001850 |
Comm South Companies, Inc.
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Staff investigation regarding the Company's business practices to determine whether the Company is complying with rules on disconnection, etc. |
001846 |
Formal Complaint |
Closed |
08-02-2002 |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
New Tariff No. 6, reflecting a general rate increase of $2 per fare. Annual revenue increase of $230,000 (14.2 percent). |
001843 |
Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Time Schedule No. 57, reflecting an adjustment to Sea-Tac Airport arrival and departure times. |
001841 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-09-2000 |
Electric |
Proposes a comprehensive revision of the Company's existing Schedule 93 - Voluntary Interruption of Electric Service. |
001820 |
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
05-23-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Staff investigation to determine if the company is providing prepaid calling card service without proper registration and protection of customer's prepaid funds. |
001816 |
Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
New time schedule. |
001814 |
Pacific Northwest Transportation Services, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 9, to Tariff No. 4, reflecting an increase in rates of $.50 per one-way and $1.00 per round trip. |
001809 |
Puget Sound Energy
Petition |
Closed |
12-27-2000 |
Gas Pipeline |
Request for approval to operate the inlet piping to the proposed Novelty Hill Gate Station at pressures exceeding 500 psig. |
001804 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Kent Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service. |
001803 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Seattle Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service. |
001786 |
Certificate |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Application for new certificate. |
001785 |
Voyage Telecom, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
08-14-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments or deposit customer prepayments in escrow or trust account. |
001781 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 7, reflecting a reduction in disposal fees of $3 per ton. |
001774 |
Certificate |
Closed |
10-19-2001 |
Commercial Ferries |
Application for new certificate. |
001771 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 5, to Tariff No. 9, reflecting an increase at $.50 per one-way and $1.00 per round trip. |
001770 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Commercial Ferries |
Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 3, to Tariff No. 63-B, reflecting an increase in rates of $.50 per one-way and $1.00 per round trip. |
001769 |
Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 18 (Nick Raffo Garbage Co.), reflecting the extension of expiration date for residential and multi-family commodity credits until April 1, 2001. |
001768 |
Waste Management of Washington, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. 4 (R.S.T. Disposal Co.), reflecting the extension of the expiration date for residential and multi-family commodity credits until April 1, 2000. |
001764 |
Telecom New Zealand Communications Limited
Petition |
Closed |
12-13-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
001763 |
@Link Networks, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
12-27-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
001759 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
Less than statutory notice request to continue Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 9, to Tariff No. 5, reflecting an increase in rates of $.25 per one-way and $.50 per round trip. |
001751 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
03-13-2002 |
Railroad |
Petition for construction of grade crossing at Puyallup Street, Sumner, WA. DOT Crossing No. BN85679N, WUTC Crossing No. 1E 28.50. |
001750 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
03-13-2002 |
Railroad |
Petition for abandonment and closure of Williams Ave., grade crossing, Sumner, WA, DOT Crossing No. BN85679N, WUTC Crossing No. 1E 28.20. |
001749 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
02-16-2001 |
Railroad |
Petition to reconstruct grade crossing at Valley View Road, Whatcom County, DOT Crossing No. 084844T, WUTC Crossing No. 2B 113.10. |
001748 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
02-16-2001 |
Railroad |
Petition to reconstruct grade crossing at Maine Street, Whatcom County, DOT Crossing No. 084843L, WUTC Crossing No. 2B 111.80. |
001746 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
07-25-2001 |
Railroad |
Petition for closure of 4th Street grade crossing, Northport, WA, DOT Crossing No. 059072V. |
001742 |
Verizon Northwest Inc.
Contract |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Less than statutory notice request for thirty-six (36) month contract for Transport Lan Connection (TLC) Service. |
001739 |
Qwest Corporation
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver of the Commission's Order directing implementation of permissive 11-Digit dialing for local calls. |
001735 |
TESS Communications of Washington, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
001734 |
Pacific Power & Light Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
12-30-2002 |
Electric |
Adds language to the Company's tariff to require customers, who request that they disconnect Company facilities so they can switch to another electric utility, to pay for the estimated net removal cost of those facilities that will no longer be used. |
001713 |
Petition |
Closed |
02-14-2001 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for a declaratory order to resolve a dispute over whether WAC 480-120-081, authorizes Sprint to discontinue telecommunications services provided to Randy Bates. |
001712 |
Formal Complaint |
Closed |
12-19-2001 |
Telecommunications |
Formal complaint filed by CourtLink Corporation against AT&T Communications of the Pacific Northwest, Inc., regarding the rates, charges, and practices of AT&T. |
001711 |
Electric Lightwave, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
03-28-2001 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for waiver or modification of the requirement of WAC 480-120-027(3)(a), which requires contracts to be filed within five business days after execution. |
001698 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Railroad |
Request to relocate the cantilever and gate signal on NE 8th Street, Bellevue, WA, DOT Crossing No. 91-766F, WUTC Crossing No. 1F 12.60. |
001697 |
The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Petition |
Closed |
02-16-2001 |
Railroad |
Petition for waiver of WAC 480-60-050, Side Clearances, for construction of an inter-track fence at the Tukwila commuter rail station. |
001683 |
Maxtel USA, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
001682 |
Long Distance Billing Services, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
001680 |
NewSouth Communications Corp.
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list. |
001679 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Everett Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service. |
001678 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Pierce County Sheriff's Office for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service. |
001677 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Petition of Seattle Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service. |
001675 |
Stroh's Water Company Inc.
Contract |
Closed |
04-25-2001 |
Water |
Withdrawal of contract for domestic and fire flow service between Stroh's Water Company, Inc., and Papa John's Pizza. |
001672 |
United States Telecommunications, Inc.
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Penalty Assessment for failure to submit required financial reports on advanced payments and deposits collected from customers for the second and third quarter of 2000. |
001659 |
Petition |
Closed |
n/a |
Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) |
Less than statutory notice request to revise Time Schedule No. 35, reflecting the addition of a stop at Burwell and Montgomery Streets, and deletion of the stop at 6th Street and Naval Avenue. |
001657 |
Gamble Bay Water, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
02-23-2001 |
Water |
Adds a $2.27 a month surcharge for all customers to drill a new well. The surcharge would expire on March 1, 2006, or upon recovery of $27,500.00 loan. |
001633 |
The Northwest Railway Museum
Petition |
Closed |
11-29-2000 |
Railroad |
Modifies grade crossing surface on Newton St., Snoqualmie, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 29 A 33.10, DOT Crossing No. 092 027 L. |
001629 |
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
11-08-2000 |
Telecommunications |
Staff investigation regarding an order setting WTAP Client Payment Rates on tribal lands. |
001616 |
Puget Sound Energy
Formal Complaint |
Closed |
04-05-2001 |
Electric |
Formal complaint filed by Georgia-Pacific West, Inc., against Puget Sound Energy, for failure to comply with the provisions of the May 1996 Power Sales Agreement. |
001606 |
Creative Communications, Inc.
Petition |
Closed |
08-14-2002 |
Telecommunications |
Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments or deposit customer prepayments in escrow or trust account. |
001602 |
Northwest Natural Gas Company
Petition |
Closed |
11-08-2000 |
Natural Gas |
Request for waiver of WAC 480-90-031(5), which requires the Company file a Semi-Annual Results of Operations Report for the 12 months ended June 30, 2000. |