P.; Exotours, LLC; MV Public Transportation, Inc.; Northwest Passage Charter LLC; Parking & Transportation Management Services, LLC; Transportainment North West LLC; Urban Outings Seattle LLC; Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Charter and Excursion Bus Notice of Intent to Cancel Passenger Transportation Company Certificate for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Required Fees and Opportunity to Request a Hearing. WAC 480-30-171.
191043 Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Notice of Intent to Cancel Passenger Transportation Company Certificate for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Required Fees and Opportunity to Request a Hearing. WAC 480-30-171.
191042 Helping Hands for the Disabled; Buckley Senior Citizens, Inc.; Northshore Senior Center Staff Investigation Closed n/a Non-profit Bus Notice of Intent to Cancel Private, Non-Profit Transportation Provider Certificate for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Required Fees and Opportunity to Request a Hearing. WAC 480-31-052.
191041 Nelson, Baurice A. Certificate Pending 02-07-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Application for Charter and Excursion Service Certificate and Petition for Exemption of certain WAC 480-30 rules.
191040 Stericycle of Washington Inc. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Solid Waste Notice of Intent to Cancel Solid Waste Company Certificate for Failure to File an Annual Report and/or Pay Regulatory Fees and Opportunity to Request a Hearing. WAC 480-70-171.
191039 Pacific King Relocation & Logistics Systems LLC Insurance Action Closed 12-23-2019 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for Insurance.
191038 Kezele Rentals, L.L.C. Insurance Action Closed 12-23-2019 Charter and Excursion Bus Cancel for Insurance.
191037 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Staff Investigation into the sale of Colstrip Unit #4.
191036 Puget Sound Energy Contract Closed 01-09-2020 Electric Request for an order approving a renewable energy credits sales contract pursuant to RCW 19.29A.090(5).
191035 Miracle Man Movers LLC Permit Pending 12-23-2019 Household Goods Carriers Application for Reinstatement of Household Goods Moving Company Permit.
191034 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Exemption Closed 03-12-2020 Electric Petition for permanent exemption from WAC 480-100-275. The company seeks permanent authorization to file its fourth quarter Results of Operations by March 5th of each year, rather than within 60 days of the end of the year as required by WAC 480-100-275.
191033 Velocity Fiber, LLC Registration Closed 02-04-2020 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
191032 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Exemption Closed 03-12-2020 Natural Gas Petition for permanent exemption from WAC 480-90-275. The company seeks permanent authorization to file its fourth quarter Results of Operations by March 5th of each year, rather than within 45 days of the end of the year as required by WAC 480-90-275.
191031 East Side Van & Storage Co. Voluntary Cancellation Closed 12-18-2019 Motor Freight Carrier Voluntary Cancellation
191030 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Tariff revisions to pass through the King County Hazardous Waste Tax. On January 1, 2020, the King County Board of Health is increasing the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan fee by 5.5 percent, or $0.05 per month for single family customers. South Sound/Seattle business unit serves approximately 17,700 garbage and recycling customers in King County. The company’s last general rate case became effective June 1, 2014.
191029 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Tariff revisions to pass through the King County Hazardous Waste Tax. On January 1, 2020, the King County Board of Health is increasing the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan fee by 5.5 percent, or $0.05 per month for single family customers. North Sound/Marysville business unit serves approximately 21,000 garbage and recycling customers in King County and approximately 99,700 garbage and recycling customers in Snohomish County. The company’s last general rate case became effective September 1, 2015.
191028 XO Communications Services, LLC Service Change Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice to discontinue certain de-tariffed retail business services effective on and after January 31, 2020, except for existing federal, state, government, and educational institution customers. Alternative services are available through Verizon XO affiliates and competitors and notification to all affected customers of discontinuance was executed.
191027 Ada-Lin Waste Systems, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Proposed rate increase in Item 230, drop box disposal fees. On February 1, 2020, drop box disposal fees, set by Lincoln County Board of Commissioners, at the Lincoln County transfer station will increase from $101.66 per ton to $111.16 per ton. The company serves approximately 20 drop box customers in Lincoln County.
191026 The Piano and Organ Moving Co., Inc. Voluntary Cancellation Closed 12-17-2019 Motor Freight Carrier Voluntary Cancellation of The Piano and Organ Moving Co., Inc, HG035140.
191025 BNSF Railway Co. Assessment (penalty) Closed 03-05-2020 Railroad Staff investigation (hidden) to determine if BNSF Railway Co violated WAC 480-62-310 Accident Reports.
191024 Pacific Power & Light Company Tariff Revision Closed 12-14-2020 Electric General Rate Case for Tariff No. WN U-75 to increase revenues of approximately $3.1 million from Washington operations, offset by the approximately $7.1 million proposed amortization of certain tax reform benefits, resulting in an overall price reduction of approximately 1.1 percent, or $4.0 million.
191023 Rulemaking Closed 03-17-2021 Electric Rulemaking to consider adoption of rules to implement chapter 19.405 RCW and revisions to chapter 80.28 RCW.
191022 Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Revises Tariff WN U-17 to increase certain Residence and Business nonrecurring service charges. For the seven different rate elements affected, the increases range from a minimum of $0.75 per billing unit to a maximum of $3.00 per billing unit.
191021 Stanley's Sanitary Service, L.L.C. Tariff Revision Closed 12-19-2019 Solid Waste Less Than Statutory Notice handling for a rate increase in Item 230, drop box disposal fees. On January 1, 2020, drop box disposal fees, set by Cowlitz County Public Works Department, at the Cowlitz County Landfill will increase from $51.02 per ton to $55.81 per ton. Annual drop box disposal revenues and expenses would increase by approximately $930.00 (0.1percent). The company provides drop box service in Cowlitz County.
191020 NOOKSACK VALLEY DISPOSAL, INC. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Revises Tariff No. 4, reflecting a change in the Whatcom County Solid Waste Excise Tax, from $8.50 per ton of MSW disposed to a 3.3 percent charge on all solid waste collection activities. This change is being made to simplify customer billing and remittance of the tax to the County. The County has designed this tax change to be revenue neutral, and it should have minimal effect on regulated rates.
191019 Common Point LLC Cessation of Service Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State. Notified its customer on August 15, 2019. No existing customers and no outstanding prepaid calling card services.
191018 Miracle Man Movers LLC Insurance Action Closed 12-11-2019 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for Insurance.
191017 Pacific Power & Light Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Major Event Report for October 28-29, 2019.
191016 RABANCO LTD Tariff Revision Closed 12-19-2019 Solid Waste Less Than Statutory Notice request for tariff revisions to pass through the King County Hazardous Waste Tax. On January 1, 2020, the King County Board of Health is increasing the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan fee by 5.5 percent, or $0.05 per month for single family customers. Eastside Disposal serves approximately 27,000 garbage customers in King County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on April 1, 2015.
191015 Tri Cities Limo LLC Voluntary Cancellation Closed 12-09-2019 Charter and Excursion Bus Voluntary Cancellation
191014 RABANCO LTD Tariff Revision Closed 12-19-2019 Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice for tariff revisions to pass through the King County Hazardous Waste Tax. On January 1, 2020, the King County Board of Health is increasing the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan fee by 5.5 percent, or $0.05 per month for single family customers. SeaTac Disposal serves approximately 11,000 garbage customers in King County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on August 1, 2018.
191013 Fiorito Enterprises Inc. & Rabanco Companies Tariff Revision Closed 12-19-2019 Solid Waste Less Than Statutory Notice request for tariff revisions to pass through the King County Hazardous Waste Tax. On January 1, 2020, the King County Board of Health is increasing the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan fee by 5.5 percent, or $0.05 per month for single family customers. Kent Meridian serves approximately 124,000 garbage customers in King County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on July 1, 2018.