Docket | Company Name(s) | Type | Status | Last Order | Industry | Description | |
250056 | Bluespan Fiber LLC; Inland Cellular LLC (ETC) | Transfer of Property | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Transfers control of Bluespan Fiber LLC, to Inland Cellular LLC.. | |
250055 | To The Mountain Shuttle, LLC | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Charter and Excursion Bus | Staff investigation to determine if the Company is in violation of RCW 81.703.260 by operating unlawfully after the Company's certificate was cancelled. | |
250054 | Moving Cab Corporation | Assessment (penalty) | Formal | 02-24-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Staff Investigation to Determine if Company is in Violation of WAC-15-555 Criminal Background Checks for Prospective Employees and WAC 480-15-560 Vehicle and Driver Safety Requirements. | |
250053 | MOSAIC NETWORX LLC | Cessation of Service | Closed | n/a | Telecommunications | Notice of cessation of telecommunications service and cancelation of registration. The Company attest that they have no existing customers and no outstanding prepaid calling services. | |
250052 | City of Puyallup; BNSF Railway Co. | Petition | Formal | 03-12-2025 | Railroad | Petition to modify warning devices at 5th Street NW (085699A), on behalf of the City of Puyallup, from Hans Hunger. | |
250051 | City of Puyallup | Petition | Formal | 03-12-2025 | Railroad | Petition to modify warning devices at 7th Street NW (085700S), on behalf of the City of Puyallup, from Hans Hunger. | |
250050 | Strok Industries LLC | Permit | Pending | 02-26-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | New permit application. | |
250048 | Wide Voice, LLC | Petition | Closed | 02-13-2025 | Telecommunications | Petition requesting a waiver of number utilization requirements to open one 206 NPA, Seattle Rate Center Central Office Code to allocate one 1,000 number block for Local Routing Number purposes. | |
250047 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Contract between Company and customer to complete the tap and extension of the water main on 32nd Street NW as indicated on the preliminary plat set by Apex Engineering LLC indicating the installation of hydrants. This site is in Pierce County, which is serviced by Port Evans Water System. | |
250046 | Ziply Fiber Northwest, LLC | Tariff Revision | Suspended | 02-28-2025 | Telecommunications | Revises Tariff WN U-101 to increase the minimum late payment fee from $12 to $15. This increase is estimated to generate an additional $197,259.00 (0.36 percent) annually. The Company has not demonstrated that the proposed rates are fair, just, and reasonable. Staff recommends that the Commission issue a Complaint and Order Suspending the Tariff Revisions and set the matter for hearing. | |
250045 | Mountain Top Tours LLC | Certificate | Pending | n/a | Charter and Excursion Bus | New charter/excursion certificate application. | |
250044 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Contract between the Company and customers to complete the tap and extension of the water main on 19718 Orting Kapowsin Hwy E and the installation of hydrants. This site is in Pierce County, which is serviced by Southwood Water System. | |
250043 | The Northwest Railway Museum | Petition | Formal | 02-20-2025 | Railroad | Petition to modify warning devices at North Bend Way crossing (092036K), on behalf of Northwest Railway Museum, from Richard Anderson. | |
250042 | Cascade Natural Gas Corporation | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-3, Schedule 700, Temporary Climate Commitment Act Rate Adjustment charge and credit. This filing extends the end date of Schedule 700 from March 31, 2025, to May 31, 2025. | |
250041 | Washington Water Service Company | Contract | Closed | n/a | Water | Contract between the Company and customers to complete the tap and extension of the water main on 137th Ave Ct E and 195th St Ct E and the installation of hydrants. This site is in Pierce County, which is serviced by Southwood Water System. | |
250040 | HAROLD LEMAY ENTERPRISES, INC. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for Tariff revisions for Harold LeMay Enterprises, Inc. dba Pierce County Refuse, that would generate approximately $815,000 (5.1 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Pierce County Recycling, Composting and Disposal, LLC d/b/a LRI. On March 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $174.84 per ton to $184.99 per ton at LRI. The Tariff revisions will further generate approximately $34,500 (2.1 percent) additional annual revenue on Joint Base Lewis-McChord to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by the LRI. On March 1, 2025, disposal fees for Joint Base Lewis-McChord will increase from $130.75 per ton to $138.29 per ton at LRI. Additionally, there is a Tariff revision for commodity adjustment. The Tariff revisions for $1.56 decrease (debit decrease from $3.07 to $1.52) per month for residential recycling customers in Pierce County, and a $1.61 decrease (debit decrease from $2.69 to $1.08) per month for residential recycling customers on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Additionally, there is a Tariff revision in Item 230, drop box disposal fees. On March 1, 2025, drop box disposal fees for appliances with freon, mattresses, and tires with and without rims set by LRI, at the Hidden Valley Landfill/LW Transfer Station will increase. The Company serves approximately 61,500 residential, 5,600 commercial garbage, and 230 drop box customers in Pierce County, and 4,300 residential customers on Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The Company’s last general rate increase was March 1, 2024. | |
250039 | City of Vancouver | Certificate | Pending | n/a | Solid Waste | Notice of Annexation by the City of Vancouver, WA Intent to Excise Jurisdiction over Solid Waste Collection in Newly Annexed area has determined that it wishes to contract for solid waste collection services within the city limits pursuant to RCW 81.77.020. | |
250038 | Olympic Water and Sewer, Inc. | Petition for Exemption | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Water | Petition for Exemption from WAC rule 480-110-375 to issue an order approving a partial exemption from WAC 480-110-375, which mandates the paper mailing of customer bills. The Company requests approval to provide paperless bills electronically to customers who have opted into that billing option while continuing to mail paper bills to those customers who have not. | |
250037 | The Rock Transportation Services Corporation | Tariff Revision | Closed | 02-13-2025 | Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) | Tariff revisions to Tariff No. 7, requesting a 5 percent increase for flexible fares as allowed in WAC 480-30-420 and replacing Time Schedule 16 with Time Schedule 17. The time schedule revisions align the scheduled service with the Washington State Ferries schedule. The Company provides scheduled reservation only auto transportation service. | |
250036 | Waste Control, Inc | Tariff Revision | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for tariff revisions to Tariff No. 20 that would generate approximately $136,600 (2.18 percent) in additional annual revenue. On March 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $55.81 per ton to $62.50 per ton set by the Cowlitz County Public Works. The Company serves approximately 12,700 residential, 480 commercial, and 100 drop box customers in Cowlitz County. The Company’s last general rate case became effective March 1, 2023. | |
250035 | MURREY'S DISPOSAL COMPANY, INC. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for Tariff revisions that would generate approximately $836,000 (2.7 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Pierce County Recycling, Composting and Disposal, LLC d/b/a LRI. On March 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $174.84 per ton to $184.99 per ton at LRI. Also a request for a Commodity Price Adjustment Tariff revisions for a $2.10 decrease (debit decrease from $2.64 to $0.54) per month for residential recycling customers and $0.99 decrease (debit decrease from $1.31 to $0.32) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 73,000 customers in Pierce County. The Company's last general rate increase became effective on March 1, 2023. | |
250034 | MURREY'S DISPOSAL COMPANY, INC. | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Solid Waste | Tariff Revisions in the form of a general rate increase request that, as originally filed, would have generated approximately $4,236,000 (7.4 percent) additional annual revenue for the collection of garbage, recycling, yard waste and medical waste services. Staff and the company have agreed to a lower additional annual revenue amount of approximately $_______ (___ percent) resulting in lower revised rates. The company provides regulated solid waste collection service to approximately 73,000 customers in Pierce County. The company’s last general rate increase became effective on March 1, 2023 | |
250033 | MDK Construction, Inc. | Assessment (penalty) | Formal | 01-30-2025 | Call Before You Dig Natural Gas | Staff investigation of MDK Construction, Inc. for an alleged violation of RCW 19.122. | |
250032 | Northwest Natural Gas Company | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Natural Gas | Revises Tariff WN U-6 to make a revision to correct tariff Sheet 231.1 due to a typographical error. This filing does not impact rates. | |
250031 | Inline Fence LLC | Assessment (penalty) | Formal | 01-30-2025 | Call Before You Dig Natural Gas | Staff Investigation of Inline Fence, LLC. d/b/a Coolcat Fence for an alleged violation of RCW 19.122. | |
250030 | Topher Ventures Inc. | Voluntary Cancellation | Closed | 01-15-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Voluntary cancel of household goods permit. | |
250028 | Thirlwall NW Holdings LLC | Insurance Action | Pending | 01-14-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Cancel permit for insufficient proof of insurance. | |
250027 | Consolidated Communications Enterprise Services, Inc. | Transfer of Property | Formal | n/a | Telecommunications | Post-Closing Notification Regarding Transfer of the Indirect Control of Consolidated Communications Enterprise Services, Inc. to Condor Holdings LLC. | |
250025 | Sanitary Service Company, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Solid Waste | Revising Tariff 9, adding Item 160, Industrial Trailer Service, requested by customer demand. This filing is a one-day filing per WAC 480-70-261. | |
250024 | Avista Corporation | Petition | Closed | 02-13-2025 | Electric | Petition for approval of an independent evaluator for the Company's 2025 all-source Request for Proposals. | |
250023 | Transfer of Property | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Water | Application for the sale and transfer of assets of Canyon Village Water System, Inc. to Canyon Ranch Water, LLC. Canyon Village Water System, Inc. serves approximately 310 residential customers on a water system in Benton County. | ||
250022 | Immediate Relocation Services Inc | Petition for Exemption | Closed | 01-30-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Petition for Exemption from WAC 480-15-302(11) to Allow Reinstatement Before 12 Months Since Permit Cancellation and Application for Reinstatement of THG070919. | |
250021 | Eagle Towncar Service LLC | Name Change | Pending | 01-28-2025 | Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) | Adding DBA to Certificate. | |
250020 | To The Mountain Shuttle, LLC | Certificate | Closed | 03-04-2025 | Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) | Reinstatement application. | |
250019 | Assessment (penalty) | Pending | 01-22-2025 | Call Before You Dig Natural Gas | Staff Investigation of Netvision, Inc. for an alleged violation of RCW 19.122. | ||
250018 | Basin Disposal of Washington, LLC | Tariff Revision | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for Tariff revisions in Item 230, drop box disposal fees. On March 1, 2025, disposal fees, set by Columbia County Transfer Station will increase from $106.17 per ton to $109.36 per ton. Annual drop box disposal revenues and expenses would increase by approximately $1,200 (3 percent). The Company serves approximately 44 drop box customers in Walla Walla County. | |
250017 | ExteNet LVS, LLC | Registration | Closed | 02-11-2025 | Telecommunications | Petition for Registration and Competitive Classification. | |
250016 | Rich & Associates, LLC | Voluntary Cancellation | Pending | 01-09-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Voluntary cancel of household goods permit. | |
250015 | Olympic Water and Sewer, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Pending | n/a | Water | Proposed general rate increase that would generate approximately $181,354 (17.5 percent) additional annual revenue. The Company provides water service to approximately 1,740 customers in Jefferson County. The Company’s last general rate case became effective December 08, 2023. | |
250014 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | The purpose of this filing is to make a housekeeping revision to Schedule 134, Community Solar Project Services. PSE previously filed tariff revisions which included a proposal to delete one of the subsections to the Enrollment |
250013 | Computer 5, Inc. | Petition | Closed | 02-28-2025 | Telecommunications | Notification of and petition for voluntary relinquishment of ETC Designations pursuant to 47 U.S.C 214(e)(4) by Computer 5, Inc. d/b/a LocalTel Communications and d/b/a SkyFi Wireless Internet. Both CAF-II and RDOF-I designation relinquishments are requested due to recent ETC replacement by Ziply Wireless, LLC and Ziply Fiber Northwest, LLC, respectively. | |
250011 | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Copies of FCC Form 555 information submitted by Lifeline ETCs to the Federal Communications Commission, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 54.416 (b). | ||
250010 | Staff Investigation | Pending | n/a | Telecommunications | Copies of FCC Form 481 information submitted by ALL ETCs to the Federal Communications Commission, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 54.313 and 47 C.F.R. §54.422 by July 15, 2025. Additionally, copies of the Access Recovery Charge (ARC) and Connect America Fund (CAF)-ICC recovery annual forms submitted to the Federal Communications Commission, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 51.915 for price cap carriers and 47 C.F.R. § 51.917 for rate-of-return carriers may also be filed in this docket as well by July 15, 2025 (to the extent that they are still applicable). Furthermore, the most recent Broadband Data Collection (BDC) data may be filed in this docket as well, by April 30, 2025. | ||
250009 | Waste Management of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 01-16-2025 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request from Waste Management – South Sound for Tariff revisions in Item 230, drop box disposal fees. On January 1, 2025, disposal fees will increase from $150.83 per ton to $165.91 per ton plus an additional fixed annual charge of $37.92 per ton as reflected in Title 10 of the King County Solid Waste Code. This request is to revise Item 230 is a clerical correction of Docket TG-240904, in which the increased disposal fees were approved. The Company serves approximately 17,700 garbage, recycling, and yard waste customers in King County. The Company’s last general rate case became effective March 1, 2021. | |
250008 | Morrison Moving & Storage Co., Inc. | Insurance Action | Pending | 01-08-2025 | Motor Freight Carrier | Cancel permit for insufficient proof of insurance. | |
250007 | Waste Management of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 01-30-2025 | Solid Waste | Less than statutory notice request for Tariff revisions for Waste Management of Washington d/b/a Waste Management of Greater Wenatchee for a $1.55 increase (credit increase from $0.30 to $1.85) per month for residential recycling customers. The Company serves approximately 6,800 residential recycling customers in Chelan, Douglas, Lincoln, and Okanogan Counties. | |
250006 | Waste Management of Washington, Inc. | Tariff Revision | Closed | 01-16-2025 | Solid Waste | Tariff revisions to correct error from Docket TG-240926 in Iitem 230 only. Rates were inadvertently reverted to old rates in the filing | |
250005 | Teleport Communications America, LLC | Petition | Closed | 01-30-2025 | Telecommunications | Petition from Teleport Communications America, LLC requesting a waiver of number utilization requirements for one thousand numbers in the 253 NPA, Tacoma Rate Center. | |
250004 | Friend, Tory | Permit | Pending | 02-03-2025 | Household Goods Carriers | Reinstatement application for household goods permit. | |
250001 | Puget Sound Energy | Tariff Revision | Closed | n/a | Electric | Revises Tariff WN U-60, Schedule 129D, Bill Discount Rate Rider, Sheets 129D-A and 129D-B to correct a scrivener’s error which included the incorrect revision number. This filing does not impact customer rates. |