Displaying 5051 - 5100 of 35025
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
191012 Bestsea Tours Inc. Insurance Action Closed 12-09-2019 Charter and Excursion Bus Cancel for Insurance.
191011 NW Hub Historical Tours LLC Insurance Action Closed 12-09-2019 Charter and Excursion Bus Cancel for Insurance.
191010 Seattle Select Moving LLC Insurance Action Closed 12-09-2019 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for Insurance
191009 Discover Lake Chelan LLC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Commercial Ferries Proposed general rate increase for passenger fares by 13.5 percent; streamlining baggage handling procedures and rules; activating an on-line ticketing and reservation system; and simplifying the multiple fare options. The company provides commercial ferry service to approximately 55,000 passengers annually on Lake Chelan. The company's last general rate increase became effective on April 1, 2013.
191008 Luxury1 Limo, LLC Certificate Pending 06-23-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Reinstatement for Charter and Excursion Service Certificate.
191007 Assessment (penalty) Closed 02-14-2020 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into Watts & Sons Fence Specialists, RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per Dig Law Safety Committee referral.
191006 Assessment (penalty) Formal 01-22-2020 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into Andrew Pittman, RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per Dig Law Safety Committee referral.
191005 CenturyLink Communications LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 01-22-2020 Call Before You Dig Staff Investigation into CenturyLink RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per Dig Law Safety Committee referral.
191004 Pacific Power & Light Company Name Change Closed n/a Electric Notice of Name Change from Pacific Power & Light Company to PacifiCorp d/b/a Pacific Power & Light Company.
191003 Friday Harbor Jolly Trolley Inc. Staff Investigation Closed 01-09-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation of company’s safety rating.
191002 Friday Harbor Jolly Trolley Inc. Assessment (penalty) Closed 01-09-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-30-221, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
191001 Mountain Barge Services, LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-13-2019 Solid Waste Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-70-201, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
191000 Harrison Water Company /Kiona, LLC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff revision to update Schedule X (Ancillary Charges) to properly reflect the tariff rules for the charges. No rates or charges are being adjusted or added to the current tariff. The company serves approximately 244 residential customers on a water system near Benton City in Benton County.
190999 Harrison-Ray Water Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff revision to update Schedule X (Ancillary Charges) to properly reflect the tariff rules for the charges. No rates or charges are being adjusted or added to the current tariff. The company serves approximately 219 residential customers on a water system near Pasco/Burbank in Walla Walla County.
190998 Sound Transit Staff Investigation Closed n/a Railroad December 3, 2019 at 1641 hours, a pedestrian on railroad right-of-way was struck by a Sound Transit commuter train on BNSF Railway tracks. The incident occurred in Kent, King County, at the Green River Bridge. The railroad milepost is 17.500x. This incident resulted in a fatality.
190997 Sound Transit Staff Investigation Closed n/a Railroad December 3, 2019 at 0530 hours, a pedestrian on railroad right-of-way was struck by a Sound Transit commuter train on BNSF Railway tracks. The incident occurred in Sumner, Pierce County. The railroad milepost is 29.7x. This incident resulted in a fatality.
190996 Tri Cities Limo LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 03-31-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-30-191, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Insurance and WAC 480-30-221, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements.
190995 National Railroad Passenger Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Railroad December 1, 2019 at 1205 hours, a pedestrian was struck by an Amtrak passenger train. The incident occurred at 3rd Street SE, USDOT 085695X, in Puyallup, Pierce County. The railroad milepost is 33.5x. This incident resulted in a fatality.
190994 Waste Management of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 01-23-2020 Solid Waste Proposed commodity adjustment of a $1.31 decrease (from a credit of $1.50 to $0.19) per month for residential recycling customers. This is the company’s first adjustment since they implemented a deferred accounting mechanism in Docket TG-181016, which became effective February 1, 2019. The company serves approximately 19,000 residential recycling customers in Chelan and Douglas Counties.
190993 US Ecology Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Low-level Radioactive Waste Proposed preliminary rates for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste filed pursuant to the Settlement Agreement in Docket TL-070848. The company’s last rate filing became effective May 1, 2019.
190992 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Accounting Order Closed 07-08-2020 Natural Gas Petition for Order that authorizes the Accounting treatment of Costs of Liquidated Damages Related to Puget Sound Energy's Green Direct Program.
190991 Puget Sound Energy Petition for Accounting Order Closed 07-08-2020 Electric Petition for Order that authorizes the Accounting treatment of Costs of Liquidated Damages Related to Puget Sound Energy's Green Direct Program.
190990 Matrix Telecom, LLC Name Change Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of name change reflecting trade name(s) of: d/b/a Matrix Business Technologies, d/b/a Trinsic Communications, d/b/a VarTec Telecom, d/b/a Excel Telecommunications, d/b/a Impact Telecom, d/b/a Startec, d/b/a Americatel and d/b/a Lingo.
190989 Pacific Power & Light Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Decoupling Revenue Adjustment, which encompasses the 12 months ended June 30, 2019, results in an overall surcredit of approximately $11.9 million, or 3.4 percent. The enclosed tariff sheets implement the changes to rates under the company's decoupling mechanism, which was approved in 2016.
190988 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff, WN U-60, Schedule 137, to return $1.6 million in revenue from the sale of renewable energy credits to customers. A typical residential customer using 900 kilowatt-hours per month will see no material change in their average monthly bill.
190987 Northwest Natural Gas Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas 2020 Annual Conservation Report, indicating that the company achieved 320,170 therms of conservation savings at a cost of $2.4 million.
190986 TRI-CITY UNITED, INC. Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-31-2019 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
190985 Access Gentle Moving Corp. Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-27-2019 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
190984 Spokane Professional Movers LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 01-13-2020 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees, and WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements.
190983 Northwest Natural Gas Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-6, Schedule M - Meter Testing Procedures to make general housekeeping changes to update outdated language, correct typographical errors and include clarifying language.
190982 Pacific Power & Light Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Major Event Report for October 14-15, 2019.
190981 Pacific Power & Light Company Petition for Accounting Order Closed 02-03-2020 Electric Petition for an order approving deferred accounting related to repowering the Marengo I, II and Goodnoe Hills wind facilities.
190980 Terra's Construction LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-03-2019 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Damage Prevention Investigation of Terra's Construction LLC for May 2019 violation of RCW 19.122.
190979 Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-31-2019 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Damage Prevention Investigation of Summit Crest Construction, LLC for May 2019 violation of RCW 19.122.
190978 Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-03-2019 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Damage Prevention Investigation of Perry Excavation LLC. for May 2019 violation of RCW 19.122.
190977 Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-31-2019 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Damage Prevention Investigation of Mark Morris Inc. for May 2019 violation of RCW 19.122.
190976 Puget Sound Pilots Tariff Revision Formal 04-11-2022 Marine Pilotage Tariff 01 in accordance with Revised Code of Washington chapter 81.16.055, by Puget Sound Pilots for the setting of marine pilotage rates on Puget Sound.
190975 Iron Man Movers and Storage, Inc. Assessment (penalty) Closed 12-23-2019 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation into the company’s business practices.
190974 Lewis River Telephone Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Lewis River Telephone Company dba TDS Telecom WN U-3 tariff revision to include Next Generation 911 (NG 911) Services for conversion to an Internet Protocol (IP) based network solution for purposes of transition to the Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) to meet the State of Washington Military Department implementation deadline.
190973 Asotin Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 11-18-2020 Telecommunications Revises Tariff WN U-4 to include Next Generation 911 (NG 911) Services for conversion to an Internet Protocol (IP) based network solution for purposes of transition to the Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) to meet the State of Washington Military Department implementation deadline.
190972 McDaniel Telephone Co. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Telecommunications Revises Tariff WN U-6 to include Next Generation 911 (NG 911) Services for conversion to an Internet Protocol (IP) based network solution for purposes of transition to the Emergency Services IP Network (ESInet) to meet the State of Washington Military Department implementation deadline.
190971 Operator Service Company, LLC Cessation of Service Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State. No existing customers and no outstanding prepaid calling cards.
190970 HAROLD LEMAY ENTERPRISES, INC. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Proposed commodity adjustment of a $0.77 decrease (from a charge of $2.73 to $1.96) per month for residential recycling customers and proposed $0.38 decrease (from a charge of $1.15 to $0.77) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The company combined the operations of Pacific Disposal and Rural Garbage in Docket TG-190516 which became effective August 1, 2019. The company serves approximately 49,000 residential and 10,800 multi-family recycling customers in Thurston County.
190969 David Theodore Kuntz Assessment (penalty) Closed 11-30-2020 Solid Waste Staff investigation to determine if company violated RCW 81.77.040.
190968 Mason County Garbage Co., Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 12-19-2019 Solid Waste Less than Statutory Notice request for proposed rate increase that would generate approximately $44,000 (1.0 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Mason County Public Works Department. On January 1, 2020, disposal fees will increase from $99.52 per ton to $102.31 per ton at the Mason County Transfer Station. The company serves approximately 10,400 residential and 700 commercial garbage customers in Mason County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on April 1, 2013.
190967 Gary Abdella Assessment (penalty) Closed 01-22-2020 Solid Waste Staff investigation to determine if company violated RCW 81.77.040.
190966 High Society Transportation LLC Certificate Closed 03-10-2020 Charter and Excursion Bus Application for Charter and Excursion Service Certificate.
190965 Port of Grays Harbor Tariff Revision Closed n/a Marine Pilotage Tariff 01 in accordance with Revised Code of Washington chapter 81.116.030 and Washington Administrative Code chapter 480-160, for the Port of Grays Harbor setting pilotage rates. The proposed effective date is January 1, 2020.
190964 HAROLD LEMAY ENTERPRISES, INC. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Petition for an exemption from WAC 480-70-351(2) requesting calculation of the commodity credit based on the most recent 6 months of actual cost and a $.10 decrease (debit decrease from $2.19 to $2.09) per month for residential recycling customers and an $0.26 decrease (from a debit of $2.35 to $2.09) per month for multi-family recycling customers in Thurston County south of 142nd street. Also, requesting a $0.72 decrease (debit decrease from $2.45 to $1.73) per month for residential and multi-family recycling customers in Lewis County, area RSA-1. The company serves approximately 4,200 residential and 300 multi-family recycling customers in Thurston County, and serves 10,200 residential customers in Lewis County.
190963 AMERICAN DISPOSAL COMPANY, INC. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Tariff revisions to pass through the King County Hazardous Waste Tax. On January 1, 2020 the King County Board of Health is increasing the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan fee by 5.5 percent, or $0.05 per month for single family customers. The company serves approximately 2,125 residential and 230 commercial customers on Vashon Island in King County.