Displaying 2851 - 2900 of 35016
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
220171 Puget Sound Energy Affiliated Interests Closed n/a Natural Gas Affiliated Interest Agreement between Puget Sound Energy, Inc. and Puget LNG, LLC reflecting a Temporary LNG and Natural Gas Purchase and Sales Agreement.
220170 Cox Strategic Services, LLC Registration Pending 04-05-2022 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
220169 Marsik Movers LLC Staff Investigation Closed 05-06-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees; WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements; and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220168 Marsik Movers LLC Staff Investigation Closed 05-06-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation of company's safety rating.
220167 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Property Transferred Without Authorization Report pursuant to WAC 480-143-190.
220166 Columbia River Disposal, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Solid Waste Revises Tariff 8, generating approximately $6,900 (0.8 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Skamania County Public Works Department. On May 1, 2022, disposal fees increased from $80.15 per ton to $82.65 per ton at the Skamania County Transfer Station. The company serves approximately 1,700 residential and 240 commercial garbage customers in Skamania County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on April 1, 2018.
220165 Spokane County Plan Closed 04-14-2022 Solid Waste Commission review of the preliminary draft of the Spokane County Solid Waste Management Plan and assessment of cost impacts on rates charged by regulated solid waste collection companies.
220164 BNSF Railway Co. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Railroad On 5/8/2021 at approximately 1140 hours, a BNSF Railway Co. freight train fatally struck a pedestrian at the 92nd St. NE private rail crossing, USDOT number 084651U, in Marysville, Snohomish County, Washington.
220163 Assessment (penalty) Closed 05-06-2022 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Investigation into Eller Corporation of alleged violation RCW 19.122.
220162 Let's Move LLC Permit Pending 04-13-2022 Household Goods Carriers New HHG Permit Application
220161 Avista Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Electric Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 51, Line Extension, Conversion and Relocation, to update costs of line extensions. The proposed revisions update the primary, secondary, service and transformer average costs, and update language from “basic cost” to “basic and exceptional cost."
220160 BCE Nexxia Corporation Name Change Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of name change from BCE Nexxia Corporation to BCE Nexxia Corporation d/b/a BCE Global - USA.
220159 Regulatory Fees Closed 06-16-2022 Pipeline - General Establish annual fees for regulated natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines.
220158 Call One Inc. Cessation of Service Closed n/a Telecommunications Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State.
220157 Camano Hills Water Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water General rate increase request to generate approximately $106,405 (50.2 percent) of additional annual revenue. The increase is due to increased wage, operating, and contract operations expenses. The company provides regulated water service to approximately 215 customers in Island County. The company’s last general rate increase became effective on April 1, 2015.
220156 Pacific County Plan Closed 03-24-2022 Solid Waste Commission review of the preliminary draft of the Pacific County Solid Waste Management Plan and plans assessment of cost impacts on rates charged by regulated solid waste collection companies.
220155 BC WATER CO, LLC Tariff Revision Closed n/a Water Tariff revision to update Rule 11 on ancillary Schedule X using standard Commission rates and charges.
220154 Dubonosov, Artur Insurance Action Pending 03-07-2022 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for insurance.
220153 Cherish Moving LLC Insurance Action Closed 08-17-2022 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for Insurance.
220152 Northwest Natural Gas Company Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas 2021 Fourth Quarter Results of Operations Report pursuant to WAC 480-90-275.
220151 Avista Corporation Petition for Accounting Order Closed 12-21-2023 Electric Petition For an Accounting Order requesting authorization to use deferred accounting for financial assistance distributed under the Washington Interim Participatory Funding Agreement.
220150 Lu, David Assessment (penalty) Formal 04-11-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees; WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements; and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220149 Lu, David Assessment (penalty) Formal 04-11-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation of company's safety rating.
220148 MARTINSON PIANO MOVING, LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 05-03-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220147 BML Investments LLC Tariff Revision Closed 03-24-2022 Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Proposed Tariff No. 5, implementing flexible fares by publishing maximum rates that are 25 percent greater than the current effective rates, as allowed in WAC 480-30-420. The company provides scheduled auto transportation service between Pangborn Memorial Airport and Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, with intermediate stops at Wenatchee, Peshastin, North Bend, Bellevue, by reservation only.
220146 Olympic Pipe Line Company Tariff Revision Closed n/a Petroleum Pipelines (Economic Regulation) Tariff revisions to decrease rates for the transportation of petroleum products by pipeline. The rates are set in accordance with the Settlement Agreement approved by the Commission on December 4, 2008, in Order 05 in Docket TO-031973, and clarified in Docket TO-040992 and amended on Docket TO-190267.
220144 Whatcom County Plan Closed 03-24-2022 Solid Waste Commission comments on the Whatcom County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for the period 2022 through 2027.
220143 Bainbridge Disposal, Inc Fuel Surcharge Tariff Closed 03-10-2022 Solid Waste Less than Statutory notice to revise Tariff No.17, reflecting the addition of fuel surcharge supplement No.2. to become effective March 1,2022 and expire on May 31, 2022. The company serves approximately 6,600 residential, commercial and drop box customers on Bainbridge Island in King County.
220142 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas Quarterly Report for the period Ending December 31, 2021 pursuant to WAC 480-90-275.
220141 Puget Sound Energy Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Quarterly Reports for the Period Ending December 31, 2021 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275.
220140 Petition Formal n/a Solid Waste Petition to consider Amending Rule 48-70-366(2)(b) to add "Provided that missed service due to weather shall be made up, weather permitting, on or before the next scheduled pickup and not to exceed 7 (seven) calendar days from the missed collection.
220139 Cannon Construction LLC Registration Closed 03-23-2022 Telecommunications Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification.
220138 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed 04-28-2022 Natural Gas Petition for exemption from WAC 480-80-111(1)(b) and proposed revision to Tariff WN U-2, Schedule 120, Natural Gas Conservation Service Rider, increasing the company's annual gas revenue by $2.8 million. If rule exemption and proposed rates are granted, the average residential customer using 64 therms will pay $0.22 more per month.
220137 Puget Sound Energy Tariff Revision Closed 04-28-2022 Electric Petition for exemption from WAC 480-80-111(1)(b) and proposed revision to Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 120, Electricity Conservation Service Rider, increasing the company's annual electric revenue by $21.6 million. If exemption and proposed rates are granted, the average residential customer using 800 kWh will pay $0.88 more per month.
220136 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Tariff Revision Closed n/a Natural Gas Revises Tariff WN U-3 consistent with the Biennial Conservation Plan approved in Docket UG-210838. The filing combines residential, commercial and industrial energy efficiency program elements formerly found in Schedules 300 and 302 into Schedule 300, Energy Efficiency Incentive Program and updates Schedule 301, Low Income Weatherization Incentive Program. The filing has no effect on customer rates.
220135 PacifiCorp Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Property Transferred Without Authorization Report pursuant to WAC 480-143-190.
220134 PNW Moving and Delivery LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 04-22-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-550, Cargo Insurance; WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees; WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements; and WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements.
220133 PNW Moving and Delivery LLC Assessment (penalty) Formal 04-19-2024 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation of company's safety rating.
220132 AJ's Wine Tour & Transport LLC Certificate Pending 03-23-2022 Charter and Excursion Bus New Charter/Excursion Certificate Application
220131 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Plan Pending n/a Natural Gas NOTICE: This item will be heard on Thursday, June 1, at 9:30 a.m. The Company's 2023 Integrated Resource Plan.
220130 Home2Home Moving LLC Assessment (penalty) Closed 04-04-2022 Household Goods Carriers Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees, and WAC 480-15-560, Equipment Safety Requirements.
220129 Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Natural Gas Annual Property Transferred Without Authorization Report pursuant to WAC 480-143-190.
220128 Friends & Family Moving & Storage, Inc. Insurance Action Closed 02-25-2022 Household Goods Carriers Cancel for Insurance.
220127 Beeline Tours LTD. Tariff Revision Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Time Schedule revisions filed by Beeline Tours LTD d/b/a Seattle Express. Time Schedule #4 will replace Time Schedule #3 to become effective March 20, 2022. The revisions remove pick up locations and drop off points which have no customer demand or are covered by a free to use shuttle service provided by the company. Zero customer reservations will be affected.
220126 Assessment (penalty) Closed 03-29-2022 Call Before You Dig Natural Gas Investigation on Trinity Excavating, LLC of alleged violation of RCW 19.122
220124 Avista Corporation Staff Investigation Closed n/a Electric Monthly Operating Reports for the Quarter Ending December 31, 2021 pursuant to WAC 480-100-275.
220123 Avista Corporation Special Project Pending n/a Gas Pipeline Avista's annual GIS submittal of our natural gas pipelines that have an MAOP above 250 psig per RCW 81.88.080.
220122 Pelican Point Water Company Petition Closed 03-24-2022 Water Petition for removal from regulation of Pelican Point Water Company. The company seeks deregulation due to having fewer than 100 customers or average annual revenue less than $557 per customer as required in WAC 480-110-255. The company transferred ownership of all assets serving customers to another regulated company in Docket UW-210564. The company no longer provides service to customers.
220121 Providence Health and Services Certificate Closed 03-31-2022 Non-profit Bus New Non-profit Bus Certificate Application