190875 |
Rainier View Water Company, Inc.
Contract |
Closed |
n/a |
Water |
Service Connection agreement to provide fire flow to High Pointe Community Church building complex being constructed. Costs for the provision of fire flow shall be for 30 Equivalent Residential Units per the Utilities tariff on file with the commission. Additionally, the monthly recurring fire flow rate provided in the company’s tariff will be applied. The company serves approximately 18,400 residential and non-residential customers on 26 water systems in Pierce County and on two water systems in Kitsap County. |
190874 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-75, Schedule 70 and Schedule 73, increasing the definition of one block of renewable energy from 100 kWh to 200 kWh. The impact to a typical subscribing residential customer using 1,200 kWh per month, who fully offsets their usage with renewable energy, is a decrease of $11.70 per month. |
190873 |
Northwest Natural Gas Company
Petition for Accounting Order |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Petition for Accounting Order regarding the Company's new headquarters lease transaction. |
190872 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Proposed rate increase that would generate approximately $123,500 (7.4 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Orcas Recycling Services. On December 1, 2019, disposal fees will increase from $195.00 per ton to $260.00 per ton at the Orcas Island Transfer Station. The company serves approximately 1,650 residential and commercial garbage customers in San Juan County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on October 1, 2014. |
190871 |
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Call Before You Dig |
Staff Investigation into Stuurman's Construction RE: alleged violations of RCW 19.122 per Dig Law Safety Committee referral. |
190870 |
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Tariff revisions requesting $0.55 increase (debit increase from $0.34 to $0.89) per month for residential recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 2,400 residential recycling customers in Whatcom County. |
190869 |
Pullman Disposal Service, Inc
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Proposed general rate increase that would generate approximately $400,000 (8.68 percent) additional annual revenue for the collection of residential and commercial garbage, residential recycling and yard waste. The company provides regulated solid waste collection service to approximately 5,000 residential and 650 commercial customers in Whitman County. The company’s last general rate increase became effective on August 1, 2013. |
190868 |
Fusion LLC; Fusion Communications, LLC
Transfer of Property |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Joint Notice of Fusion Connect, Inc., Fusion LLC, Fusion Communications, LLC and Telecom Holdings LLC, Regarding a Transaction That Will Result in a Material Change to the Ownership and Control of Fusion LLC and Fusion Communications, LLC. |
190867 |
Interstate Mckinzie Movers LLC
Permit |
Closed |
12-27-2019 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Application for Permit |
190866 |
Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-17 to reduce the Federal Lifeline support credit, for voice-only Lifeline service, by $2.00 per month in accordance with 47 CFR Section 54.403(a)(2). This filing does not affect customers who subscribe to qualifying broadband service. The $2.00 price increase will impact voice-only Lifeline customers beginning December 1, 2019. |
190865 |
Triton Networks, LLC
Registration |
Closed |
11-15-2019 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. |
190864 |
Standard Tandem LLC
Registration |
Closed |
01-22-2020 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. |
190863 |
Permit |
Pending |
02-14-2020 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Application for Permit |
190862 |
Team Forks LLC
Voluntary Cancellation |
Closed |
10-17-2019 |
Charter and Excursion Bus |
Voluntary Cancellation of Cert. CH-063844 |
190861 |
Northwest Fiber, LLC
Registration |
Closed |
12-13-2019 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. |
190860 |
Basin Disposal Inc
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
10-28-2019 |
Solid Waste |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-70-201, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. |
190859 |
Olympia & Belmore Railroad, Inc.
Application for Funding |
Closed |
11-18-2020 |
Railroad |
Application for disbursement of funds from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund from the Olympia & Belmore Railroad, Inc. to replace signage at 12 crossings in Thurston County. |
190858 |
Americam Movers LLC
Permit |
Closed |
08-09-2023 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Application for Permit |
190857 |
Puget Sound Energy
Formal Complaint |
Closed |
03-02-2020 |
Natural Gas |
Formal Complaint of Seattle Children's Hospital, Overlake Medical Center, Hospital Central Services Association, Costco Wholesale Corporation, Northwest Baking Limited Partnership d/b/a Northwest Baking Company, First Call Plus of Washington, L.L.C., Repaul Textiles d/b/a Sterile Surgical Systems, Shining Ocean, Inc., Tucci & Sons, Inc., Westrock CP, LLC, Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc., Ace Galvanizing, Inc., Gardner Asphalt Corporation and Western Wood Preservation Co. against Puget Sound Energy for unlawfully imposed Curtailment Penalties of more than $900,000 for a period of time in which there was no declared curtailment period. |
190856 |
City of Wenatchee
Certificate |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Notification from the city of Wenatchee (Ordinance 2019-31), RE: Intent to exercise jurisdiction over solid waste collection in the LaVergne Annexation. |
190855 |
Roche Harbor Water System
Contract |
Closed |
11-08-2019 |
Water |
Contract service connection agreement for four (4) residential connections. Costs for the service connection and related operating equipment shall be borne by the prospective customers. In addition, the meters to provide service will be located off of each customer's property. A waiver of WAC 480-110-445 is requested. The customers are aware of the additional requirements to maintain the service line outside of their property boundaries and have agreed to that obligation. Roche Harbor Water System serves about 450 customers on a water system near Friday Harbor in Island County. |
190854 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Revises Tariff WN U-2 to make housekeeping updates. The filing incorporates new schedules to the Natural Gas Index and updates a reference in Rule 3. |
190853 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-60 to make housekeeping updates. The filing incorporates new schedules to the Electric Index and corrects the title on Schedule 131. |
190852 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-75, Rule 7, to allow for unmetered, flat-rate service for small usage broadband network equipment where the installation of metering equipment is impractical. |
190851 |
Freedom 2000, LLC
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Revises Tariff No. 1, reflecting a change in the Whatcom County Solid Waste Excise Tax, from $8.50 per ton of MSW disposed to a 3.3 percent charge on all solid waste collection activities. This change is being made to simplify customer billing and remittance of the tax to the County. The County has designed this tax change to be revenue neutral, and it should have minimal effect on regulated rates. |
190850 |
Frontier Communications Northwest, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-16 to increase monthly rates for intrastate special access elements including but not limited to Dedicated Access, Local Channels and Private Line services. The customer notice indicates that the overall rates will increase by 15 percent, effective November 25, 2019. Even with the rate increases the proposed rates are still below the comparable FCC interstate rates which is consistent with paragraph 67 of Order 06 in Docket UT-121994. |
190849 |
Island Airporter LLC; Weigeshoff Transportation LLC
Application for Transfer |
Closed |
11-13-2019 |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
Application for Transfer of Auto Transportation Authority C-1075. |
190848 |
Discover Lake Chelan LLC
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Commercial Ferries |
Revised Time Schedule 36 adding an additional run on Sundays starting January 1, 2020, and extending the layover time in Stehekin 30 minutes, adjusting return trip times accordingly. The company provides commercial ferry service on Lake Chelan. |
190847 |
United Telephone Company of the Northwest
Interconnection Agreement |
Pending |
10-10-2019 |
Telecommunications |
Request for Approval of Interconnection Agreement between United Telephone Company of the Northwest and CSC Wireless in the State of Washington. |
190846 |
CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc.; CenturyTel of Inter Island, Inc.; CenturyTel of Washington, Inc.
Interconnection Agreement |
Pending |
10-10-2019 |
Telecommunications |
Request for Approval of Interconnection Agreement between CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc., CenturyTel of Inter Island, Inc., CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. and CSC Wireless in the State of Washington. |
190845 |
Scenic Shores Water Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Water |
General rate increase request that, as originally filed would generate approximately $8,155.00 (25 percent) additional annual revenue. Staff and the company have agreed to a revised lower requirement of $7,000 (21.5 percent) additional annual revenue. The company serves about 44 regulated customers and 150 un-regulated customers on a water system located near Lake Lawrence in Thurston County. The company’s last rate change became effective on December 20, 2012, for $6,805 (27 percent). |
190844 |
Ray Hahne
Formal Complaint |
Formal |
11-25-2019 |
Solid Waste |
Staff investigation to determine if company violated RCW 81.77.040, operating as a solid waste collection company without a certificate of convenience. |
190843 |
McDaniel Telephone Co.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-4 to change residential customer's Late Payment Charge from 1 percent of the outstanding balance, per month, to a flat rate of $10.00 per month. |
190842 |
Luxury1 Limo, LLC
Assessment (penalty) |
Formal |
01-07-2021 |
Charter and Excursion Bus |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of RCW 81.70.260, unlawful operation after certificate or registration canceled. |
190841 |
Asotin Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-3 to change residential customer's Late Payment Charge from 1 percent of the outstanding balance, per month, to a flat rate of $10.00 per month. |
190840 |
WA Big Guys Movers LLC
Voluntary Cancellation |
Closed |
10-11-2019 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Voluntary Cancellation of Permit |
190839 |
Lewis River Telephone Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-2 to change residential customer's Late Payment Charge from 1 percent of the outstanding balance, per month, to a flat rate of $10.00 per month. |
190838 |
Best Travel Inc.
Certificate |
Closed |
10-17-2019 |
Charter and Excursion Bus |
Application for Charter and Excursion Service Certificate |
190837 |
Rulemaking |
Closed |
12-28-2020 |
Electric |
Rulemaking to consider changes to WAC 480-107, Purchase of Electricity in light of RCW 19.405, other legislative changes since 2006 and changes in the electric industry. |
190835 |
Super Friends Moving, L.L.C.
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
06-05-2020 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover’s Court) |
190834 |
Aurora Painting & Pressure Washing
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
10-17-2019 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover’s Court) |
190833 |
Mark Alberto Marrero
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
02-12-2020 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover’s Court) |
190832 |
The Moving Clique, LLC
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
11-13-2019 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation into alleged non-permitted household goods carrier. (Mover’s Court) |
190831 |
Bigfoot Moving Service LLC
Permit |
Closed |
09-24-2024 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Application for Permit |
190830 |
Assessment (penalty) |
Formal |
11-14-2019 |
Solid Waste |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-70-201, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. |
190829 |
365 Wireless, LLC
Cessation of Service |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Notice of Cessation of Service in Washington State. No existing customers and is not currently marketing its local exchange and interchange services. |
190828 |
Michael Miller
Assessment (penalty) |
Formal |
04-15-2020 |
Charter and Excursion Bus |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of RCW 81.70.220, Certificate or Registration Required. |
190827 |
GM Move Transport LLC
Permit |
Closed |
02-07-2022 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Application for Permit |
190826 |
Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Revises Tariff WN U-3, Schedule 593, to revise rates for Cascade's Washington Energy Assistance Fund (WEAF) Program, reflecting projected spending for the next year as well as prior period balance carry-overs. The changes decrease annual revenues by approximately $17,000. The revised tariff also implements new income eligibility criteria. A typical residential customer using 55 therms will see a bill decrease of $0.01 per month. |
190825 |
Fife Maritime Inc.
Assessment (penalty) |
Formal |
10-30-2019 |
Charter and Excursion Bus |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-30-221, Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. |