210408 |
Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Revises Tariff WN U-3, Schedule 597, Cost Recovery Mechanism replacing high risk pipe, to increase revenues by $1.7 million or 0.64 percent. A residential customer using an average of 56 therms per month would see an increase of $0.34. |
210407 |
Puget Sound Energy
Plan |
Closed |
08-26-2021 |
Gas Pipeline |
2021-2023 Washington Pipeline Replacement Plan. |
210406 |
Torre Refuse & Recycling LLC
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Affiliated Interest Report for Torre Refuse & Recycling LLC d/b/a Sunshine Disposal & Recycling pursuant to WAC 480-70-079. |
210405 |
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Affiliated transaction report for Rabanco Ltd. pursuant to WAC 480-70-079. |
210404 |
Fiorito Enterprises Inc. & Rabanco Companies
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Affiliated Transaction Report for Fiorito Enterprises Inc. & Rabanco Companies d/b/a Kent-Meridian Disposal G-60 pursuant to WAC 480-70-079. |
210403 |
Avista Corporation
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Annual Securities Transaction Report pursuant to WAC 480-100-262 and WAC 480-90-262. |
210402 |
Tariff Revision |
Formal |
04-07-2022 |
Electric |
Revises Tariff No. WN U-76 to reflect an increase compared to the NPC baseline reflected in the revenue requirement in the Company's most recent rate case. |
210401 |
Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Plan |
Closed |
08-26-2021 |
Gas Pipeline |
2021 Washington Pipeline Replacement Plan. |
210400 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Revises Tariff WN U-29, Schedule 190, adding an On-Bill Repayment Program and incorporating provisions for vulnerable populations and highly impacted communities as defined by RCW 19.405.020. |
210399 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 90, adding an On-Bill Repayment Program, removing the distributed energy resource incentive, and incorporating provisions for vulnerable populations and highly impacted communities, as defined by RCW 19.405.020. |
210398 |
Puget Sound Energy
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Annual Energy and Emissions Intensity Metrics Report pursuant to WAC 480-109-300. |
210397 |
Deliveries Without Borders LLC
Petition for Exemption |
Closed |
07-08-2021 |
Motor Freight Carrier |
Petition for Exemption from WAC 480-14-250(1)(a) to use surplus lines insurance instead of an admitted insurance company authorized to write policies in the state of Washington. |
210396 |
Avista Corporation
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
08-12-2021 |
Electric |
2021 Renewable Target Compliance Report pursuant to WAC 480-109-210. |
210395 |
Lewis River Telephone Company, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-2 to establish separate and reduced rate elements for intrastate Toll-Free Originating End Office Access Service and updates the originating 8YY and 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the John Staurulakis, Inc. (JSI) Tariff FCC No. 1. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210394 |
Rocket Van Lines LLC
Permit |
Closed |
10-01-2024 |
Household Goods Carriers |
New HHG Permit Application. |
210393 |
Asotin Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-3 to establish separate and reduced rate elements for intrastate Toll-Free Originating End Office Access Service and updates the originating 8YY and 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the John Staurulakis, Inc. (JSI) Tariff FCC No. 1. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210392 |
McDaniel Telephone Co.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-4 to establish separate and reduced rate elements for intrastate Toll-Free Originating End Office Access Service and updates the originating 8YY and 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the John Staurulakis, Inc. (JSI) Tariff FCC No. 1. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210391 |
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Energy and Emissions Intensity Metrics Report pursuant to WAC 480-109-300. |
210390 |
Puget Sound Energy
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Annual Securities Transaction Report pursuant to WAC 480-90-262. |
210389 |
Puget Sound Energy
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Annual Securities Transaction Report pursuant to WAC 480-100-262. |
210388 |
Avista Corporation
Plan |
Closed |
08-26-2021 |
Gas Pipeline |
2021-2023 Washington Pipeline Replacement Plan. |
210387 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 129 Low Income Program to Comply with the Definition of "low-income" as Established by the Commission in Docket UE-200629. This change makes households with incomes up to the higher of 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level or 80 percent of Area Median Income, adjusted for household size, eligible for PSE's Home Energy Lifeline Program. |
210386 |
Puget Sound Energy
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Tariff WN U-60 to clarify which electric Customers are eligible for electric Schedule 134, Community Solar Project Services. This revision also reduces the block size of Community Solar Resource Option One based on updated cost forecasts. |
210385 |
Consolidated Communications of Washington Company, LLC
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-1 to establish separate and reduced rate elements for intrastate Toll-Free Originating End Office Access Service and updates originating 8YY and 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210384 |
Olympic Pipe Line Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Petroleum Pipelines (Economic Regulation) |
Proposed increase in rates for the transportation of petroleum products by pipeline. The rates are set in accordance with the Settlement Agreement approved by the commission on December 4, 2008, in Order 05 in Docket TO-031973, and clarified in Docket TO-040992 and amended on Docket TO-190267. |
210383 |
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
2020 Affiliated Interest and Subsidiary Transactions Report pursuant to WAC 480-100-264. |
210382 |
Neo Moving LLC
Permit |
Formal |
08-09-2021 |
Household Goods Carriers |
New Household Goods Moving Permit Application |
210381 |
Affiliated Interests |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Affiliated Interest Agreement between PacifiCorp and BHE Wind, LLC reflecting a sale of equipment to BHE Wind, LLC. |
210380 |
Uplift Movers LLC
Assessment (penalty) |
Formal |
06-11-2021 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-555, Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees. |
210379 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Natural Gas |
Revises Tariff WN U-29, Decoupling Mechanism Adjustment, to amortize the difference between authorized and actual revenues for calendar year 2020. The change increases revenues by $2.4 million. The impact for a residential customer using an average of 67 therms per month is an increase of $1.08 or 1.87 percent. |
210378 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-28, Decoupling Mechanism Adjustment, to amortize the difference between authorized and actual revenues for calendar year 2020. The change decreases revenues by $.4 million. The impact for a residential customer using an average of 914 kilowatt hours per month is a decrease of $2.64 or 3.13 percent. |
210377 |
Moving Band LLC
Assessment (penalty) |
Closed |
06-10-2021 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation to determine if company is in violation of WAC 480-15-570, Driver Safety Requirements. |
210376 |
Moving Band LLC
Staff Investigation |
Closed |
07-23-2021 |
Household Goods Carriers |
Staff investigation of company's safety rating. |
210375 |
Avista Corporation
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Electric |
Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 91, reflecting changes to rates under the electric conservation rider mechanism from 2020 actual and 2021 budget expenditures. The proposed filing decreases revenues by $3.5 million or a 0.7 percent rate decrease, bringing... Revises Tariff WN U-28, Schedule 91, reflecting changes to rates under the electric conservation rider mechanism from 2020 actual and 2021 budget expenditures. The proposed filing decreases revenues by $3.5 million or 0.7 percent, bringing the forecasted tariff balance close to $0 by July 31, 2023. If allowed to go into effect, the average electric residential customer would see a monthly bill decrease of $0.62.. |
210374 |
Northwest Natural Gas Company
Plan |
Closed |
08-26-2021 |
Gas Pipeline |
2021-2023 Washington Pipeline Replacement Plan. |
210373 |
Tri City Excavation LLC
Assessment (penalty) |
Formal |
06-24-2021 |
Call Before You Dig Natural Gas |
Staff investigation of violation of RCW 19.122. |
210372 |
Columbia River Disposal, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Proposed tariff revision that would generate approximately $4,000 (0.4 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Skamania County Public Works Department. On May 1, 2021, disposal fees increased from $78.69 per ton to $80.15 per ton at the Skamania County Transfer Station. The company serves approximately 1,700 residential and 240 commercial garbage customers in Skamania County. The company's last general rate increase became effective on April 1, 2018. |
210371 |
Hat Island Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-1 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210370 |
Inland Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-7 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210369 |
Western Wahkiakum County Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-6 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210368 |
Methow Valley Sanitation, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Solid Waste |
Proposed tariff revision reflecting the addition of a new service for a 25 yard compactor container. |
210367 |
Whidbey Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-5 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210366 |
Pioneer Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-3 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210365 |
Hood Canal Telephone Co., Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-2 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210364 |
Toledo Telephone Co., Inc., The
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-1 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210363 |
Mashell Telecom, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-3 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210362 |
Washington Exchange Carrier Association
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariffs WN U-1 and WN U-2 to complement WECA’s member companies’ tariff filings implementing the initial intrastate portion of the three-step transition required by the Federal Communication Commission’s “8YY Access Charge Reform” Report and Order (FCC 20-143) released October 9, 2020. |
210361 |
St. John Telephone, Inc.
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-1 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210360 |
Tenino Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-4 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |
210359 |
Kalama Telephone Company
Tariff Revision |
Closed |
n/a |
Telecommunications |
Revises Tariff WN U-1 8YY database query rates to concur with interstate rates in the NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 5. On October 9, 2020, the FCC released the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order that requires companies to reduce originating intrastate interexchange access and database query charges. |