Docket | Company Name(s) | Type | Status | Last Order | Industry | Description | |
200145 | Asotin Telephone Company | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Revises Tariff No. WN U-3 to Remove Deposit Language as the Company no longer accepts deposits. WAC 480-120-122 allows the company to require, under limited circumstances, a residential basic service deposit or an interexchange service deposit. | |
200144 | EVERGREEN TRANSFER & STORAGE, INC. | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 03-13-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements. | |
200143 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-2, to implement changes to rates under the conservation rider mechanism, as provided in Exhibit F to the Settlement Stipulation Agreement approved by the Commission in Dockets UE-011570 and UG-011571. | |
200142 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 120, reflecting changes to rates under the conservation rider mechanism from 2019 actual and 2020 budget expenditures. The proposed filing would increase rates by $14.9 million. If allowed to go into effect, the average residential customer using 900 kWh per month would see a monthly bill increase of $0.69 (0.8 percent). | |
200141 | Lewis River Telephone Company, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Revises Tariff No. WN U-2 to Remove Deposit Language as the Company no longer accepts deposits. WAC 480-120-122 allows the company to require, under limited circumstances, a residential basic service deposit or an interexchange service deposit. | |
200140 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Securities | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Statement establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040 to the proposed issuance and sale of up to $150,000,000 principal amount of Medium-Term Notes in one or more tranches. | |
200139 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Monthly Operating Reports for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2019 pursuant to WAC 480-90-275. | |
200138 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | Monthly Operating Reports for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2019 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275. | |
200137 | Let's Move It LLC | Permit | Closed | 04-20-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Reinstatement | |
200136 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | Pursuant to WAC 480-143-190, Annual Filing of Property Transferred Without Authorization During 2019. | |
200135 | Assessment (penalty) | Formal | 04-27-2020 | Call Before You Dig Natural Gas | Damage prevention investigation of DRG Construction, for violation of RCW 19.122. | ||
200134 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | 2020 Natural Gas Budget of Expenditures pursuant to WAC 480-140-030. | |
200133 | Avista Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | 2020 Electric Budget of Expenditures pursuant to WAC 480-140-030. | |
200132 | The Rock Transportation Services Corporation | Tariff Revision | Closed | 03-26-2020 | Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) | Tariff No. 6 replacing Tariff No. 5 for service between Whidbey and SeaTac; revisions to Time Schedule 11 reflecting decreased ridership due to COVID-19 virus outbreak. This Company was purchased in 2019, and is updating their tariff and time schedules to simplify the format and remove unnecessary items. No rates are being affected in this filing. | |
200131 | International Resource Management, Inc. | Staff Investigation | Closed | 01-08-2021 | Solid Waste | Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of RCW 81.77.040. | |
200130 | Q Link Wireless LLC (ETC) | Petition | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Petition for Q Link Wireless LLC to expand its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier service area. | |
200129 | MURREY'S DISPOSAL COMPANY, INC. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 03-26-2020 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for revisions to Murrey’s Disposal Company, Inc.’s Tariff No. 27 for the collection of under-billed revenue. Due to incorrectly billing the recyclable commodity adjustment to multi-family yardage customers for recycling service, the company is seeking to recover $77,432 over a one year period at $0.99 per month, per yard, effective from April 1, 2020, to Mach 30, 2021. The company also petitions to receive an exemption from WAC 480-70-266, for Less-Than-Statutory Notice. Murrey’s Disposal Company, Inc. Serves 550 multi-family yardage customers. | |
200128 | ATeam Moving, LLC | Permit | Closed | 04-10-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Household Goods Moving Application | |
200127 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Pursuant to WAC 480-143-190, Annual Filing of Property Transferred Without Authorization During 2019. | |
200126 | Avista Corporation | Securities | Closed | 03-26-2020 | Utilities General - Economic | Application for an Order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040, regarding filing requirements related to securities issuances. In this filing, Avista reports it will amend, or amend and restate, or replace a credit facility of up to $500,000,000 with a term of up to 5 years. | |
200125 | Emerald Services, Inc. | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 03-04-2020 | Solid Waste | Staff investigation to determine if company violated WAC 480-70-201 Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. | |
200124 | Spokane Tribe Telecommunications Exchange, LLC | Registration | Closed | 03-09-2020 | Telecommunications | Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. | |
200123 | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 03-10-2020 | Call Before You Dig Natural Gas | Investigation of Grandview Home, LLC, for alleged violations of RCW 19.122. | ||
200122 | PacifiCorp | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | Annual Property Disclosure Report in accordance with WAC 480-143-190, on behalf of PacifCorp. | |
200121 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-6 to provide housekeeping updates to the address on the Title Page and Rule 18 Notices and Communications page. | |
200120 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Transfer of Property | Closed | 06-25-2020 | Natural Gas | Application for an order determining that certain utility property located in Astoria, Oregon, is no longer necessary or useful. | |
200119 | Waste Management of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | A tariff revision reflecting the annual assessment by Douglas County of a collection fee imposed on solid waste collection in unincorporated Douglas County. Waste Management’s share of the fee is $190,082, an increase of $1,457 for 2020. Due to customer and tonnage growth, the actual rates to customers will decrease approximately 13 percent. The rate will become effective April 1, 2018. The company serves approximately 5,838 residential and 411 roll off customers in Douglas County. | |
200118 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Annual Filing of Property Transferred without Authorization pursuant to WAC 480-143-190. | |
200117 | ATS Trans, LLC | Assessment (penalty) | Formal | 03-30-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-30-221, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. | |
200116 | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 03-02-2020 | Call Before You Dig Natural Gas | Damage Prevention Investigation of Prairie Electric, Inc. for violation of RCW 19.122. | ||
200115 | Puget Sound Energy | Transfer of Property | Closed | 11-02-2020 | Electric | Application for an Order Authorizing the Sale of All of Puget Sound Energy's Interests in Colstrip Unit 4 and Certain of Puget Sound Energy's Interests in the Colstrip Transmission System. | |
200114 | CenturyLink Communications LLC | Petition | Closed | 07-30-2020 | Telecommunications | CenturyLink Communications LLC, Petition for Approval of Amendments to the Qwest Performance Assurance Plan and Performance Indicator Definitions to Implement the FCC’s 2019 Forbearance Orders. | |
200113 | Grays Harbor County | Plan | Closed | 03-26-2020 | Solid Waste | Commission's comments on the cost impact of Grays Harbor County Solid Waste Management Plan on customers served by regulated solid waste collection companies. | |
200112 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | 07-29-2020 | Natural Gas | Puget Sound Energy is requesting a Commission determination that the Water Heater Assets are not necessary or useful because the market value of the Water Heater Service will likely exceed "the greater 1 percent of PSE's rate base (for the applicable utility service) last established by commission order, or $20,000" WAC 480-143-180. PSE's last established natural gas base rate was $1,765,436,979 and 0.1 percent of that is $1,765,436.98. | |
200111 | National Railroad Passenger Corporation | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Railroad | 2-13-2020 at 1620 hours a male pedestrian was struck at the Washington Street railroad crossing, USDOT 092504C, by an Amtrak passenger train on BNSF Railway tracks at or near Napavine, Lewis County. The railroad milepost is 65.05 and the incident resulted in a fatality. | |
200110 | Comfortable Moving LLC; Cazacu, Sorin | Name Change | Closed | 02-25-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Name Change | |
200109 | SWAN'S MOVING & STORAGE CO INC | Assessment (penalty) | Closed | 02-26-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements, and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements. | |
200108 | Ultimate Movers LLC | Insurance Action | Closed | 02-18-2020 | Household Goods Carriers | Cancel for Insurance. | |
200107 | Puget Sound Energy | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Results of Operations and allocated rate base for the period ending December 31, 2019 pursuant to WAC 480-90-275. | |
200106 | Puget Sound Energy | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Electric | Results of Operations and allocated rate base for the period ending December 31, 2019 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275. | |
200105 | City of Sedro-Woolley | Certificate | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | Notification from the city of Sedro-Woolley (Ordinance 1951-20), RE: Intent to exercise jurisdiction over solid waste collection in the Falklands Annexation. | |
200104 | Torre Refuse & Recycling LLC | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | Proposed revision to Tariff No. 7, updating Item 230 drop-box disposal rates. On January 1, 2020, the disposal fee set by Spokane County increased from $104.50 per ton to $108.00 per ton. This will result in an increase in annual revenue of approximately $150 (less than .1 percent). The company serves approximately 370 customers in Spokane County. The company’s last general rate increase became effective January 1, 2017. | |
200103 | Northwest Water Services, LLC | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Water | Tariff revisions proposing administrative changes to reflect the company’s new contact information including address, phone number, and email. | |
200102 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Transfer of Property | Closed | 03-26-2020 | Natural Gas | Transfer of property application for the sale of an office building and property in Longview, WA. | |
200101 | PENINSULA SANITATION SERVICE, INC. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | Tariff revisions to add a new customer requested service, Bear Resistant Carts. The company has purchased over 400 bear resistant containers in response to requests from approximately 80 customers. The company provides solid waste collection service to 3,000 residential customers in Pacific County. | |
200100 | Pullman Disposal Service, Inc | Tariff Revision | Closed | 03-26-2020 | Solid Waste | Proposed commodity adjustment of a $0.34 increase (from a debit of $1.85 to $2.19) per month for residential recycling customers. The company requests a waiver from WAC 480-70-351(2), and uses a 6 month historical period to project forward for a 6 month rate period. This tariff revision proposes to add a new service, of a “Special Pickup” rate to items 100 and 105, this is a new service. The company serves approximately 5,900 recycling customers in Whitman County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on February 1, 2020. | |
200099 | Transdev Business Solutions, Inc.; Transdev Services, Inc. | Application for Transfer | Closed | 02-14-2020 | Charter and Excursion Bus | Transfer Full | |
200098 | Columbia Basin Railroad Co., Inc. | Petition | Closed | 03-12-2020 | Railroad | Petition to Modify Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Active Warning Devices at McManaman Road, Othello (USDOT 396437C) and Requesting Disbursement of Funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund from the Columbia Basin Railroad Co., Inc. | |
200097 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Staff Investigation | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | 2020 Annual Budget Report pursuant to WAC 480-140-030 and WAC 480-140-040. | |
200096 | PacifiCorp | Affiliated Interests | Closed | n/a | Electric | Affiliated Interest Agreement between PacifiCorp and HomeServices Relocation, LLC regarding an Updated Master Professional Services Contract for Employee Relocation Services. |
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